Forza Horizon 3 Features Wish List

I’m certain Horizon 3 will release next year to continue the two year cycle, so here are the features I’d like to see.

  1. Improvement in Off-road Traction Simulation- Clawing through mud should take proper tires and ground clearance. It’s kind of weird when a Ferrari on slicks can go faster through the fields than purpose built rally car on in-game “rally” tires. I’m not demanding that cars should sink into 3D mud, but simply decreasing friction coefficient the same amount for all compounds going from road->dirt still gives slicks better grip when they should be spinning the tires as if driving on ice.

  2. Deactivate Speed Camera Flash- The current flash is so bright that your eyes start to hurt after driving around for a few hours. This has a greater effect when on storm island at night with rain and fog. I’ve resorted to purposefully avoiding the traps because of this.

  3. Tiers of Trail Difficulty- I enjoy the uncharted trails all over the map and spend 70% on storm island mastering them. It would be awesome to see purpose built trails of various difficulty winding through the trees. This can be done by modifying how tight the trail is, elevation changes, camber changes, surface composition(mud vs sand vs gravel vs silt). Then place rivals mode events to master the trail and watch as everyone elevates to a higher tier of rally racing.

  4. Car Wash Stations- When in multiplayer, the only way to clean your car is to fast travel, change cars, or wait for the hourly rain. It would be nice to have satellite washing/repair stations to quickly get your ride shining again without fast traveling away from your group.

  5. PARKING GARAGES- One doesn’t understand the importance of concrete enclosures until you drive your loud car into one and hear yourself echo off of everything. Can we have garages to hoon around in and take in the wonderful symphony?

  6. Free Roam Countdown- Sometimes my friends and I like to drag race in various locations, but there is a time delay between when one of us says go and the others hear go. Similar to the challenge drivatar to a race, can we initiate a countdown in free roam with friends? I.E. One player challenges others to race to GPS location, other players may accept this challenge, can CHOOSE between various rolling starts or standing start.

  7. Group Photo Events-Confirmed in H3 as “Drone Mode” Ability to enter camera mode in live play. This includes still pictures and fixed time film reels to record a stunt for example that did not happen in a race. Player is essentially parking car and entering a spectator mode with a camera.

  8. Autocross Events- Somehow incorporate paved and dirt autocross events to various locations to be done in timed trials. It would be cool to make our own layouts, but would be acceptable to see developer made layouts on a designated area that changes with each month’s rivals events.


9)Narrow, Twisty Roads- Slow cars with excellent handling don’t really shine with H2’s massive roads, I.e. Miata’s, hot hatches… Give us some roads that take serious work just to average 80.

10)Virtual Reality Headset- Take the Forza 5 kinect head tracking to the next level. I dream of the day I can wear a headset while in my wheel rig for full immersion. I want to be able to use the headset so I can look into the coming turns, utilize the sideview mirrors, and simply admire being able to look around 360 degrees in cockpit.

Another Edit

11)More Offroad Upgrades- With so much offroad potential, add more upgrades to make vehicles more efficient in the mud. This should be limited to vehicles that can actually be modified. For example at least 6" lift kits and 37" mud tires for trucks and suv’s with body on frame layouts. This would give the once terribly performing trucks a chance to be competitive by plowing through 12-18" deep mud shortcuts while the street cars take the long paved path. Although if mud doesn’t become more than just a coefficient, then this idea falls flat on its face for parking lot prowlers… The game Spin Tires is a good example of proper clawing through mud. Spin Tires SID XJ vs THE NEW DEATH ROAD - YouTube

  1. High Boost Setups- I guarantee Forza Horizon 3 would sell way more copies if cars like the Nissan GTR, Audi R8, Corvette Z06, Vipers, and the like can be boosted to 1500 hp levels like real life counter parts. It has never made sense that most cars on Forza can’t be upgraded over 1000hp…

13)Increased Detail for PC- The GTX 1080 is releasing May 27! This card can handle the likes of The Division at 4k and 60+fps without even over clocking. PLEASE spend the time on the entire Horizon world to match the graphical quality of the cars. In Horizon 2, the cars made the world look like it lacked texture. The lighting felt artificial with magnified ambience. The majority was flat, smooth surfaces with images of pavement, dirt, or rock pasted on. With PC capability, I want to lose track of what is reality.

Yet another edit

  1. Aftermarket Intake/Exhaust Sounds- Thought of this way too late, but upgrading intake/exhaust should actually change how the cars sound… Cockpit view should get an ear full of both intake and exhaust. On the same note, please don’t just assign a set dB value for all cars… It takes away from the soul of the cars if say the new C7.R was as quiet as the 03 Focus…

Totally agree with the tyres traction disparity being kinda dumb at the moment !!

Same with a sports car outdoing a racing truck off road lol

The most important features for me;

1- Ability to kick idiots from parties if say more than half a lobby thinks they are driving like a tool. Also the ability to mute people that are annoying without either risking not getting to the next event or having to do it during a race - there are more than enough pauses between games when live actions could occur.

2- The XP rewards for finishing order needs to be sorted - you can sit at the back and skill like crazy knowing you’ll win the championship rather than battling it out at the front as the rewards for first are hardly any different to twelfth. The stupid party games also give disproportionately high bonuses for just hiding on a roof or a bit of luck. Don’t get me wrong the party games can require a bit of skill but are more influenced by random factors, they are primarily a bash-fest for kids and pointless so to see someone get a 5000p advantage because you were the first infected or something leaves a sour taste in your mouth every time.

3- Random glitches could somehow be reported so that you don’t end up flipping your car while driving fast down a motorway and hit an invisible kerb !! Same with some of the mental bumps off road which send you 100 foot in the air for no reason like on the course that ends at the aerodrome entrance.

4- While we are talking about flying we need to be able to jump over stuff without vertical walls stopping you when you are going to clear obstacles. By all means have an invisible protective “bubble” so you don’t get trapped in a motorway barrier or whatever (although we’ve all been trapped inside glitched buildings, walls etc, so its hardly unusual lol) but it would just be cool to be able to fly over buildings, motorways, villages etc

5- Do something about the lag bubble people with damage turned off have, it just a cheats charter to bash people and be semi untouchable in return

6- Sort all the server stuff out - the drop outs, the never ending free-roam invites if someone leaves the party, the random voice sync issues halfway through when a new guy joins the lobby - just basically sort your sh** out lol

Camera flashes, countdown drag race buttons and car washes are pretty lame but whatever floats your boat, theres a drag race area so just stick to that, the fast travel thing is just as quick as a carwash would be lol


I would like the Horizon series to step the graphics up to Forza Motorsport quality. The cars look slightly cartoony in Horizon.

I would like a more comprehensive photo mode. I would like to see the ability to remove the driver from photos. Would also like to see the ability to roll the windows up and down and open the sunroof to all positions.

I would also like the ability to move the camera far away to get long distance shots.

I would like to see different drivers in the other cars in the Horizon world. It looks really silly when there is a decent amount of traffic and all the drivers are the same identical person.


I agree with having improved graphics, and I’m sure by now that Playground Games have figured out a way make 1080P work with dynamic weather, after all they are working with the greatest software solutions provider in the world.

I was pretty pleased with FH2, I must admit. I don’t know if this counts as a ‘feature’, but the thing i’d really like to see is some very, very narrow, twisty, winding roads. Very narrow, very twisty, please!



I think it should be placed in California because there is so many beautiful place and many places to do events in. next I think there should be a fuel gage and a gas station and you have to pay for gas and tickets if you are speeding there should be 2 game modes a game mode for relisc driving and respect the law and lobbys for the real driving and a lobby for regular forza with selling cars and add trailers with trucks and trailer hitches and you can haul stuff like delivers and advs. and mopeds and parts for you car and that’s another thing when you buy your parts there should be 2 options for it either go get it with a trailer or just teleport them and there should be blinkers/turn signals and horns and your able to walk and hear your car before pershase.


There should be motorcycles in the game for people that like to ride motorcycles and race against cars I’ve heard people try to make cars do wheelies and I think that bikes would make that easier and make forza horizon games better so u can chose from cars and bikes.


Motorcycles will be a nice touch, as in the latest update of the CREW!


Two major things I’d like to see if there is a Horizon 3:

60FPS if it’s possible. Compared to Forza Motorsport games, Horizon lacks the smooth feel that Motorsport has.

A complete overhaul of the online multiplayer. Custom public lobbies would be ideal.

Online road trips would be much better without the vote for car class. Why not have lobbies where we can pick a car class ahead of time like it is in Motorsport? Gets really old racing in S2 all the time.

Make playground games their own separate lobby. Some people like myself would like to race without having to do playground events.

Horizon 1 online multiplayer was set up much better IMO, just wanted to point that out.

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The online vote is clearly the biggest weakness of Horizon 2. Not giving players the choice to race the class they want to race just gets people (like me) disinterested and annoyed. I just jumped online this week for the first time in over a month. Kept getting put in S2 and then quitting and trying again. After 5 tries I said okay I’ll race S2. I don’t like anything over A because it just isn’t fun for me. The faster cars are much harder to control. But I almost always win S2 because I can control them somewhat and I know all of the tracks cold. Anyway the first race was the Ville Circuit (4 laps) at Saint Martin. I drove what I considered a pretty crappy race but I lapped 2 guys had my best lap 30 seconds better than the closest best lap and no one else finished before the timer ran out. If S2 isn’t fun for me it can’t be fun for these clowns yet they keep voting for it every frikken time. I just don’t understand the mindset? If I can’t race D, C, B or A I don’t wanna do it at all.


I’m excited to see what they actually end up doing in terms of a location for Forza Horizons 3. What if they did what TDU2 did and offered two locations, offering dynamic driving roads and conditions. Have it in Japan with the winding mountainous roads and cold, icy conditions, but also have it take place in Italy or Germany with warm weather and super highways. I think the motorcycle idea is great as well! Adding Ducati, Kawasaki, Harley and other brands would had a whole new class and a ton of new challenges. I also love the countdown for drags but what if they added an actual drag strip with a tree that could be activated when two cars or bikes pull up and agree to race. A little touch that would be cool would be turn indicators. It may sound dumb and childish but on club cruises and other group activities it would be a nice touch. In addition, why not make a convertible top be able to go up and down for when it rains? It sure would add to the realness. What do you guys think about adding in the ability to walk around at car meets? You could sit in the cars, start them, and check the cars out too. Lastly, what about walking around your own personal garage with unlimited spaces? You could still quick select your car but also be able to decorate and customize a garage similar to Jay Leno with road signs and billboards from sponsors. What ever they come up with, it will be an awesome game with top notch technology and graphics.


I would like to have more driving roads (not just offroad), a big urban city (4 times the size of Nice), more visual mods for japanese cars (especially since they are known for visual mods), and more options for motor swaps (why take out the manufacturer motor swaps?). I would love to see offset modifications as well. I love the progress of the series and I can only see it getting better and better as time progresses…especially if playground games listen to the customers.


Where shall I start. Some of these are probably too late if you’re making the game.

Separate you’re rally from street race and never consider it again. it’s annoying. Same with winning by drifting in the back, again, annoying. You don’t need a mode for everyone, just don’t mix them 4 races and one car. I’d like to make a street car different from a rally car for once.

Sharing tunes is great for my club, but then when we need to kick out an ***hole, they keep the tunes… really?! So a club only share section would be nice along with ripping access from another player.

Car packs are nice yes. But I think I’v seen every track a bakers dozen too many times. Set some new tracks if you do the road trip idea again. (perhaps even have the community set checkpoints around the map?)

Just because I’d pay more money to be able to do the old NFS Carbon adjustable body modification, but I already expect that to never happen. lol

That covers some of my main concerns doe.


I just found this thread, there is one on horizon 2 wishlist that went into horizon 3, I have posted at length several times what I would love to see in the next game there. I had originally posted on that as I see my ideas still being possible in FH2 as dlc. Don’t really know all the cut and paste crap to put a link to them in this, sorry.

Main thought, add dlc or in this case features in 3, that are drift and drag specific. Just like Storm Island had Rally suspension and tire and trans, for drag put in offset rim packages, Drag spoilers for speed not “grip”, huge displacement and real, NOT NFS like, NOS. Tunable turbos and dyno tuning. Trans brakes. Tub options for the rear end. Town/city streets with speed cameras and cycling traffic lights that can work for the start. Parking garages and open maybe mall parking lots for drift stuff, again, not a Drifter but need to be included too!

What I really would love to see is a map that isn’t any specific geographical location, but the best of everywhere, Japanese mountain passes, Tokyo city streets, Cali coastal highways, snowy polar ice roads, rainforest and desert rally stages. Have it be a huge map, plenty of space and good amount of little towns. Have some towns that have a local drag track, and other towns have a drift scene, and other towns that have and actual circuit track to drive into, garage/pits and all.

I’m not saying make a bunch of Silverstone and Daytonas. There are plenty of small town tracks all over the place. In Ohio within maybe 2 hrs of each other there is El Dora, the dirt track, National Trail Raceway drag strip, Kilcare, a tiny but awesome little drag and less than half mile oval. Mid Ohio which is a legendary old GP track. All within maybe a couple hours, not to mention Indy and the tracks there.

Didn’t mean to get on a rant like this, sorry. But how cool would it be to have the open world, YOUR car , built YOUR style, YOUR way for how you want to enjoy the game. If you wanna build a Drift King Supra or something, sorry, more hotrod dragster guy, or build a street outlaws style drag car or a sleeper circuit killer or go anywhere rally beast. Is sounds like it would be alot to have to add, but most of this is already there, just needs tweaked a little bit. Anyway that kinda stuff and I think a core/hardcore mode like COD has so if you aren’t a huge fan of racing Shelby Cobra’s at 180 through fields an forests and jumps that shoot you 700 ft in the air, you can keep it a lil more reality based and race all life like and such.

I think if done right, whether you’re in private lobby free roam or public, with that kinda thing set up, drifters would be able to drift where the want and someone like me could drive over and watch, see what the all the hulabaloo is and the same with them. The could come checkout the drag scene or the circuit scene. Have actual drive to car shows where you can drive up and take pictures and check things out, do donuts and burnouts. Have fun!!

Sorry, last thing, maybe have something where you could have a garage space in the world sort of like gta, but for instance, I have my little fatasy Maxwell’s Speed Shop that I put on everything I tune or paint. I am an old nerd, yes. Anyway, I could have my garage space that friends could drive to in multiplayer or maybe solo too, I don’t know. But we could all have our own little shop for our tunes and paints. That would be pretty sweet I think anyway.

Ok, I will stop now. Sorry, got on a roll.


Hi I am wondering if it is possible to get fender flares for the Datsun 240z/Nissan fairlady z in forza horizon 2 xbox 360

Things that must be in Horizon 3, or I won’t buy it:

Lobbies like Motorsport, or even Horizon 1. I really dislike the way online road trips are set up. I couldn’t care less about winning the 4 race championship, it’s the race that matters. Going from a street race to off road without being able to choose the cars you’ve spent the time to tune for specific types of races is obnoxious at best. Having to rally out all your cars is ridiculous to me. I’m fine with the road trips to the next race, but get rid of the points for it. As it states in the game, the road trips are not a race, so get rid of the points that make it one.

Allow me to mute players while in the lobby.

Online free roam is fine I guess, but I never use it, because all anyone wants to do is drag race over, and over, and over.

Playground games should be separate lobby. I find them boring as hell.

Actually, it’s pretty simple. Just make Horizon 1 with better graphics, different location, tuning, better physics, and a lobby system like Forza 6.

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Drag racing. Street outlaws style, make tracks, something better than a runway. Drag racing should be in all of these games more than it is. Motorsport at least has “slicks” and some tracks. Horizon is perfect for putting in some street drag racing. Use speed cameras for the start and stop. Put some 1/8, 1/4 and longer streets in cities or towns. Some concrete streets in warehouse district spots or something in the big parking lots an dope areas that are usually in the games.

Drag racing is very much in demand from many many people on these forums and alot of people that I talk to on a consistent basis. The last game that was an good with it was need for speed pro street. That was what, 10 years ago or so? Rally is cool, drifting is cool and circuit is fine too. Drag racing needs to be represented at some point in the forza world!! I think my post (#12 in this thread) could make an awesome game. Represent everyone’s tastes and driving styles!!

Along with what I had written about in the other post, I think it would be cool to have an actual personal garage. Online friends could drive to your garage, see your cars. It would be even cooler if you could have your garage be you storefront so to speak. A drive to able spot where you could open a tuners garage, or a paint shop. Something more interactive than just a bunch of menus. Need for speed had it, midnight club had it, several games had something similar. Yes we have the hubs, but that’s not personal, not our own. Just think it would be cool. Check out my other post, too much to type again.

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  1. Need a lot more cars would be nice like 500 cars!

  2. Online road trip needs to be twice longer races in Forza horizon 3!!

  3. I would like to see multiplayer up to 24 players in a lobby like forza motorsports 6 did would be a lot more fun!!

  4. I would like the map to be twice bigger but not has big has The Crew!!

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