FORZA DEVS, READ THIS: We are sick and tired of the lack of effort from the devs put into this game

I know! Let’s get Elon, he can fix anything!!11!!:rofl:


The interesting thing to note here is also that the early reviews for horizon 5 were captured on xbox. The game was way more buggy on pc

Horizon 5 was released when it usually releases. So was it really pushed intentionally? I have some doubts

The game took about an extra year to developp too

Sorry, but I have a hard time not accepting the idea that Microsoft, one of the world’s biggest conglomerates, would have very little creative say when it comes to one of their best selling IPs. Not saying Playground isn’t responsible for a lot of the games’ weak elements, because they are, but I still anyone who thinks Microsoft has nothing to do with certain creative decisions clearly have a limited understanding of capitalism and the concept of executive meddling.


I’ve played many great Microsoft games in my time from Midtown Madness 2 to Age of Conquerors 2. The common theme in each game was fun, replayable content. If Microsoft had so much influence over PGG then where’s my fun replayable content? I feel cheated lol

Not really defending Playground here, but a lot of people seem to forget that most of those second and third years of development had a little major event called a pandemic going on during them.


You and I both know the gaming industry has changed astronomically since 2000.


I always wonder how much is it a generational thing. Like no matter how old you are some of the best music is from your teens. So for gaming, presumably some of your best gaming moments is from when you were young too. Like right now these poor kids are going to look back on FH5 as their greatest gaming moments in life. Ok ok that’s abit of a stretch lol…


I sometimes think it’s a generational thing, but at the same time, Project Gotham Racing 4 came out when I was 7 and I didn’t play it until I was 19, and it’s the greatest racing game I’ve ever played.


I don’t know how many of you all worked for a major corporation like Microsoft, Intel, or Hewlett-Packard. I worked for Hewlett-Packard for a ten year span. And we put out top quality products. And by top quality, I mean TOP QUALITY. From hand calculators to inkjet printers. And one reason was the people at the top really cared about the quality of the products going out the factory doors. And another reason, and probably the biggest reason, was we the little people at the bottom really cared about the quality of the products going out the factory doors. Even after Carly (the company wrecking ball) took over. People at the bottom still cared about the product quality going out the factory doors.

With the quality of FH5, the little things, the misspelled words, ill designed cars, cars with unpaintable parts. Events that don’t function, just things that should have been picked up in the qc departments, in the testing departments. And yes, these are actual departments within the game structure. You can find them listed in the credits. Qc is fairly large and the testing division is extremely large. Large enough to be more than able to catch all the problems, bugs, and glitches we complain about in these forums. And maybe part of the reason the leaderboards don’t get fixed real fast is because a lot of these glitch times have been set by these testers and they don’t want their times erased.

The there is the support and the issues of not going to fix certain issues. That’s just another matter of “we don’t really care enough about the game to make things right”. Face the facts people, if they cared about it, they would find a way to fix it.

If you care enough about your job, you’ll find a way to do it right.


they cant. seeing they dont make the engine…

I’ve had many great gaming moments personally throughout the years. But I would say my most fondest moments were early on. What springs to mind is…

Alex the kid, Sonic the Hedgehog etc on Sega.

Street fighter on Sega master system.

Pokimon on Gameboy.

Day of the Tentacle, Monster Truck Madness 2 on PC.

Mario Karts, Golden Eye, Ridge Racer 64 on Nintendo 64.

Grand Turismo 2?? on Praystation

Red Alert, Midtown Madness 2, Age of Conquerors 2, Tribes 2, Ever Quest, WoW on PC

FH4, Forknife on XOX

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It’s been almost 2 months ago since i reported a ‘audio bug’ literally can’t play my game without muting my TV. WOLFaye (or something like that) responded quickly on this saying: You need to reinstall the game & clear your xbox cache. Did that didn’t work (can happen of course) send him so many videos of my audio how it sounds, then he asked me something relevant about the bug so i answered it and provided more video’s about the bug. I haven’t had a single comment in about a month until yesterday with the question: ‘Do you still need help’ i mean… c’mon. It’s almost like they don’t want to help, but when it comes to a money glitch…
suddenly they’re fast. (Faster then normal)


You make good points. I mean if we want to be realistic here it’s difficult to cater to the players wants and needs at this point. Frankly the petrol car industry is dying we all know that. It’s just the time we start running out of truly exciting new cars that deliver the sounds and experience we have enjoyed for years now. Yes, I understand many of you are requesting older cars as new to forza cars or returning cars but will it really help? We won’t drive all these cars forever and we won’t play these games forever. I have enjoyed my 10 years of horizon but for a lot of us that grew up on these games a lot of us are going off to college soon or are already in college. The true legacy players that have stuck around since day one have to move on eventually. It is pretty heartbreaking after everything we have all gone through over the course of these games. We waited 3 years for this and on release a lot of us played through everything new in the first few days and then it really just picked up where we left off in FH4 with a new map and a few new cars. Even replaying FH1 (for the 5th time) it just hits different with the progression and the genuinely difficult races and we really lost a lot of that progression aspect since FH3. Lack of bucket list stories, (which weren’t even MENTIONED in the 10th anniversary update because everyone forgot) actual buildable festivals with benefits, or just being the underdog racer fighting their way to the top on the pavement of Colorado are things we miss. I get that you are trying to cater to new players but really at this point we are on the 5th game and counting who else is really going to have FH5 be their first horizon game after 10 years. It’s like watching Seinfeld in the 6th season, you already know what’s going on and what it’s about because it’s so well known and so repetitive Your player base has diminished as car enthusiasts continue to be a dying breed in the new revolution of EV’s. I’ve thought about this for a long time especially packing up all my discs before leaving for college and really cherished every moment of joy PGG really brought to my childhood and still be somewhat proud of how far they got in the past 10 years.

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Working from home was a thing before Covid and I’m sure many workers at Microsoft, Turn 10, and PGG were smart enough to know how to work remotely. Now yes scanning cars and other things that would have to be done physically were obviously hindered by Covid. Still they had an extra year to THINK during quarantine about what good ideas could be brought to the game instead of recycling FH4 and add a few new tweaks and a map.


You’re definitely being generous thinking Playground is capable of that at this point, pandemic or no pandemic.

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God forbid, people should be able to make a little more credits. But they’re not gonna jump on fixing any real bugs.


Working from home during the pandemic should have given time to fix all the graphics errors in the existing vehicle base. So all the un printable and un-vinylable surfaces could be covered.

So what are they fixing exactly? The 2008 M3 for 10M ask (not sell) or the Copo Camaro 2.5M issue? Or the can’t sell LaF for more than 1.7M issue? Or the PC poachers that buy out stuff?
Or what?

You did not address a single point I made…
It’s always easy to make the publisher responsible for a games’ flaws, but my thesis is far more plausible than just yelling “It’s Microsofts’ fault!” without any real reason. I would not even blame Mike Brown for having that vision for Horizon 5 he probably had, but it was just too much for a game that runs on an engine that was 8 years old when the game released. It’s not really a stretch to think that this is the main root of the problems the game has.


Beginning of next stream ‘Hi everyone, it was so nice to see that you enjoyed the last update !´