Forza Race Marshals program and request for user alerts

Forza Race Marshals pilot program
Announced in the August 5th Week in Review:

What the Marshals Are, and Are Not
Forza Race Marshals are looking for racing incidents between players. Marshals are not developers and do not have any control over game glitches, wishlist items, or other game issues. There are other discussion threads in this forum and the Support forum for those reports, and as always users should report problems to Please do not message T10-icon-gamertag Marshals about cars or tracks or features changes, or about joining the program.

How the Community Can Help
Users can help alert Marshals to look for incidents in lobbies where they most often occur. If you see racing incidents you can post the lobby info and date in this thread. Example:

Spec League - Elite division
11pm [local time zone] August 3

Lobby and date are the only posts that should appear in this thread: do not name and shame gamertags, and do not add extra commentary or debate over how to fix things. Marshals will not be responding to this thread but by observing user reports they may be able to seek out and address incidents more effectively. Users can discuss the Race Marshal program and related topics in the Forza Race Marshal discussion thread.

Also, users can help by saving replays of races where incidents occurred. Save your replay with an innocuous name and share it in game, then message Snowowl on these forums or with information about what they should be looking for (car, time, gamertag, infraction). Report when the incident is obvious; some driver error is a reality of multiplayer gaming and does not warrant enforcement. Again, users should not expect specific responses or immediate action, but know that your reports are helpful toward the effort to produce cleaner and more enjoyable online racing. Lobby players also still have the ability to Vote to Kick offending racers by selecting their gamertag to bring up the menu. Xbox Live also has reporting features for abusive or offensive behavior in game and over chat.

One last reminder: if you are the victim of bad behavior by another player, do not retaliate. There is never a justification for wrecking another player or engaging in abusive communication, which can result in enforcement on your own actions. Report and move on.


[Mod edit - WSD - Lobby and date are the only posts that should appear in this thread]

(Comment: please just delete this post instead, or at the very least open up a discussion thread)


[Mod edit - WSD - Lobby and date are the only posts that should appear in this thread]

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Modern gt endurance hopper
Since 11am till now gmt

Lots of incidents between players. People waiting up to ram. It’s a [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D]

Not sure if they are ment only for leagues, but requesting a marshal in the normal B class hopper I’m in.
3pm gmt+2 August 7th

Edit: Lobby is full at times, so might have trouble joining

[Mod edit - WSD - Lobby and date are the only posts that should appear in this thread]

S class public hopper, 10:00pm EST

Modern GT league Elite Division.
8pm gmt+2 August 7th.

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[Mod edit - WSD - Lobby and date are the only posts that should appear in this thread]

[Mod edit - WSD - Lobby and date are the only posts that should appear in this thread]

Keep an eye out for the class hoppers during the late hours of both the European and American play times (9:00+ GMT/ 9:00+ EST)

Drivers often have a few too many and lose the ability to control their tempers as a result. These are usually when I find the most wreckers in A class lobbies

R class Public hopper. Anytime. lol
SW1 league. Whenever possiible

ForzaRC S1W1 League: Elite division
1:00 PM-1:16 PM EDT August 8

ForzaRC S1W1 League Lobby - Pinnacle division
2:32pm EST August 8
Guys cutting corners and taking each other out. I’ve had 2 races out of 8 ruined so far.

Forzarc w1 league pinnicle
Right now and all the way to the end

ForzaRC Elite division 21:53 - till close of play ive given up editing

Every League Lobby in professional needs a marshall. At all times.

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the Elite league lobbies need some eyes in them too