Hi everyone and welcome to the new Forums!
This is my first post on the new Forums, and I’m still getting used to it. A question for the moderators - can you please sticky this thread if you think it’s worth it?
Anyway’s, the whole point of this thread is for people to post their wants for a possible Horizon sequel. I’ll start it off with my top 5 suggestions.
1.) LARGER CAR SELECTION - I understand that, like The Rolling Stones say, “You can’t always get what you want” - and it is just not feasible to have a car list the size of Forza 4’s in Horizon 2. However, the car selection was rather anemic in Horizon. If Turn10 and Playground could compromise to a rough 250-350 car roster I’d be ecstatic. This is all best-case scenario stuff, but a larger car selection is critical to me. If there is one thing that moderators or editors could take notice of, it’s this.
2.) LARGER WORLD - This point might be misinterpreted, so I will put a disclaimer out there quickly. I am a huge fan of Horizon’s world size and incredible diversity. But I felt that too much of the world was cosmetic and couldn’t be driven on. A good analogy is a framed painting or picture - you have to strike the right balance between the actual portrait and the frame. And surely with the new capabilities of the Xbox One, it wouldn’t be hard to expand the map more?
3.) TUNING - This point might sound somewhat hypocritical coming from me, because I rarely touched the tuning section in Forza 4. But, tuning is a staple of the Forza series, and while this game is more of a hybrid experiment than a true Forza game. This may sound odd, but to me, the exclusion of tuning made me feel like Horizon is more of an afterthought than a genuine racing game.
4.) SPLIT SCREEN - I have a brother that loves to game as well, and there are so many awesome childhood moments from simply messing around on NFSU2. I’m sure I’m not alone in this regard. So please, Turn10 and Playground, is it possible to feature a split screen feature? Even if it is just racing laps around the Festival tracks. To me, Horizon just didn’t feel quite right without a split-screen mode.
5.) SOUNDTRACK - I love the whole concept for the Horizon Festival - a celebration of music and cars. I enjoy the music almost as much as I enjoy cruising - I have almost all the songs from all three radio stations. But not everyone is into dubstep/chillstep, rock and pop. Of all the things on my wish list, this is the one that I’m least pushy about. So could we please have some more musical diversity? Some rap, some 70’s-80’s rock, 90’s-00’s pop, etc.
Thanks for taking the time to read my post, and please add your own ideas as you come up with them. I look forward to hearing other ideas and I can’t wait to see what some people will come up with.