I feel like we aren’t going to get FH6 until some time in 2026. The reasons are that Fable is scheduled for '25 and likely late in the year and it’s not likely MS/Playground would release both their games close to each other.
Also, GTA6 is scheduled for the Fall of '25, and I’d think they’d want to avoid it given they both have open world driving aspects and that game will consume a lot of gamers time and attention.
Another consideration is the rumors that MS may release their next console in 2026 and FH6 would be an enticing launch title.
Obviously, it would still release on the Series consoles as well but would definitely get me to upgrade to the latest tech.
NGL, potentially 2 more years of FH5 isn’t very enticing to me unless they have another expansion or some other big additions planned.
Some might think a Spring '25 release for FH6 is still possible but I find it inconceivable that they wouldn’t show their biggest franchise, outside of Call of Duty, at their biggest game show of the year if it was coming so soon.
I guess the only hope I’m still holding on to is that there are rumors that FH6 could be located in Germany, and we have the Gamescom show coming in a couple of months so it would be appropriate and a real crowd pleaser to reveal the game there and announce a Spring '25 release date.
I don’t really think this is a realistic hope though and have my doubts about a Germany location for the next game anyway.
Just curious what the communities thoughts are and if you have any predictions or opinions you’d like to share.
I’m pretty happy that it doesn’t come this year, as with the new engine they need more time and hopefully they’ve learned from past launches and don’t release a bugged game.
I don’t think GTA6 is going to alter the launch date though, at least not much, because GTA is such a high franchise that it’s pretty much a competition to any Game out there.
I don’t care about location, I just want the map to be more detailed and have more roads like Sierra Nueva. I also hope there’s new game modes and improvements to existing game modes. Better/more stable multiplayer and a new approach to DLCs and Expansions. Less fomo, more transparency.
Not particularly happy, to be honest. I’ve grown very tired of the Mexico map, and the expansion maps are too small and disconnected from the main game to warrant visiting them more than once in a blue moon.
Some have mentioned more time may lead to more improvements, but I’m not exactly highly confident on that front either, especially given the (not entirely unfounded) rumor that Motorsport 8’s physics engine is just another modified version of the Xbox One era physics engine we’ve had for over a decade now.
Besides, the developers have seem to found a formula that makes them happy (even if not all players are satisfied), and I don’t see more time being used to reinvent the game (despite this corner of the franchise needing a desperate shake-up).
If anything, this lack of news pretty much provides us more insight as to why the developers brought back paid car packs in such a big way. They wouldn’t be making much money off Horizon for awhile otherwise, expect for shareholders who are satisfied with the player metrics.
I’ll deal with it if it comes out next year, but I don’t know if I can stay engaged if we have to wait a couple of more years.
My main enjoyment comes from tuning and some rivals but once this goes into repeating playlists like FH4 is now it will be time for a break.
I can’t imagine if FH6 isn’t planned to release until '26 that they wouldn’t have some bigger plans than just new playlist series to keep players engaged.
I was only expecting that from the conference on June 9, the mention of this next title, a clue, an image. When I saw Playground Games, I got excited. But it ruined the evening for me (despite there being lots of other great things, it was Forza that I was waiting for)
Personally, I’ve been slowly dropping out of FH5 for a long time. I golded the seasons for almost two years, I finally stopped because I realized that I had +/- gone through the game, completed my collection assiduously. Today I am content with the minimum (1h30 per week let’s say max) and even then I find that it is a lot for this game which shoots, which shoots, which shoots in length
The eventlab sometimes saves the day a little, with great ideas. But it’s a matter of a few minutes per month, and often in the details that it fails (compared to the finished work of the game developer)
It’s beautiful and fun on the surface, that’s all.
I had fun with this game for a very long time, but I got tired of Forza Horizon 5 in Mexico.
I don’t know if it’s just me but I want renewal sometimes, the rhythm of an opus every two years was the right one, the community grew through different places and festivals, the 2nd the 3rd the 4 brought their flagship improvements to the series.
I’m afraid that too much time between 5 and the sequel will only leave a bitter taste of Horizon (with Motorsport on a respirator for how long idk) of an opus ultimately boring but wrung out to the last drop
I just want horizon 6 to be released in rly good state, w/o any issues. I can wait even 5 more years. If game is as good as motorsport at release, then sorry I won’t buy it lol.
Once again, in my opinion, the event lab doesn’t fully compensate for the ‘novelty’ that a new game can represent, although I recognise its virtues!
Personally, I need new roads (not prefabricated stretches of concrete assembled with neon walls and dinosaurs), new panoramas, new objectives to accomplish, other characters and stories, new weather with a perceptible cycle, different architecture in the city - in short, I need air and new horizons.
I’m extrapolating a bit, the eventlab really does bring out some beautiful things, but it doesn’t have the charm of a big, well-crafted freeplay map with friends.