Probably because most of PGG devs are now working on a game called Fable. If you go to their website you can see that
It’s 2 different teams
? Maybe they started with some codebase of fh2 but it’s not an 8 year old engine. They have lots of new stuff in, DirectStorage dont know lots of games using this stuff it’s rly new. They used it before it was even released, thats the MS bonus. The new volumetric stuff and so on.
Even in FH4 it was already impressive, streaming the stuff in 4k and maintaining solid framerate while driving at 300km/h. They know what they are doing and they beat other racing games easy. There is some details most of the ppl never notice but it’s in and it’s nice to see the stuff (if u see it). PGG on other side has talented artists u can find these ppl in the internet (or even ingame for ex Don Arceta Art Director playing with eventlab 476-990-998) and see their stuff… In theory they can make the best racinggame ever…
But all the other stuff “NeverEvolvingBoringWorld”, some outsourced things, gameplay, online, racing game without “racing” and all the small bugs becoming lots of never fixed bugs… idk
The super 7 glitch which you can get 200 million CR in under 30 minutes and then people go to the auction house to buy everything they want. It won’t result in bans as it is or was a game mechanic.
This really truly illustrates “lack of effort” by the devs.
If a dev works on an AAA title with an in-game economy and builds a subsystem that allows users to create custom events that pay out credits for that economy and “forgets” to put in pre-payout bounds checks, that is just unforgivable. And it’s not even a new system, they had it in FH4 and I betcha there are no such checks there either.
On top of that, they let almost a week pass without any actions. The SECOND they realized the magnitude of this exploit/glitch, they should have shut down the Super 7 module for damage control until a fix is out.
So, based on the above, PGG either have competence issues, management issues or just plain don’t care. Or any combination thereof. That is what is frustrating us core players.
Pacy, I think D, all of the above please.
However, the rapid response to extra credits vs the outright cheating for a year is weird.
Hello, stop giving people lousy payouts, 1000cr WS, and a single SWS for 1mm drift scores.
Then people wouldn’t NEED to scam credits.
Makes Tweelon look like a crack management team.
It’s naive to think they wouldn’t get their most talented employees all working on Fable and leave only a few on FH5. Bare in mind the bulk of FH5 including the first expansion was all largely developed over a year ago. If you think the team that did all this work are still focused on FH5 then you’re well wrong.
Andi, take a chill pill. You’re literally talking to one of the game’s biggest critics, so don’t go barking up my tree because we have different theories as to why certain things are bad. I’m not saying Playground Games are saints and that everything wrong with the game is not their fault, but its still foolish to think Microsoft has no say in a Microsoft-owned IP, that is all.
What the problem is with the game, isn’t the game engine. And when people defend the game dynamics based on the game engine it makes me wonder if they aren’t actually part of the development team lurking around to see what is being said about them.
Well, the real problem with the game isn’t the engine. It’s lack of concern for the final product. It’s not caring about mistakes in spelling (yes that is small but it relates to the care they put into the game) mis placed items, cars with parts that can’t be painted (which has been an issue throughout the games) like the Rimac, the GT500’s spoiler which you can’t put vinyl on. (Or the GT350 I don’t remember) among many other cars with parts that don’t get painted. Many other little bugs and just plain qc oversights. These are just some of the things that make the game so bad. These things have nothing to do with the game engine.
Agreed, real lack of care that shows either work being done hastily or without much quality control.
Add in all the other issues, like wheels that keep spinning after you’ve stopped moving when entering a player house, lack of proper shift animation in some cars, lack of working aero/spoilers on some cars, lack of working convertible functionality on a lot of cars, exiting open racing and spawning in mid air and falling to the ground (this happens to me a lot), the list goes on and on.
Is it wrong to expect some polish in a game I paid full retail + ultimate edition upgrade price for?
It’s blaringly obvious they also don’t care about wasting players time. This is apparent in every aspect of this game from releasing untested buggy content to unnecessary wait times in online racing. When you don’t care about wasting players time we’ll it’s safe to say you don’t care about the player full stop.
Seems to be the case nowadays unfortunately.
I’m not sticking up for the series 1 bit with this but it’s a much bigger problem in general triple-A gaming now and the series we love is sadly just 1 drop in that ocean.
I can’t see where it ends either to be honest, now that gaming is so much more mainstream devs + publishers can get away with a more shoddy product simply because a bigger amount of players don’t really (apologies in advance for how this sounds) have a clue compared to 15-20 years ago when a much higher percentage of customers were likely to be enthusiasts rather than casuals.
I’m not saying casual players shouldn’t play or anything like that but sometimes things can become too big for their own good.
That was pretty much my stance on casual gamers and the racing genre as a whole. In my group of small friends, I’m the only one who’s a racing game diehard. Do my friends mind playing my racing games when they’re at my place? As far as they have told me, no. Are they picking up a racing on their own time anytime soon? Also, no.
As a result, I’ve always had a burning desire to see racing games become not only more respected, but also more mainstream beyond Need for Speed and Burnout. However, Forza’s recent popularity combined with its constant mediocrity for the last five or six years have proven that this is a Monkey’s Paw scenario. Yeah, a racing game franchise can get popular, but it has to sacrifice a lot to get that popularity.
I think these ones are working on FH6
I would agree with that.
I expect FH6 to land sometime in 2025. That’s only 3+ years away. It’s highly likely the location for FH6 has already been chosen as well as the theme for at least the first expansion.
Big question around whether we will see another copy/paste in a new location or if PGG delay FH6 several years and do a complete overhaul of the game and potentially utilize the new UE5. Personally I think this is highly unlikely.
This mess was implied to have new engine. That was only real thing that prompted me to rescind my “no new pre-orders” rule.
Never again.
Hype worth about same as a Max Ver promise.
Please complete their survey hoping it will wake them up
Me too. The first half of the survey was predominantly '1’s.
The Auction House still being investigated & locked for whatever reason & the Super 7 is still pointlesss, as ever.
They’re probably all playing GT7 and laughing at us!
I was honest as well but a part of the survey was pretty much one’s