During Multiplayer races, a huge portion of the to right corner is filled with Car Progression gibberish, I dont know how is that helpful, but this is a mockup I made to bring some Quality of Life updates to the main interface. It will help us players massively and will improve the game experience. The Pit Message Board should come up everytime I cross the Start/Finish point.
Just a few changes here and there, also the Right D-Pad button can be assigned to change "Brake Bias’ settings as this will also improve especially in long races where I see my rear tires getting overworked I can change my brake bias to front to reduce rear tyre usage.
Is this too much to ask for?
This plus laps on the current tire on the board would be perfect.
I would definitely welcome some UI changes like these. You’d think the “serious” Forza Motorsport would prioritize some useful information in the UI, but strangely they leave some of it out
Anyone else think the tire wear UI is rubbish?
We could use also right d pad for High beam for racing at night
Yes, the game could greatly benefit from many UI/UX/QoL improvements.
It’s low-hanging fruit compared to more complex areas like physics, AI, penalty enforcement, etc.
Supposedly, the Suggestions Hub is the “best” way to get requested features noticed… no promises™
A post was merged into an existing topic: Full track minimap during race
This is not to much to ask. LeMans Ultimate was able to add a radar and better interface to multiplayer races after only a few months of being released. Forza still has issues that usually only games in beta tests have.
The interface that you’re suggesting looks awesome! I would love to see something like this.
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Thank you so much, hopefully T10 will take some of my suggestions. I dont expect everything here as some might be harder to implement.
Up, I’d like to see this , or at least the tires and fast lap.
It’s absolutely crucial if we can see the tyre data, as a spec series player, GT2, GT3 and Forza Touring, knowing my opponents tyres are super important, i dont want to fight hard for position when i have hard and my opponent behind is on medium. Now it’s all about guessing. And it gets worse in Endurance races
You already know the answer to that question.
I do however like the data you presented in the mock-up (and voted for it). Some if it is accessible or calculable via UDP already, but even there we have limited data.
I’m not sure what you meant, but I do have faith in T10. They did implement RADAR system for the first time since the birth of Forza Motorsport, so I think my mockup is quite achievable. Maybe not the pit-board message but other things I’m sure they can.
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