Horizon 3 Wishlist

Hi everyone and welcome to the new Forums!

This is my first post on the new Forums, and I’m still getting used to it. A question for the moderators - can you please sticky this thread if you think it’s worth it?
Anyway’s, the whole point of this thread is for people to post their wants for a possible Horizon sequel. I’ll start it off with my top 5 suggestions.

1.) LARGER CAR SELECTION - I understand that, like The Rolling Stones say, “You can’t always get what you want” - and it is just not feasible to have a car list the size of Forza 4’s in Horizon 2. However, the car selection was rather anemic in Horizon. If Turn10 and Playground could compromise to a rough 250-350 car roster I’d be ecstatic. This is all best-case scenario stuff, but a larger car selection is critical to me. If there is one thing that moderators or editors could take notice of, it’s this.

2.) LARGER WORLD - This point might be misinterpreted, so I will put a disclaimer out there quickly. I am a huge fan of Horizon’s world size and incredible diversity. But I felt that too much of the world was cosmetic and couldn’t be driven on. A good analogy is a framed painting or picture - you have to strike the right balance between the actual portrait and the frame. And surely with the new capabilities of the Xbox One, it wouldn’t be hard to expand the map more?

3.) TUNING - This point might sound somewhat hypocritical coming from me, because I rarely touched the tuning section in Forza 4. But, tuning is a staple of the Forza series, and while this game is more of a hybrid experiment than a true Forza game. This may sound odd, but to me, the exclusion of tuning made me feel like Horizon is more of an afterthought than a genuine racing game.

4.) SPLIT SCREEN - I have a brother that loves to game as well, and there are so many awesome childhood moments from simply messing around on NFSU2. I’m sure I’m not alone in this regard. So please, Turn10 and Playground, is it possible to feature a split screen feature? Even if it is just racing laps around the Festival tracks. To me, Horizon just didn’t feel quite right without a split-screen mode.

5.) SOUNDTRACK - I love the whole concept for the Horizon Festival - a celebration of music and cars. I enjoy the music almost as much as I enjoy cruising - I have almost all the songs from all three radio stations. But not everyone is into dubstep/chillstep, rock and pop. Of all the things on my wish list, this is the one that I’m least pushy about. So could we please have some more musical diversity? Some rap, some 70’s-80’s rock, 90’s-00’s pop, etc.

Thanks for taking the time to read my post, and please add your own ideas as you come up with them. I look forward to hearing other ideas and I can’t wait to see what some people will come up with.


I must admit that I agree with you on some certain points. But no offense, you may be disagreeing with me, everyone has they’re own opinion, but whatever.

1.) THE LARGER CAR SELECTION - I totally agree with you on that. This will apply to the second point also, Turn 10 has been working on this game since 2009! Though, I wouldn’t wine too much about this because, first, the game has one disc.

2.) LARGER WORLD - Like said on my previous point, Turn 10 has been working on this game since 2009, but have to admit the map is not so bad. But I agree that it is FAR AWAY from Test Drive Unlimited. But once again, they had to enter it in one disc (in some sort that TDU has one disc but the game is freezing all the time but faster while loading), and please don’t forget that Horizon was most likely considered an Arcade Game from Turn 10.

3.) TUNING - I don’t know what is wrong with tuning

4.) SPLIT SCREEN - Hmmm… Thinking what to say… Well, I don’t know what could people do driving around in a little place with traffic. Though, let’s say that split screen on Horizon would be boring after an hour.

5.) SOUNDTRACK - Let’s say that after the first wristband, I turned off the radio. It was pretty lame, with no variety, and the only song I appreciated was Lonely Boy. The other one’s were more likely pop music… Not really ROCK MAN!!!

I do have some ideas for Horizon on the old Forums like being able of buying houses, doing monthly payments (maybe not for now…), eating at restaurant’s, side-missions, missions like on Driver: San Francisco (bring the bus in safety and stuff like that).

Well, this might be a longer post than the starter, but this is my opinion, and like I said at my introduction (if you remember it), you have the right to disagree with me.


I know this post was 7 days ago, but at what point was it considered an arcade game? T10 actually specifically said it wasnt an arcade game.

And although it may seem like it, it really isnt an arcade game. Look at NFS, then look at Horizon. NFS is aracde, and Horizon is a lot different.

Agreed. I would put Horizon and even the Test Drive Unlimited in between Forza 5/GT and NFS. They aren’t quite sim, but feel a lot different than NFS. Yes, the cars do drift easier, but when you want to, you can drive them closely like you would in Forza Motorsport whereas in NFS games, the cars just really slide around everywhere. I’m not saying that’s bad, just saying they are two different games.

A larger and more varied car selection is obvious!

The soundtrack is my biggest wish outside of a better carlist, I never listened to the radio in Horizon because it all sounded the same; dubstep and tween rock… Horizon 2 needs some classic driving rock, like Sammy Hagar, Scorpions, ACDC, Whitesnake and the like! And the DJ of this rock station should consistently make fun of the original Horizon’s rock station!


I’d like to be able to save replays and take photos in multiplayer. Including the free roam lobbies.


I have no idea why they didn’t do this already!? cant wait for a magical update to fix these simple problems

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Larger world is an absolute must. The nature of open-world games means the car selection doesn’t need to be massive, but a vast road network to drive on is absolutely key.


THIS. The Horizon 2 open world needs to be multiple times larger than Colorado in Horizon.

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A larger world split into country side and a large city with tunnels and parking garages so you can gymkhana all around the place and need way more cars and customization, like: being able to colour each rim a different colour or paint the roll cage, more choice of camber and being able to slam the car so that speed bumps are impossible!

60 fps. I never used to be bothered, but after going back to my 360 yesterday after a long time of Xbox One, the difference is clear. And the difference is clear.

i enjoy playing this game alot, but there are a few little things id like to see

from an aesthetic point of view id love to see things like the exhaust or muffler/mufflers actually change when you upgrade the exhaust or even eliminate! if you decide to turbocharge a car, it would be cool to see a little boost gauge. i know there are licensing issues, but after 6 forza games, new rims would be awesome! and i know its not everyones thing, but the ability to slam a car if you want to would be cool, even if it destroys the handling.

i know these things seem petty, especially for a franchise such as forza, but i think it would be cool to see little things like this. i hope there is a horizon 2 soon!


Oh, and one other thing, almost as important as my last point. Traffic in multiplayer, particularly in multiplayer free-roam. This shouldn’t need any explanation really, since its the very first thing anyone notices when switching from singleplayer to multiplayer - where’s the traffic? Why is the world so empty?

Here’s hoping you can make it happen this time around. It’s a lot of what makes Horizon a truly immersive open world, as opposed to just a Colorado-themed racetrack.


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A coastline. Nothing beats coming around a corner or over a hill to see the sea, especially with a glittering reflection of the rising or setting sun on the Horizon.


Boozy The Clown - Yes! Some coastal scenes would be perfect!

In addition to more cars, bigger map, tuning and more diverse radio stations…

  1. AI traffic that drive according speed limits
  2. An option to turn off speed traps so we can cruise in Peace
  3. An option to turn off Alice Hart’s nagging
  4. A more vibrant Environment
  5. A racing track that you can visit for trackdays

Id like to add to yours a little:

  1. AI traffic that drive according speed limits and stop that BS where they purposely stop at random parts of the road just to get in your way (so annoying)
  2. An option to turn off speed traps so we can cruise in Peace or just get rid of them
  3. An option to turn off Alice Hart’s nagging
  4. A more vibrant Environment
  5. A racing track that you can visit for trackdays (this idea sprung to mind a while back, would love it)
  6. Destruction Derby for offline and online just like the trackdays
  7. AI traffic for online free roam
  8. More damage for cars (smashed windows, Exhaust falling of, Tire blow out, Rims fall off, Would just like to see a little more damage than a spoiler falling off after your rear end hits a wall at 80mph)

im irratated they took out my favorite car the nissan silvia s14 that car is life but they have the s13 so why…bring it back the s14was always my fav drift car

I’d love to see a larger world and the ability to play where everyone is online in that world like TDU. Tuning would be a great addition as well.
I’d also like the ability to mark off your own course on the map and race it in multiplayer.


I wish I could get the Honda unicorn and lotus unicorn. I play forza horizon 5 hrs a day, and have start my career over 5 times just hoping i could get a unicorn car. If anyone would be kind enough to gift u one i will gift u one of my cars. Send me a message on xbox live Zukezilla69 and we can do some trading.