This game needs some quality of life UI updates

I actually l enjoy this game and we just got the best performing car (AMR Pro) albeit too good for how the car is in real life (but it’s exciting to have and drive), and we’re about to get the best track. So it’s looking up.

But the quality really starts on the UI side and in that regard this game tends to feel like Windows 95.

When I back out of viewing/upgrading a car, WHY does it start me back to the VERY BEGINNING of my garage! I have to scroll all the way back to the car to re access it.

Can’t rotate the view of cars in the performance upgrade menu.

On top of that, I’d love more passion in the UI and garage views. Let us rev/hear the car. Give us some immersive elements to the garage, maybe seeing cars next to each other. Maybe let us drive it low speed in a garage setting. Fun stuff like that that makes you “feel” the cars and the game.

To me that’s more important than actual gameplay changes. Because I actually quite like the gameplay. I like the physics, I think the graphics are decent enough (I’m on Series S and it’s fine to me, though I hope to see some improvements). I think what we need in this game above all is more logic, passion and fun OUTSIDE of the race track as well. Thats where you feel how much love is actually put into the game.

Aside from that, I have a mobile racing game where one of the favorite tracks is called “airport” where we can top speed test, screw around and have car meets when playing online. FM bringing stuff like that back is imperative.


A global home/maim menu button would be great, save having to press back a million times.
Also alot of the small detail like OP mentions I hope make their way back to the overall experience.

  • dyno graph
  • Move camera in upgrades
  • improved forzavista/rev engine
  • Stats
  • Favourite Cars

Its alot of these small things that add up to make the overall user experience feel like its taken a step back.


Yes, how do they not have these staples from other games in the series


I’d also like the game to remember ‘Last Car Used’, instead of going through all my cars collection and choosig that specific car


We’re monitoring these ideas in the Suggestions Hub. Be sure you’re voting on related topics to have your interest counted:


YES!! Stats are needed. Individual car track times recorded. And huge huge bonus if we can save against ANY car’s ghost that we’ve previously recorded. Not just the fastest car we’ve recorded.


Thanks and voted for all of them.

OH and another piece of feedback in garage view (aside from more immersion and starting/revving etc.) if when I go inside to view the interior, the lighting is SO dark I can’t see anything. Like literally it looks like the harshest glare or shadowing or something so I can’t see the interior at all.

Also there is taa ghosting on the interiors make the cockpits look even worse.

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Since this is all about the car UI here are some other things that would be nice:

  • There should always be some basic info shown
    • Car category
    • Car class
    • Car level
  • When doing searches for builds
    • Should be able to limit search by car level
    • When reviewing the build there should be comparison data, not just a chart that doesn’t tell you anything or speed/timing values that say they are higher or lower, especially since that data is several screen back
    • The value of points you have to spend should be visible