Forza Horizon 6 Discussions

Is there a chance that FH6 might be announced at the game awards or somewhere in spring 2025 or at the Summer Games Fest/Xbox Games Showcase on June 8th or 9th 2025 and what is everyone’s speculations/theories and etc on FH6 my speculation/theory is that FH6 will be set either in China (highly doubt it since Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown is set in Hong Kong) or South Korea (which is a possibility) or Japan (which is a higher possibility) Why? Cause we’ve gotten a lot of Asian car’s almost consistently in every single update (except for Series 40 911 60th anniversary) also when we’ve gotten the eventlab city props with the car parks I’ve been thinking what if it’s a subtle hint of the return of a modern city in FH6? Anyways that’s my theory and speculations so let me know yours

Edit: Also if anyone can find any news or information on FH6 (legit information that is) please let us all know🙏 and also does anyone know of a confirmed or speculated release date for the upcoming Fable game?


There is no official information yet to be found. It’s very likely it’s going to be announced in June at the showcase, but they could already come with a teaser trailer before that, as it’s a highly awaited game.
As far as speculation goes, don’t. Just don’t speculate. It leads nowhere, I’ve been reading speculation since FH3 and it never turned out to be true. People are saying “it’s going to be Japan” since FH3 and it never was, no matter how much it would have made sense.

The only things we know are:

  • new Forza Tech engine will be used, same as FM
  • that’s it, that’s all we know as a fact.

The only speculation you can really do is about gameplay features, e.g. before FH5 came out people correctly guessed that the brick challenges from FH4 Lego expansion will play some role in FH5, and yep we got the Accolades.
My guesses for gameplay features in FH6 are:

  • better EventLab, maybe EventLab 3.0
  • more detailed map with curvier roads and better effects, because Rally Adventure made a pretty big deal out of the new dust effects and 3D sand.
  • Seasons will return with more snow, because the devs have already acknowledged that they are aware people are missing the snow.

There is obviously a lot of things that people are hoping for, like a better multiplayer with private lobbies or a deep story line career mode etc… , but we cannot know until it is official and making up some far fetched reason will not make it more likely.
I suggest you to not hope and speculate too much, as hope becomes hopium and then copium.


Yes, DLCs can have easter eggs about the features that will come in the next game.

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So what we now have in expansions
Snow and Ice, High cliffs and a somewhat nice progression system.

Rally Adventure:
Winding roads that are narrower and not always smooth as butter (More driving fun especially in slower cars), also somewhat nice story/progression and 3D Sand and particle effects and so on.

This list is just at the top of my head.

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Also, map design is different that the main map and rally adventure. 3 different areas that have different weathers and ecosystem.

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FH6 will also likely get newly remodeled cars. 9 have been confirmed to be rebuilt so far. The mods have actively modded topics for other inaccurate car models so hopefully more will be added to the list.


Yes but i doubt that this will be implementet as i dont have an idea how to do so

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Maybe the north side of the map can have snowy mountains, the beach side can be dry and full of sand, another place can be jungle and flowers, and finally, a city can be added too.


Okay that would be intresting

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Don’t forget about the annoying pop in and pop outs with certain objects and the vegetation is really bad … hopefully the render distance is significantly increased in fh6 creative and a traffic slider for some no hesi or wanting to role play driving realistically with turn signals and hazards lights etc :slight_smile:


Don’t get your hopes too high for the LODs and render distance. In FM those things have gotten even worse than they are in FH5, so FH6 using the same engine as FM will probably look quite similar. But there is also a good chance that PGG changes the engine in many aspects, especially considering that the engine isn’t made for Open World Maps, so they will definitely have to change a bunch of things for FH6.


Hopefully not cause I love the physics on Motorsport and the cars sounds are definitely better than fh5 :slight_smile: . , fh6 is going to be so awesome