FORZA DEVS, READ THIS: We are sick and tired of the lack of effort from the devs put into this game

As i sit here read these comments its super clear that the devs dont even pay attention to any of these forums or else there would be some sort of reply oc comment posted by them


Tbh I don’t play it bc I cant afford a good PC, but from what I’ve seen, u can literally get any car u want with mods, its most likely god tier, but im not certain.

I really don’t think anyone on this forum understands the licensing issues. Unless there may be an actual working Attorney who is on the forum. And then they may be able to explain why they “don’t” understand the issues because it isn’t their area of law.

But seriously, if there were licensing issues then why are they still holding licenses for the old Ford woody? The old Morris?

People keep throwing out the licensing term excusing T10/PGG for not putting cars in the game like they actually know what they’re talking about. So stop giving the developers an excuse. And face the truth. They just don’t care and just put in cars they want for a bigger picture.

We’re not going to get cars because of what may or may not happen with the next round of games. I think they’ve figured out this game is a bust and maybe, just maybe they are going to try a little harder on FH6. I doubt it. But it could happen. And then you know the line about the monkeys.


We do have some understanding of the situation considering two Lancias were featured prominently in pre-release material only to not make it into the game (and still not be in the game).

That’s a licencing issue. The work is already done on PGG’s side.

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For late licensing: Instead of adding cars as ‘new’ content throw them in the auto show for the people that want them.

My point is if PGG quits putting forth a valid amount of effort into each update soon enough people will learn to not play it anymore.

You’re probably right. However, there is no way PGG has been in a license fight with Ford for the old woody until now. They had it all along and it could have been in the Autoshow at launch. They chose to hold it back and drip-feed so they can pretend to deliver “new” cars throughout the lifecycle.

What bugs me the most is that they are not upfront about it but disingenuously claim licensing or whatever else. It’s just simply dishonest.


I wonder whether you are honest here? When did they claim licensing or “whatever else” for not including FH4 cars at release??? The only licensing issue I know about concerns Lancia, Alfa & Fiat. The rest is their choice and their good right to do that. I am glad and thankful for every returning car. I had 650+ cars to keep me busy so far…

That could be a conversion pipeline issue (converting old models over to the new physics), but yes, I’d say that a non-zero amount of cars are being held back just for that sake of being “rainy day” drip fed onto the playlist.

Pretty strong evidence of that as well, considering the situation with the DeLorean when the game launched.

I’m not saying that licensing is responsible for all absences, just that licensing is a crazy quagmire that certainly does impact the game significantly, and there are very limited avenues that PGGs can follow to resolve the issues surrounding it.

They are probably hiding behind that excuse a bit too much but hey, the best lies are the truth, and there is a lot of truth to that lie.

Here, here! :+1:

That is why I quit playing. Good thing I waited to purchase the game, saved $100. I figured, if they ignored us in FH4 then they most certainly won’t pay attention in FH5, and they proved me right. What really needs to happen is everyone stops playing. You keep jumping through the hoops, they will never change.


Show me ONE single post or similar where PGG or mods freely admitted that PGG are holding cars back to drip-feed during the lifecycle. If you believe there was a license issue for the Ford woody that wasn’t resolved until now, I have a bridge to sell you. Every time we ask why previous car X is not present, we get vague answers from Mods or are being told to vote for them. No one admits the holdback and that’s disingenuous.

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Why would they ?
It’s not in their interest to do that no matter what the reasons are…

Gamepass is the great equalizer that shifts everything toward mediocrity. If a GP player tries FH5 and doesn’t like it, they just move on to the next game instead of letting MS/PGG/T10 know about it. So it won’t change until either enough people say GP is not worth the price anymore due to overall lack of game quality or a competitor blows the doors of FH with a better open world racing game. Either are unlikely to happen. It is what it is.


Because I don’t like when someone pisses on my leg and tells me it’s raining.

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Why should they do that??? As I wrote before: It’s their game and it’s their right to release content whenever they see fit. They are not dishonest (at least in this respect…) and they don’t owe you an explanation.

That’s exatcly my impression. I really wonder why they released the game in the state it was in… Was it PGG’s decision? Or were they told by Microsoft to release “fodder” for the game pass masses. Just enough to keep them busy and paying until the next shooter or whatever comes around…

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Either they fix the licening issue with cash, or I’m buying games I can mod going forwards. End of.

Moddable games are getting more common and the incentive to not go that direction reduces when it feels like the developers are saying sorry, we can’t do what we wanna do because we lost our contacts. Is that what they’re saying, basically?


I’ve never seen a single post from PGG on any topic, thread or post so what makes you think they’ll start now? As far as the Mod(s) go (Let’s face it, there’s only one really) they’re paid by the company. Do you really think they’ll risk that by letting out company secrets (if they even have the info).
Nobody is urinating on anybody - it’s their business. Buy a raincoat.


I already did buy that coat. It’s called “no pre-order for FH6 from me”.


If it wasn’t for the GFX engine and the simcade physics that PGG essentially inherited from T10, all the “hearing aids”, “world cups”, “kudos”, “gift drops” and “badges” couldn’t save this thing from drowning. PGG will ride it down Gamepass lane on the cheap until someone at MS wants to make a change.

As I wrote in another post, yesterday Asobo released a massive free update for Microsoft Flight Simulator, clearly proving that a studio can still take pride in their product and keep pushing even if their game is on Gamepass. That means there are no excuses for PGG other than too small a budget or MS saying that their efforts are good enough.