Forza Vista is lacking...

So I have a few very minor complaints about Forza Vista, I love forza vista, if anything its up there towards the top of my list for coolest things in the game, but i have a few complaints, firstly it lacks special car things, for example with the Bugatti SS the hydraulic wing/air brake has 3(maybe 4?) positions it sits in not including down completely, but in Forza Vista you only get one, not really major but I’d enjoy seeing it in that speed position where its almost down but the back is up. My second complaint is about some cars and the ability to open the hood, some cars you can open it before and after upgrading the engine (SLR McLaren) but some cars you can open it before you upgrade it when its stock and after you upgrade it suddenly you cant open it (Skyline R33). Some you can’t open it at all and I don’t understand the consistency, I can see how it is with the skyline, obviously the engine would look noticeably different with different cams so maybe they didnt wanna bother with aftermarket parts visible on the engine, I understand that. Finally my last complaint is with the cinematic video things that are all over forza vista, they’re on everything you do, when you start it you get this weird cinematic thing, I’d much rather enjoy seeing the key being twisted or the button being pressed on the cars with push button start, i don’t know, maybe I’m the only one with these complaints. They’re minor though I’m sure people have noticed these.


I find two things lacking about Forzavista

The first is that the female announcer is completely bland. I liked the old guy from Forza 4 a lot better.

The second is that the commentary is only car specific for certain models. For other cars it’s just a default manufacturer commentary.


I have a bug in the German audio for nearly every Dodge/Chrysler/Jeep (SRT models). The female announcer is always telling me something about the brand Saleen and this is a bit annoying :frowning: .


Please don’t let Mr Greenawalt see this… But seriously I think its a ‘nice’ addition to the game, but not necessary.


Yeah, I couldn’t care less about it. Not even something I go into when I’m really bored.


agreed. So much effort for something which equates to a fancy screen saver… Especially given those resources could have been dedicated to making tracks… boggle…


Out of curiosity, which resources would those have been? What percentage of the track creation team were redeployed to work on Autovista?

Not sure if serious.

I want car-specific commentary on all cars, but since we don’t I normally don’t even bother listening. I especially miss Clarkson’s commentary from FM4.


I like how Clarkson, Hammond, and May commentate things for the series intros thats one of my favorite things about the game being a huge Top Gear fan. I do miss Jezzas commentary in forza vista though.

Instead of this can we get some history of cars maybe. I like gran turismos setup kind of where there is a huge article about each car I would like that for every car as well in audio preferably. Forzavista to me is worthless. I have used it twice it would have been better to just show screen shots of real cars engine bays interiors and everything else the programming that went into this feels like a waste


I adore forzavista. I collected 1:18 scale model cars obsessively as a kid, it sort of brings back memories from those days, inspecting the models for details.

Plus, there’s the part where I can drive 'em.

I agree with OP on the opening hood thing. Also, the cars are too quiet when you start 'em up. Some of these beasts would blow the windows out of that room if you started them in there.

I like it too, hope they improve it further in future versions, one thing I hope they change is that we may remain inside the car during the start sequence

This, so much this. While I like the commentaries from the Top Gear crew at the beginning of each race series, always guessing what Clarkson would say in the FV last game made it fun and made it feel more like a Top Gear companion product.

Maybe he just ran out of snarky things to say?

I even love Forza Vista. One thing I would love so much (and I don’t think it would be a big work) is to have the possibility to start the engine and to leave the car with engine on. Than to go behind the car and rev it form the outside. Please!!! :smiley:

heir all of the people working on vista. without paying their salaries more people could have been hired for racing content. assuming salaries are comparable its a 1 to 1 trade off. for every person working on showroom department you have to take a position away from the racing dept. its zero sum. to remain in the same budget to get something one place it must be taken from somewhere else. not just tracks but debugging (crash to dash, having to hard rest consoles etc…), game features(user created lobbies etc…), day night cycles, weather, etc…its not limited to just more tracks or cars.


As a painter I love autovista and the way it is now integrated into the game. I’ve done a complete u turn in my opinion of it in FM4 where it seemed totaly detatched and pointless, the fact people had wasted time modelling cars for that which you couldn’t even drive in the game annoyed me. Now I can paint a car and check it out in autovista where you can check for mistakes a lot easier, plus paint jobs just look so much better now.

The exterior of each car is already modeled for use in the game. The interior of each car is already modeled for use in the game. The sound profile is already modeled for use in the game.The ability to paint each car is already present in the game. The ability to upgrade and tune each car is already present in the game. By my estimation that leaves basically opening the doors and bonnet and modelling the engine to complete a car for Autovista.

So, again, which resources were taken away from track creation to add the new details required to give a car the Autovista treatment? Which resources were taken away from coding gameplay such as user-created lobbies? We seem to have a great many experts that are convinced Autovista has caused a gutting of other features in the game so let’s see some numbers.

In Forza 4, cars sounded brutal and real in Autovista, but in FM5, the cars sound dull in Forzavista, and sound much better in-game.

I would rather have the female narrator announce the racing series and have TG announce the Forzavista cars, rather than having it be the other way around.