Forza Race Regulations | Public Beta Feedback Thread - August 2019

We’re back with the Official Forza Race Regulations feedback thread for August 2019. The August 2019 update for Forza Motorsport adds disqualifications to the Forza Race Regulations feature set.

The August 2019 update is the final update for Forza Motorsport 7, and disqualifications are the final feature added to Forza Race Regulations for Forza 7. That said, we are interested in your feedback on the system as it is now in Forza 7 as we continue to develop these kinds of features in the future.

To keep things organized and friendly, we ask for a few guidelines to be followed:

  1. Please stay on topic. We greatly appreciate your passion for the whole game, but we are focusing on feedback regarding Forza Race Regulations as it exists in April 2019.
  2. Please be constructive and respectful. The more constructive your suggestions are (specific examples are always appreciated), the more it helps us when we review the feedback.
  3. Please use this as a place to post your feedback overview, not to discuss the feature or other people’s feedback. This helps us to collate and pass on your feedback. If you would like to discuss the feature or your feedback ideas with others, you can do so here on dedicated discussion thread sin the Forza Forums or on our Discord server.
  4. We will collect, review and pass on your feedback to the development team, but please be aware that we may not be able to act on or implement every suggestion.
  5. When we make changes based on your feedback, they won’t be visible right away - it may take some time before a specific item gets addressed.

Overall, I have been pleased with progress made with FRR, and now having a disqualification system in place, would seem to be the next piece of the puzzle.

However, by choosing to keep FRR in the Cycled Production Hoppers ONLY, will mean that those of us that prefer racing cars that can be tuned, where a “long-term relationship with a car” can be developed (you know, the philosophical direction for the next release), will never get the chance to really enjoy FRR. AT least not with FM7. Speaking for myself, I have no interest in driving stock (un-tuned) cars at all, let alone a hopper where I am thrown from one stock car to another.

FRR will get just one public hopper and whatever private races you can find. So disappointed with this decision.


Do I understand that correctly? FRR will only exist in a single hopper lobby?

So far I have loved the introduction of FRR into FM7. I felt as though some rules implemented into the races was one thing that Forza online desperately needed and I’m so glad the development team has buckled down to bring this to us.

That being said; I only have one major critique about the system.

Most of the time that you are involved in a multiple-car crash (even if you were not the one to grief / start the crash) you’ll get an “avoidable collision penalty”. I think it mostly happens when a car is rammed into you by another car.

For instance, let’s say three cars are heading into turn one on whatever track, you’re leading the pack followed by car A and car B respectively. Car B misses their braking point badly and punts car A into you hard, this most of the time will result in car A hitting your car a total of 2 or maybe even 3 separate times which neither driver can control. You, the one initially leading the pack, will more than likely receive a collision penalty for this even though the impacts were completely out of your control.

Other than that, I think FRR is a very solid penalty system and does well to recognize an actual corner-cut from going off track to avoid an accident. It makes me very very hopeful that the next Forza Motorsport title will have a more competitive online experience for us to really immerse ourselves into

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Restricting FRR to a single lobby would be the most stupid decision I can imagine. There need to be several lobbies, including full simulation, class-based FRR lobbies.

We will have over a year before FM8 arrives. If FRR is not rolled out properly then it will not be used by many FM7 players and the majority will lose interest and migrate to better sim racers.

Momentum for this game must be carried forward to FM8. Right now it feels stagnant and I believe FRR is the only thing that can sustain the community.


FRR need to be enabled in all hoppers except for the “fun modes” and in leagues.

Don’t do us like this Turn10, you have something that fixes most of the racing frustrations right there and it’s not enabled by default. Come on now.
Enable it in all hoppers(where it makes sense) and in league. Please. I beg you.


In your latest video you all keep on saying how proud you are and how hard you have worked on the FFR and how hard it has been to implement the right formula etc etc, You then fail to implement all this hard work you keep on saying you have done into the game, APART FROM A LOBBY THAT HARDLY ANYBODY USES. To say I am disappointed is the biggest understatement I can make. Knowing that this is the last update and this is how you leave the game after promising FFR is bitter to swallow. SO DISSAPOINTED. SHAME, I won’t even start on the jokey cars of the last car packs. As Forza players/drivers we all have lost the race on the last corner. One angry player…


With the final update today I had high hopes but but got let down in a major way. I am puzzled how turn 10 could spend months working on race regulations and then leave us with one hopper that rotates mostly garbage to use the regulations. Why wouldn’t they at least give us a couple more hoppers to mix things up while we wait for the next forza? Maybe I am asking for to much I don’t know. I could give a crap about having another Porsche to drive I want variety and options.


Does anybody else feel used like I do. Turn 10 used us to dial in frr so they could have a good head start on working frr fully into the next forza that probably won’t even come out on xbox one. What a c tease this has been for me. Hoping that this last up date we would get so much more and be able to use frr in all the hoppers was a major mistake on my part. This is rediculous one minute you have turn 10 saying that they are focusing all their attention on this forza and now all of a sudden xbox scarlet is garning more attention and they are leaving us hanging. What have we seen since turn 19 was still focusing all their attention on this forza. A few more cars to drive that are almost identical to cars already in the game and we get used for test frr for them. Wow. That doesn’t sound like focusing all your attention to something to me.


Is T10 gonna address this to us??? It would be nice to hear why this happened. We thought we were gonna get FRR in more than one stock lobby.


Hell no they ain’t going to address this. It wouldn’t be convenient for them when they are all already working on the next forza. God do I hope to see some new tracks in the next one alot of new tracks.

  1. I find some Penaltys for track-cuting a bit to hard like cuting a track over a chicane-curb often you get a 0,250 or a 0,500 Penalty and you didn’t cut the track so hard.
  2. The disqualification works really crazy for example I saw very often Players with 15,00 or 20,00 Penaltys and they were crashing everyone but they didin’t got disqualified Maybe it would work better if everyone with a 10 secounds Penalty get’s disqualified. And another example I crashed with intent in the first curve after a Long straight in as much Player as I could do and I rouind everyones race but I got only a 6,500 secounds Penalty but in an other Situation I got pushed from an bad Racer in an other Racer in a curve and got a 5,500 secounds Penalty and that car wich crashed into me got no Penalty.So there the FRR works very bad, an other example on Road Atlanta I crashed again in the first curve after racestart with intent in the first 4 Players and let’s guess what for a Penalty got for rouine the race of the Leaders Right I got NO Penalty 0;000 SECOUNDS. So I would say there are theweaknesses of the FRR.
  3. The colisions. In Forza it hapens very often that someone craches you in a curve in the inside and you lose Control of the car but the car that pushed you get’s not often a Penalty or someon crashes in the back of the car Right in the Breaking are and you get pushed wide or lose the complete race and what for a Penalty got that car Right 3,500 but you lose 3 or 5 places and 5 or 7 secounds.And in another test on the Circuit of the Americas I crashed 6 times ( it was the short Version with very much straights ) in the race-train (4-8 cars) I got some time a 10 secounds Penalty and sometimes no Penalty in Addition I cut every longer curve at least I crashed in Players the half race got and altogether I got a 30 secounds Penalty and got finally disqualified but ruined from every Player the race.
  4. I think FRR must detect agressive Players and penalise the harder an other Thing is that a crashed car that hit in case of the crash other cars didn’t get penalised and that crashers get faster disqualified and that the disqualification hapens at a fix Penalty time like you get more than 8 secounds of Penalty time you get disqualified.Because bad Drivers must learn to leave every car place and must race carefully.
  5. It happens often that some one pushes you wide in a curve but don’t get a Penalty
  6. It happens often too that some one pushes you in the start of the race in some one else and you get a Penalty but not the really crasher

Could someone please from Turn 10 explain why FFR has not been introduced into the lobbies where it is needed, Was it in your minds not ready for launch? Why is it just in a cycle production where not many race. After all the talk and total hype, you at Turn 10 have been doing you dont implement the work across the lobbies, Crashers win again. Can someone please respond as it just infuriates us…


It’s a shame. It should have been put in the leagues at the very least. It should have been made clear from the start that FRR would never make it into any other hoppers or leagues. Could have tested it until the next Forza.


Indeed. I am really mad a T10 for not putting FRR in R,S,A,B,C,D lobbies


Bwoah… just came here to read reviews of FRR update before i have a go myself…. nothing but general bitching and moaning in here. This is supposed to be a thread for constructive and specific feedback for those testing in the beta FRR hopper.

When were we promised FRR would be introduced to other hoppers? I found it very clear in monthly stream that FRR development is complex and will take years (i.e FM8 duh!).

It was announced back in March Turn10 was diverting resources to the Next Motorsport, which is a good thing imo as that game will be better for it.

Finally, all of this content and updates have been completely free of charge, so i think you should ask yourself; is it possible your disappointment is just a reflection of your own sense of entitlement?

Ok, rant over, back on topic…. I need a snickers…


Telling turn ten that this should be implemented into other hoppers is feedback. They want to hear what we think and thats what people wanted, more selection instead of a single hopper. They know the FRR works well so why not put it into other hoppers? Give people something to do for the next year instead of being rammed off the track every race, that way more people may also be able to/ want to test the new system.


I got two things to say about FRR:

  1. Since we’ve established that FM7 became a guinea pig for the franchise moving forward, I wasn’t surprised or disappointed to see it only implemented in one hopper. That being said, it would be better if it was available in more hoppers, more interesting hoppers at least, compared to the current stock car hopper that is. It goes without saying that in the next game, the FRR must not be an option, but “how the game simply is”. It should be “on” in every public multiplayer hopper, with the option to turn it off obviously in private races.

2)I won’t talk about whether the system hands out penalties correctly or not, that’s a discussion for further down the line, especially since we got more than 12 months until the next game. I will talk about the penalties bad drivers should receive outside the context of a particular race. The FRR needs to be tied to a licence system, similarly to other titles, which I won’t mention, since people have been against it when somebody else mentioned other franchises than Forza. If a driver is consistently slacking, let alone being outright dirty, there should be a penalty system that reflects that. A safety rating tied to gamertags is crucial to the whole multiplayer experience, otherwise it’s just like the cops arresting a burglar and then letting him go once they reach the precinct. Dirty players should play with dirty players and clean players should race with only clean players. The game’s population can 100% support that, since we’ve seen it work as expected in other games with much, much lower population figures and that can only be better now that Xbox is essentially a closed-system PC and cross-play with PC’s is common/certain for first-party MS titles.

Hopefully you (the people behind these kind of decisions in Turn 10) won’t hesitate like you had been doing since 2013 and Forza 5 and maybe the next installment will become fun again for all of us who enjoy clean, laid-back competitive racing.


Turn 10… you and I need a little chat about intent…

Intent almost never matters in racing. Let me explain this in the most simple way possible:

If you mess up or make a mistake and barrel into someone, completely ruining their race, intent SHOULD NOT factor. You’ve made a mistake. You’ve ruined another driver’s race. You need to be punished for that mistake NO MATTER IF IT WAS INTENTIONAL OR NOT. I do not care if you lost time and didn’t “gain an advantage”. You still need to be punished.

If you lose control of your car and smash into someone, tough luck, that’s your fault. I don’t care if it was an accident and you made a mistake, you need to be punished because you’ve ruined another drivers race. I don’t see any driver in F1 accidentally smashing into another car and the stewards say “Nah pal, you’re all G, 'was just a mistake!”. No. Just no. You need to be punished.

The only time intent should factor into collisions is in 2 scenarios:

  1. If you get tagged or crashed into, causing you to then hit one car. Essentially a ripple effect.

  2. If you have to take avoiding action from an existing pile up or collision ahead or ifa collision and roadblock is ahead that is unavoidable.

Fix this Turn 10.

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The FRR is far from perfect, but it’s close enough to roll out more hoppers. At least a B, A, S, R, Forza GT hopper. It’s good enough I think you’d see the vast majority of racers migrate to the FRR hoppers. Not everyone wants to race production cars.

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