The devs or whoever might be able to change things (and it’s more than one entity needs changing) aren’t listening and even if they were it’s too late to fix (maybe even save) FH5 and it’s probably even too late for any game already in the pipeline. Still, we all need to get it off our collective gripe list.
We may be a small voice here on the OFFICIAL forum… BUT… however you want to jig the numbers (and the jokes about statistics, I’ve made them too, aside) we are a solid statistical sampling from which accurate models can be built. We ARE NOT complaining about problems because we are a vocal minority of players, we ARE complaining about problems because they ARE PROBLEMS.
…and I had some other thoughts but that train of thought derailed talking and thinking about this train wreck of a game and others on the same twisted tracks to nowhere.
I think this group is a “small voice” bc so many dedicated players have just given up & moved on a while ago. This game’s content & execution have been planned & deployed per a previously set schedule quite a while ago I’m sure, so it’s pretty much on cruise control with content to force engagement & Gamepass to sustain it…
It gets mentioned from time to time that the members of this forum represents a small percentage of all player.
But think of it as a poll. When polls are taken, everyone is not asked, only a small subset (hopefully a statistically significant number, but I digress). So if a good number of members of this forum are upset or concerned about the game, I definitely think it is fair to extrapolate that there are a good number of other, who are not members of this forum who are just as upset.
This is an extremely small subset, but a high proportion of this subset are users who have been through most (if not all) iterations of Horizon, and many have been through all the Motorsports too. Personally I’m just sad to see what’s happened, and feel very disillusioned about where the franchise has gone compared to where it could have gone to. If others feel like me it’s more a place to vent that frustration, as in reality the devs aren’t going to listen to what’s said here… the Gamepass stats and forced engagement give them the numbers they want.
We’re a small voice.
We’re a voice of active, analytical players who actually pay attention to the finer points of the game.
We’re a small voice of intelligent players pointing out issues within the game which have slipped through the development qc process.
We may be small, but we could be a highly effective tool the developers could use to correct issues within the game.
It doesn’t take the entire voice of player base to affect changes. But it does take the development team willing to listen to effective input from a solid base of players willing to help.
The mass amounts of complaints in the last 2 weeks has been widespread across every social media platform and forums such as Steam, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
Now they can’t say that we don’t represent the majority as we are the only ones that say something, they can’t say that it’s not representative as like a poll we are the one saying something about it, let’s pray that they will do something because they haven’t finished this game and there should have been much more activities and please make a game for people that are 7+, I don’t think that a lot of 3 years old children play a game like that, most of the people I’ve encountered are 20+, I remember that max said something about the majority but how can he knows if it’s the majority or not if no one says anything
I think that the game has gotten worse since Chris Brown took over the franchise and he should listen to what people are saying and not say that everyone is excited about an update even before people have the chance to say something. The people on these forums are the most dedicated one and we’re not whining, we’re just expressing our opinions. And yes we can have good new updates, look at GTA, The Crew 2 or even Call of Duty where you have plenty of new content that are not necessarily DLC and able games to last longer, GTA with their updates had a lifespan of more than 10 years… And I really hope that the DLC will bring more than 10 cars because we really need new content and I was really disappointed in Hot Wheels as there was nothing new except a new map but that’s clearly not sufficient. I’m sorry it’s the first time that I’ve expressed myself on these forums but I’m don’t want them to ruin this beautiful franchise that bring so much people together under one passion : CARS !!!
The inconsistencies and lack of proper active aero on cars is one example that screams objectively lazy to me.
The removal/lack of paddle shift animations and errors in shifting animations is also, to me, objectively lazy.
These two issues, attention to detail of car model, just grow by magnitudes when looking into other aspects of the game, eliminator, livery editor, etc, to where it just seems lazy.
The fact that a gear shift animation or reverse light is under “by design, won’t fix” seems like a lack of effort to me.
I never thought I would defend Chris Brown as he’s done lots of despicable things but FH5 is not one of them. I think you meant MIKE Brown and, yes, watching that dude helplessly attempt to drive up an incline in a FH5 live stream was not really reassuring as to the direction of the game.
If I recall Ralph used to be creative lead. But regardless, the game is a joke.
Players repeatedly mention the content being subpar or lack thereof, but no amount of content is going to turn this game around. I don’t care how hyped up it is, even if a completely new urban city DLC is added. It’s irrelevant because the GAME feels horrendously bad to play. At least to me.
I used to be excited to turn this game on, not anymore. That’s what happens when you try to please everybody, you end up pleasing nobody. If the game was just kept as a neutral open world racer with genuine offline progression for the casuals and competitive stuff for us online guys, we probably wouldnt be having this conversation.
All this erroneous stuff that was added like Eliminator, Playlist chores, and EventLab to me has dwindled this series into a fragmented mess.
The game reminds me of my days messing around with mods for Fallout. People would make or import all these cool weapon models, but they often didn’t ‘work’ right. Like there’d be no suitable reload animation for an unusual gun, or other functions would just be ‘off’. Because the modder knew enough to be able to import the model, but didn’t know how to do everything else.
FH5 feels like that. We get this constant feed of cars, but no one on the team knows or cares how to make the cars function properly. Aero that doesn’t work right, like on Mclaren P1, is very frustrating. And if I used the 1st person view more, I’m sure I’d be super annoyed by all the gear shift animation issues. And I STILL get wheels spinning in place sometimes when I drive into a player home and the car has stopped moving. And then the fact that they can’t be bothered to animate all the convertibles for roof up/roof down…
Is this a professional product or do we have volunteer modders dropping in content now?
I agree with most that was written in this thread. But statements such as above are just too much. Why are the Eliminator, the Playlist and EventLab erroneous??? Many players enjoy them - me included. It’s optional content. If you don’t like it, don’t play it. But do not complain about content…!
What? You complain about content being subpar or lack thereof, but no amount of content can turn the game around??? I just don’t understand the logic here…
I love the Horizon series and I still enjoy FH5. But I am very annoyed by all the bugs in the game and the slow progress (or even refusal) to fix them. I strongly believe that this game can still be turned around - if the devs really want to and make an effort.
There isn’t much to do as far as online progression either online or offline. And if you spend much time at all on the game outside of the playlist chores you can finish the festival and race progression in a week without missing lunch or dinner.
Eliminator, Playlist, and EventLab at least give something for people to pick and choose if they want more out of thr game.
EventLab is a great idea but it needs a serious overhaul to get it functioning better.
Playlist, for me is just something to keep me from getting bored between building and painting cars. It’s a decent idea but it could be so much better than what it is.
Eliminator, I won’t comment on this because it loathe this junk.
But as a group, we could come up with some player driven changes to these and other areas which would make the game much more exciting for the overall player base. That is, if the developers would listen.
I remember TDU2 where you had a real garage maybe no bodykits but you had several car manufacturer wheels and you could customize the interior, they don’t need to redo the game from scratch but adding a sport mode to more cars, make sure that convertible cars are actually convertible would be a start and I know that adding a petrol station where you could refuel has been asked by many years ago but still they don’t listen, also I don’t like the impression of speed because unless you drive at 200km/h it’s like you’re not driving
i want them to make a decent update including new cars and hopefully new game play, actually everyone wants an update like this, Play ground games or turn 10 if you listing…Please make one of the best updates to forza 5