Forza Motorsport 6 | A Serious Look Back... (Community Review)

Since it’s nearing the end with Forza 7 on the way in just a few months, I think it’d be really worthwhile just compiling everyone’s thoughts on the overall experience of this game.

We’re all very familiar with how media reviews only reflect what’s new, exciting and potentially great about racing games, where as this game’s true measure is in need of a serious retrospect now that it’s had more than enough time in the real world; bug updates, feature patches, DLC and all. Who here believes Forza Motorsport 6 has lived up to be as great of a game as it was set/marketed to be?

Really have little else to say right now, so would love to hear thoughts of others ahead of the next Forza Motorsport installment - will you be keeping on the franchise or heading elsewhere to Project CARS, Gran Turismo Sport, Assetto Corsa, etc.?

This new video I found just sums it all up in the funniest yet saddest way


JSR Myth

Japspeed Racing
JSR | Japspeed Racing | Esports Racing Team | @japspeedracing

I won’t be buying Forza 7 on release day, instead I will be checking actual game-play footage of youtubers ( pretty much Super GT and JSR Devon) to see if this game is even worth purchasing… for a week or two. I’m looking for better single player campaign mostly but am looking at how they are dealing with wreckers and how much they got carried away with tire barriers ( I bet they haven’t done anything with Sebring still) … all the things they have revealed so far don’t mean much to me. Plus I have doubts that the weather system is actually dynamic, I’m guessing the storm/rain with start at the same point every race … but I hope to be pleasantly surprised by turn 10.

I’m not one to spend a lot of money on gaming, but I am looking at Project Cars 2 atm, so that may change.


I don’t see much differences now to FM6. The track list is nearly the same and the car list isn’t excite me that much either. Though i will grab that title probably, but for sure at a point when it is on sale. Won’t buy a Forza title again for released pricing and of course without any additional packages like the most useless thing ever → VIP.
There are some more things i like to know before i buy and then making the decision if i do so or not. For the moment i just can say, i’m not interested in FM7.


Well, for me personally, I don’t think I have to migrate to other games altogether. I can still enjoy Forza while playing CARS2 or the upcoming GTR3 (on consoles). I’m a fan of cars and racing really, so no taking sides for me.

To date, I have purchased every Forza title with my eyes closed, though some of the latter releases have disappointed to some extent. This time around, I’m taking it easy and waiting for reviews and gamer impressions first-hand, before even deciding I need another Forza title in my collection. To be honest, it’s based on a lot of hype - 4K, 60 fps, HDR… that’s all I got from E3 and post E3 impressions. Virtually no talk of physics, innovations in car sounds and overall sound stage, steering mechanics, cockpit animation etc. I suppose all that comes down to personal preference, but I feel “over 700 cars” as a selling point might mean the franchise could, possibly could, be headed down a similar road as GT.

So I will wait and see if it truly boasts the quality and depth that made the earlier Forza titles so great, particularly the ones from the X360 days.


In short, I still enjoy the game as it is, but for various reasons it did not live up to the expectations it was marketed for. There are many pro’s and con’s, but the biggest let down for me is public on-line play [hoppers / league play, party chat etc.s]. The rest is like my mother in law - she is what she is and I’ve learned to deal with her, and same for FORZA. Will most certainly buy FM7, but will explore other options for on-line play if FM7 turns out to be similar.


You realize the only way to make t10/ms accountable for their product is with your money right? Saying for certain that you will be buying 7 when you thought fm6 was only ok is the same as saying. “Well forza 6 wasnt very good, and it doesnt look like they are going to change much. Well done t10 im going to buy that!” Until sales numbers hurt, they will not make major changes they will continue to pump out similar products over and over with minimal changes.


Yes I realise that and agree with you 100%. Problem is, it’s mostly the more serious players that have concerns like public online play etc which seems to be the vast minority of the total player numbers. The majority seems to care little and are in most instances actually the ones causing the lobbies to become a crasher and cutting playing field. So if the serious players “withdraw” from the game, we’re just being replaced by these new careless kids on the block. AND based on a few statements made and certain strategies observed, it seems that MS / T10 decided that they are the ones that need to be satisfied and that there are enough of them to keep the game alive. So unless the more serious players start to have an impact on future thinking in the game, the “speak with your wallet” argument looks doomed before it even started.

As for buying an “average” game, I believe that FORZA still have many other good things going and I just keep hoping the bad things will improve. As I’ve said, it like my mother in law, I always hope that she will come to her senses.


I enjoy playing Forza and it’s the one, and only game I keep coming back to.

I’ve had every game from day one, but won’t be rushing in this time around, to buy the new Xbox-X, and New 4k TV, as much as I want to, LOL it’s just to much.

I’ve had fun on Forza 6 and will def purchase 7 on day one digitally. May well upgrade console and TV in the future, but just can’t justify it just for the hype of 4k, I’m sure it will still look good on the XB1.

Not getting caught like that again, Forza 6 and new console was most expensive upgrade so far !

I have P-cars as well and have enjoyed it, except for the messing about they did with the controller settings, wish they had of left it as was as was getting used to that, altho’ it was challenging, i think they dumbed it down too much.

P-cars for me just does not have the draw of forza.

Fingers crossed it will be a Good Un’ :wink:

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I’ll keep this relatively short since it’s too late for any of our feedback to influence Forza Motorsport 7 in any meaningful way.

  • Car & Track Content and Quality: Yes

  • Visuals and game engine performance: Yes

  • Leagues: No
    They were pretty good in the beginning, but issues started to come up and eventually they just weren’t that fun to play in anymore. Even the Pinnacle Division was having the same problems with griefing that the Public Hoppers were, which is a shame as Leagues were designed specifically to prevent such a thing from happening.

  • Multiplayer: No
    There are countless threads on why Public Hopper racing has been a negative experience for many players, so I won’t re-tread those points here. All I will say is that such issues can largely be eradicated with the right overall game design philosophy and a set of features that push players towards racing cleanly with one another. I have seen it work in other games, most notably Gran Turismo 6.

I am waiting to hear about a few things regarding Forza Motorsport 7 before I decide if it’s worth my time or not. The 2 most important things to me are clean Public Hoppers and a robust user-generated content sharing system. Forza is my favourite racing franchise and I want to see it check all the boxes, but these 2 elements are crucial to my further enjoyment of the series and they have largely been on a quality decline since active support for Forza Motorsport 4 ended in 2012.

Gran Turismo Sport is a game I am already committing to buying, for the reasons stated here:

This is the thing that got me interested in Gran Turismo Sport and from my beta experience it has made the game a must-buy for me.

I’m fed up of having to deal with crashers, corner-cutters and disrespectful opponents in Public Multiplayer races when all I want to do is hop online at any given time and have some good, clean racing. I got more of that in the few months of Gran Turismo Sport’s beta than I did in the past 10 years of almost all other racing games combined.

I shouldn’t “have” to be apprehensive about a new Forza title; the series does so many things right and in a more enjoyable way than any other series on the market, but its recent failings happen to be in the fields I care about the most, and certain experiences have been negative enough to turn a die-hard fan into a person that may leave the series altogether.


PJ - just wanted to add a note here thanking you for taking to the time to give us your informed opinion. The points you bring up are spot on, and I certainly hope you stick around to help the community - but totally understand your reasoning.

I’m afraid as long as parents buy their 6 year old kids an xBox, and what kid doesn’t like cars… and what 6 year old kid can actually drive a car??? Ahhh, kinda tells me that the problems with the online experience on Forza will never change. I don’t even have an online account… all the bad stuff about public hoppers being said it’s obviously a huge waste of time & money to even consider racing public hoppers. That said, I’m still going to get Forza 7 (sounds fun) , but I’m now saving for a PS4. Hope to race you soon! And again, thanks for all the posts bud - we’re listening :slight_smile:


I am new to console gaming and fm6 is the reason i bought an xbox one after i had the chance to try fm6 apex on my pc. I’ve Always played sim games since Nascar 2003 on pc but well i have to admit i love play pubblic hoppers and League with this Great simcade game. I just hope they improve it but even if they keep the same as in fm6 i’ll buy fm7 anyway, i’m interested in new content Too so i’ll enjoy the game.

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I come from a very similar position as yourself - I only got an Xbox One a year ago as friends wouldn’t stop raving on about Forza Motorsport 6. The one thing they couldn’t get enough of, which now happens to be arguably my favourite feature of the entire game, is that you could have fast lap times during lobbies be placed onto the leaderboards. I was a complete leaderboard nut for years, playing Project Gotham Racing 4 even up until 2016. I somehow got hit up from a few teams in my short stint with Forza, but truth be told I’ve already started going back to PGR4 due to the sheer, absolute, diabolical ball-ache of gameplay that is multiplayer. Call it a latency issue, call it poor physics, but I think the fact that a AAA franchise can that even dares to have Motorsport in its name and has a less stable contact system than its arcade racing counterpart (Forza Horizon) is just something that within a year of playing this game has bewildered me beyond belief and I only stick around if & when my team (Japspeed Racing) genuinely needs me to represent in competition.

TL;DR There is no ability to play this game on a purely leisurely basis once you’re beyond a certain skill level, unless you are addicted to Time Attacks (now let’s not get started on the lack of track limit updates)

Thanks to all for posting your thoughts here, many succinct and detailed observations I’m seeing already. Understand it’s a somewhat dead-beaten topic by now, but I think detailed, retrospective community reviews are the only type of reviews worth reading nowadays and although foresight wasn’t available to us folk, at least new entrants to the game can catch up.

Keep 'em coming!



The past 2 years of playing forza 6 has been really good fun. I have met some great ppl and I have spent nearly all my gaming time on forza 6. The esports updates that have been implemented over the past few months is a great addition and it has been a real help to those who stream on twitch/mixer.

My favourite aspect of the game was by far the leagues and the unicorn cars we recived for taking part. I say was because due to this feature being neglected by t10 it has died. My least favourite aspect of the game is t10’s lack of community involvment and it’s continued efforts to ignore it’s fans and carry on regardless.

Most memorable moment winning the leagues 5 times in a row. Most embarrassing moment has to be frc season 3 rule changes and the complete cluster bomb that contuined to happen right up until ppl were getting on the flights.

Overall I have enjoyed fm6 and im hyped for fm7. I’d just like to see improvments in the following areas
Community relations
Online experince
Better planing of leagues and other special hoppers.


I have had a great time with Forza 6, as I did with Forza 5, 4 2 and 2. And I am looking forward to Forza 7 and the return of a couple of my favorite tracks. Since I do not care about Online racing at all (I do not need any more stress in my life, thank you) The aspects of the game having to do with that which most people complain about, just doesn’t apply to me or my enjoyment of the game. And also, since I view Forza as “just a game” and a source for me to just have some fun driving different cars on a bunch of tracks, all the other pointless stuff that people complain about doesn’t apply to me either. For me Forza, whether Motorsport or Horizon, fulfills what I expect it to so I will keep buying them until either they change or I change.

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Love the game, but it has a few issues…
honestly, if it felt like turn 10 were even listening to its community, it would reduce the frustration, when they keep removing the little things that worked, for things that dont…
and the thing is, most people who play this game, the way most of us do, would put hours of work into helping this game be what we all know it could be…

but watching all the reviews and clips of people attempting to drive on the new forza,
it just hit me…

Forza is made by people, who would be casual gamers, if they played twice the amount that they do now…
the people who review the games are the same drivers you see in public lobbies, who are driving the shelby raptor, you know the ones,
and they will give the game a top review, as long as its shinny and sparkling…

so, none of the real problems with forza 6 were fixed, i still have 4% transmission damage, if i race sim in rivals…
i have to re-install every few months, as i start getting big differences in tuning mode, and rivals… 4 seconds at spa, 1 minute seems to be a little longer in tuning… lol

but i’m just having a wine…
i still pay the game every day, and still enjoy it…

hopefully we get a forza 7, and its not really forza 6.1…
but for the future of this game, i think, if they make some changes, and not be as money driven, there will be a few more forza’s to come,
but i cant help but feel, that the game has peaked, and its all down hill from here…

theres my half drunk rant done for the night…