Forza motorsport drivatars

I play a lot of free play races. My difficulty is 8 and the middle option.

The drivatars seem to not be any faster when going through some slight turns. They seem to brake check and cause a collision.

Ive played maple valley recently and you can coast pretty fast around the first, second, third and fourth turn. Also the turn 5 before the birdge.

In these turns the AI will not be going the same speed as i do if they are maxed out difficultly. But thats not to say all of them brake check or unnecessarily slow down. Some do go way to fast and end up in the dirt and isntead of waiting for traffic to pass. They pull right out and cause a pile up.

When this happens. I get no indication that a major accident occurs and sometimes i can get extremely lucky drive through the mess. Other times not so much.

So im curious to know if there is another setting option that i have to turn on or will there be flag men or women waving a caution flag or will there be blinking yellow or green or red lights thorught the track?

Will the AI be able to be based upon a players skill level instead of a base increase of speed?

When can we expect a mordern day f1 car as well because i want one lol.

Thank you for reading.

What you see is what you get. Some of the dumbest AI in the video game realm today. I think the AI now is even worse than the FH5 AI. They just might even be worse than the old FM1 AI.


The whole game is just a big lie.
If you read what they sayd and when you see what we get… Then you can just :face_vomiting:


AI = absurdly inept


If the future is A.I we are all doomed!


The problems make sense if you think about them in the way a dumb AI would. If you ever slow down to not hit an AI on the straights, the dumb AI think slowing down on the straights is good. If you brake at the apex to make your car turn a lil or to not rear end an AI, the dumb AI thinks braking on the apex is good no matter what or when. The AI copies things you do. Not when you would do them or why you would do them, it just does them.

Funny thing is mate. I lap the cars 8 times on Hakone highest settings might i add. So why arent they keeping up?

coulda been 1time in the last 50 races you let off on a straight somewhere. That’s all it would take for them to not drive the straight flat out. As for sheer speed, i got no clue why they aren’t faster

Where are you getting these ideas from :joy:

Yeah the AI is just bad.

Here i ask me also where the “new damage model” is?
I feel we where back in 1990 even then there some games had a better damage model!

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I think it has something to do with that car manufacturers don’t want their cars to get completely destroyed. It’s a licensing issue, you will never see licensed IRL cars completely destroyed.

You will never see something like this happening with IRL cars in games.

That is why games where you crash others have made up fantasy cars like in the Burnout games.

And that is why the damage model also is great in GTA or in that Matrix UE5 tech demo.

Go to a track and hit the wall in the same place 20ish times, then watch the AI start hitting the wall in the same spot. Test stuff.

I know that this is the reason for this. But previous Forza games had a much better damage model.
But this problem here is by far the smalles this game has.

In FM7 the dmg model was worse, i think it also isn’t better in the Horizon games.

I never played FM1-FM6 so no idea how they were. I was playing GT1-GT4 and then didn’t have any Simcade game until FM6: Apex was released, but i barely played that and can barely remember it. I really started getting into the series in FM7.

Yeah… Nah, I must be stuck with A.I from players that can’t drive.

Never used the brakes in all the sections that the A.I needlessly do on the Nord, Never!
So testing has been done :upside_down_face:

Dude I told you that AI will do things like slow down on straights in places you haven’t and for reasons you don’t, just because some where on some track you DID. The AI copies you, so if yours sucks it’s just a mirror.

I’ve read a lot of horse manure on this site, but this genuinely has to be at the top of the pile.


The AI doesn’t copy anyone, it’s all just a marketing lie in case you haven’t realized it yet.


And the world is flat. Just because the AI still sucks doesn’t mean it’s not copying.