There’s far too many people slating the devs and Forza staff. I know I was one of them doing the slating but I think we should be praising them as I know there are a few issues but they are addressing them and more. They’ve been implicating our requests into the game as well as trying to fix issues. We wanted more wheels they listened, we wanted 2 paints for wheels, so we could have different colour rims and centre and again this is coming. All I’m waiting on is exhaust tips and I can say they’ve made a great game amazing. Can’t wait to see what wheels they’re giving us ( that’s right giving us not payable DLC) and what they have in store for us in the future. Keep up the good work Forza staff.
Why should they remove them just because you don’t like them? It’s not an error or a bug. I personally don’t like them, but I’m sure several hundreds of thousands of people do.
There are millions of people playing the game, most of them mature enough to realise that not liking something is not the same as something being broken.
If the devs changed the game every time a few entitled crybabies whinged on a forum, they’d never get anything done and the game would be a mess.
Why should anyone post in this forum pointing out certain features or mechanics in the game that seem a bit borked and in need of adjustment, or things that they would like to see implemented? Because as the OP states, the devs do and are listening. We’re fans of the game, and fans of the series. Naturally, as fans of the game and customers of the product, we’ll speak out against what we like or dislike about the product, with the unfortunate reality being that, as you stated, you can’t please everyone. Unfortunately this does tend to result in a forum ladened with complaintive posts, instead of appreciative ones. My post was not made with the intent of coming off as a spoiled brat stomping his feet demanding change for something he didn’t like. I, as with anyone else, merely stated my opinion.
I never said that my dislike for the avatar items in wheel spins made the system broken. However, it does feel like a broken system, and not one that is very rewarding in the slightest. I know many people might not mind it. Me personally, I find it to be tacked on. There’s nothing I like more than reaching a milestone to be awarded the chance at a tantalizing prize, when the system seems to be slanted towards awarding clothing/misc. avatar items my character won’t ever wear or use, when these items and options could have been implemented differently. I’m certainly not the only one who shares this opinion. Unfortunately, I’m rehashing what has already been stated on this forum many times over, so I won’t continue.
If stating my opinion (albeit, one that was blatant and admittedly sounded self entitled) makes me one of those “whinging crybabies” that you referenced, fine. This very post originated with someone stating that the devs are listening to our feedback concerning certain implementations, features, and changes being realized. My response was somewhat appropriately following in the vein of the OP’s sentiment, if not a bit purposefully snarky and sarcastic.
They talked about this in one of their livestreams. With the number of wheelspins you get in FH4 and the fact that FH4 has
a higher max Prize credit win and Higher Value cars available, on average you are getting better rewards through FH4’s wheelspins then FH3’s wheelspins.
Given that it took around about a Year to remove the Highly Contentious “Prize Crates” from FM7, as they were integrated into the Core Code, it will probably take an equal amount of time, Maybe even Longer (Especially if they end up having to re-code the Wheelspins from Scratch!) to remove the “Misc. Nonsense” from the Wheelspins. You will have to wait I am afraid! Core Code adjustments can be very Tricky! as one mistake can brick the whole Game, so they take quite some time to do!
Well if you look closely you’ll see that there is a couple of staff members (most noticeably nitro glitter) that not only reads our comments but ones worth doing so she has replied to.
As with the useless stuff in wheel spins (believe me I agree) not everyone agrees these need to go so yes we probably will have to put up with these.
It does get better though as nearly having all the useless features from wheel spins there few and far between now and I’m getting mostly money and cars (now I’m sick of cars in wheel spins as my garage nears being filled)
I have noticed though a lot of things they are doing with the game comes from what people are saying on the features wish list.
Bear in mind that these ppl that they have hired to read the forums do not have time to read all the complaints. And with a game this bad, it’s probably a disheartening daily routine. They probably need weekly antisuicicde classes, just like army personnel. Speaking from experience
They can probably judge what the community wants changed by skimming through the more populated threads rather than reading each repetitive comment in each repetitive thread in its entirety.
Sounds like a fake account spreading fake news to me. All these things have been called for for ******* ever! No mention of fixes for rivals or online. The MAIN complaints of the public.
By what metric are these the “main” complaints, and are we talking about the actual public or the group of clueless egocentrics who continually insist that no one wants clothing options despite the fact that there have been requests for such since at least FH3?