FORZA DEVS, READ THIS: We are sick and tired of the lack of effort from the devs put into this game

I know, but we’re still talking about the days before Horizon 3 came out. Casual gamers were pretty apathetic towards any racing game not called Need for Speed or Burnout at that time. Nowadays, they’re are apathetic towards any racing game not called Need for Speed and Forza Horizon.

I hear yah, I thought the crew was a good idea but the physics are worse than watch dogs and then the crew 2 announce looked so good and I played at launch and hated it.

I ended up buying it like 6 months ago on sale hoping it would be better but nope. Still terrible.

My apologies, I thought you said you had snagged a 4090. It’s these dang avatars!

I think the biggest issue is you’re not fully compatible with the dx12 tier 2 API. Depending on the function calls you can often (for now) still run tier 2 content because it’s not actually using the tier 2 stuff then some of t2 is optimization functions. It also gets a performance, loading time and slightly less draw in with resizeable enabled but that’s nVidia 3000 series & on and I think RDNA1 and on from AMD. Eventually it will be combined with direct storage 1.1 which will be fantastic.

We have basically the same tastes in driving games. Wanna see my new fanatec setup and cockpit?


I’m especially proud of the Porsche from NFS Payback with Unite mod installed, if only Augmented Reality could actually pop a Porsche into my life… Sigh

Have you tried payback with unite? It changes so much it’s actually playable now. I’m really curious about the upcoming game and I’m glad that color effect can be disabled but I’ll give it a shot and see how it goes.

I really wish they had made burnout 3 backwards compatible instead of 3 revenge… Although in dev mode or regular mode if you know where to look on the Windows store, the series x can emulate PS2 assuming you own the disc and it’s pretty cool.

3 fields entertainment made dangerous golf then Kickstarter was used on the next 3 games, the first 2 were crash mode only and it was fun and the 3rd was Dangerous Driving which was supposed to be burnout 4 basically… Sadly it fell short because of the insane bloom and low camera angle. I also didn’t like the tracks, they felt slightly too tight in the corners for drifting system they made.

Anyways the promise was Dangerous Driving 2 so I did the Kickstarter for all the priors then I bought Dangerous Driving on PC twice then Xbox and playstation… Then a few months ago they announced something completely different. Made me sad lol.

There is this new game by 1 guy that’s like wreckfest but even crazier but I forget it’s name… It’s good though

Doesn’t California qualify as a foreign country?


Have you ever seen a TV show or comic strip where there’s a kid with a messy room and he “cleans it up” by shoving his toys in the closet? Playground is that kid.

They keep preaching “E for Everyone” and “PEGI 3” but at some point, those statements feel like cop-outs to avoid the code fixes that require lifting a finger. Let’s go after liveries because that’s easy, right? But glitches are like a festering wound; the longer you ignore it, the worse it becomes. There were and are bugs in the game that should have been nipped in the bud, and leaving them in for such a long period of time is inexcusable. Heck, there’s currently a glitch going on that’s already wreaking havoc on the game’s economy. As the glitches get worse, they will ironically make the game unplayable for literally everyone. Might as well rate the game N for No One at that point.


Why not support both like how a profanity filter works. By default songs are PG friendly but you have an option to disable this and listen to the actual lyrics. Liveries might be a little more challenging though.

And when you get right down to the basics. The worst offenders are probably the kids the banning is meant to protect. Get on a live game with a headset and the dirtiest mouth is most likely some kid under 15. So in reality, what’s the point? Listen to what they listen to on the radio or on YouTube, what’s the point? Being a nanny censor with a video game isn’t going to change anything.


Having lived there. Most of the time, yes.

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I just find it ironic that James and Nolan in the Donut Media story called each other the word that begins with fan and ends with boy, yet that’s a censored word on the forums.


The ironic conundrum of trying to be “E” rated in an “unrated” world.


Either that, or it’s about the money. Take your pick.

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Admittedly I agree with that sentiment because this is what Playground SHOULD do. But most times they don’t.
PG is very much aware of these issues but so far they’re more concerned about “player engagement” more than anything else. And this has to stop.

Maybe they need new management. Maybe they need new people around who actually play Forza for a living. Or more specifically, more ways to support the game’s lifespan in the grand scheme of things - more new content, not just cars and clothes.


At what point does anything beyond growing simulated celery that can’t actually expire not starting to “skirt the edge” and risk its E for empty rating?

A game for everyone is one thing. Demolition Man is not.


Happy cake day! :cake:


Thanks I’ve managed to survive one year. Not sure I’ll survive another :joy:


I think MS are getting off very lightly in all this, their 3 biggest first party franchises have all became obsessed with that player engagement metric in recent years, switched to live service and all their most recent entries are miles away from the best in their respective series.

Gears, Halo + Forza, 3 different genres from 3 different developers yet all have gone on a very similar trajectory within a short space of time.

The only common factor they all share? Microsoft.

I’m certainly not absolving PG of fault though, I haven’t had the feeling they love FH at all in the past 2 games, but it’s another perspective to consider that maybe MS are strangling it out of them.

If PG really are that small of a studio I think it’s insane lumbering them with attempting to resurrect Fable on top of already having arguably Xbox’s biggest 1st party franchise to cope with.


Yeah. I started to notice that when Infinite released… The entire fan-base erupting over the mind numbing chore list. I was sitting there… like that meme of the guy saying ‘your first time?’…

Microsoft are in the process of taking all their biggest (and once best) titles and just neutering, and lobotomising them all into the most basic cookie-cutter rubbish there is. It really says a lot when people are saying one of the most generic Ubisoft open world games is more fun than Horizon.


OK, I WILL say it again: I enjoy playing The Crew 2 much more than Horizon 5.


Sry for late reply, but great idea! I hope they read this

This is my first post in years and I hope the devs will see this but I’m really tired of what they’re doing with this game. We mainly have recycled cars and still people try to justify this, I accept the fact that there could be some licensing issues but not on so many cars. In some videos on Youtube you hear some people say that it’s free but the game wasn’t finished and there’s even less activities than in previous Forza. They don’t do anything to correct the bugs like the aero of the Mclaren P1 and it’s something that has been carried since FH4. Also I don’t understand some of their new functionalities, it was interesting to have a sport mode on the AMG One but why can’t we have that on some other cars like the Ford GT or else. I really hope that they will say something about this because I’ve become more and more disappointed in the franchise and it’s making me sad as I love this franchise overall and they should start to listen to us. Maybe we aren’t the majority in these forums but we are the ones saying something about this and they should listen