FORZA DEVS, READ THIS: We are sick and tired of the lack of effort from the devs put into this game

In Germany we’ve the word/term “versifft”. It means that something isn’t cared for, neglected, dirty and possibly also partially broken. The translations I found for this term are raunchy, grubby, manky, skeevy and squalid.

I think this perfectly describes the current situation and state of the game.


My main gripe with this game is how I feel babied, not unlike OP. Most of the songs on the radio have every other word censored. The characters range from bland to cringey. You can get banned for something as little as the number 69 or 420 on your livery.

It’s as if the developers are afraid to inject any sort of personality or soul into this game out of fear of receiving a higher rating. As a result, we get a setting that feels more like a lifeless sanitized bubble than an energetic open world.

There are times where I shut the game off in 10 minutes because of the blandness. Contrast that with Forza Horizon 1 where the music, story, and community all combined to create an atmosphere that had me hooked back in 2012-13. I definitely think it is possible to create a game that captures that initial Horizon spirit while still maintaining the E rating, it just requires some more effort. Good luck getting the devs to put in that effort though.


It’s because of the PEGI 3 rating. If they would let that go we wouldn’t have these problems.

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This game under delivered massively, it sold me on that one gameplay clip where they drove down an alleyway and you see a mclaren with the roof folding down, then bragging that working convertibles was a thing they never said this would be at the most about 4 cars out of the 30 or so convertibles available and the ones that work even less show it working.

Not only this they promised 1000’s more upgrades, ok name them !!
I hoped they meant visual but later found out there was 100 more visual, really prove it!
You can’t because you can’t say 100 more when you took away a lot more than you added.
To me this game was sold on a lie hyping it up with a load of rubbish.
The budget for this game probably went to the PR team and not on the game.


2 million lifetime is just a little more than what FH5 sold in the first few days before the Game Pass release.

Microsoft wants Game Pass to be ubiquitous and can’t risk the kids not being able to play the game because of a T rating.

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They have those: they are called “Kudos” & you can use them to….uhm….you can buy…no wait, you can claim…erm…apply them to….ok, never mind :smile:


are you really this ignorant? i dont care how expensive your setup are or how fast your internet speed is, most people has the hardware that should work with the game, and it does not work as it should be.
I have 1000/1000 Fiber connection and its working great, its the game that is the problem.

why cant you see other peoples point of view, and understand that maybe you are in wrong here?


Would be kind of weird seeing that modifying cars is illegal in China. It would be the first Forza where you have to drive stock cars


i have thought about this too.
i really hope its not true, because the next Test drive game is taking place in china, or hong kong to be exact.
it would just be as forza horizon 6 are copying test drive if that would happen.
i never seen anyone want it to be in either china or even wanted the Fh5´s mexico map.
im not going to pre-order FH6, i want to know what i buy…


Wow, how amazingly lucky for you. You always have the best thing for whatever situation but still problems. A 4090 and the game runs bad or crashes, connection and sync issues in game on symmetrical gigabit. I streamed it on my phone over 4G the other day in the car waiting for my wife.

Here’s the problem and why I’m so “ignorant”

If the game works fine for… 99.99% of 7+ million people but it’s not working for this other .01% is it the game or could there be an issue that’s been… Overlooked?

Let’s be generous and say 25% of people have an issue 100% of the time… What’s the cause? The game?

If it’s nothing more than the game then why aren’t 100% of people experiencing this or any other issue of the you have talked about?

Usually there’s something else, something in the chain of devices or the ISP itself. Could be 1000 things, could be 5 or just 1.

I never say I didn’t believe you or that because I don’t have sync issues that means nobody does. I’ve just tried to get information. I love a good mystery and when it comes to this one I find the problem is usually 1 of a few things… a single incorrect setting in a router or router that’s overloaded (# devices vs specs) and/or compromised, a PC issue of some sort usually findable in 5 min unless there’s RGB software then it’s gonna take 20, a bad Ethernet cable in the chain, a noisy signal only the ISP can check that one unless they allow people to mess with wires underground or on the pole which would be irresponsible and darn wreckless.

I still don’t understand why anyone would continue to play an online, constantly crashing, poorly performing game that doesn’t work online… or even at all really. I wouldn’t. Yet here you are… A forum regular no less so that’s gotta mean something. Can’t be that bad, there’s other options right?

Anyways what other racing games do you play online that work perfectly? Play any GT7? AC? ACC? Richard Burns Rally? Motor City online?

It won’t be China or Hong Kong. Microsoft doesn’t want to set the game in a country commiting crimes against humanity. It’s not exactly a good look to openly support that by showcasing the country in a light hearted simcade series with a massive fan base.

Ahh yes you’re waiting for TD God I hope it’s not bad for your sake. I hope it’s absolutely amazing! They can set it there because it’s…TD. Plus KT & Nacon are just… So… Awesome… at making… Sorry phone call brb


So, I know I’m late on this but after watching YT on the S7 exploit, we now have another clear example of PGG incompetence. They design a system where users can create events that pay CR but do not put reasonable bounds on the output of the algorithm that determines the CR amount!

I mean how hard can it be? A simple protection would set a max CR per played second possible. Let’s say 200 CR per second (adjusted by difficulty settings). So if someone makes a 0 second race, you get max 0CR, 3 second race = max 600CR, 3 minute race = max 36k CR, 1 hour race = max 720k CR.

Was the hour of coding saved by PGG worth the broken economy balance and AH they have on their hands now?


The profit will be that if and when competition does come, it won’t blow the series out of the water and destroy the franchise.

Monopolies stay monopolies by acting like they still have competition. Stagnation opens the door to competitors.

Well that’s not 100% true. Monopolies also stay monopolies by buying out any competition, but I don’t recall Microsoft buying any racing game studios in their massive spending spree. Besides that’s a massive expense. Better to stay ahead on merit.

That would be a major issue to overcome, but I feel there would be more. If anyone has noticed, one of the opening screens when you start FH5 is a license list and agreement page where it states the use of real world locations were agreed upon by the Mexican govt. to be used in game. Imagine the backflipping needed to happen to have Chinese locations in game?

This is also why I have no expectations for TD:SC.

I disagree. I believe the CCP would actually pay MS significant money to use China as the location for a FH game. The reason is that the CCP wants to get Westerners used to the idea of buying Chinese cars in the future.

Selling Chinese cars to the world is the holy grail for the CCP because the profit margins would be glorious compared to what they earn for making tons of cheap plastic crap and assembling iPhones for Apple to rake in the real profit.

If that ever happens on scale, the damage to the Western economies will be enormous as will the CCPs ability to blackmail the free world. It’s no coincidence we’ve been getting quite a few Chinese cars in FH lately.


I don’t know about the rest of the world but I the US, most racing parts people get and put on their cars are generally stamped “not legal for road use” or some similar statement. So the mods done in the game are basically illegal for street use in the US. It’s just rarely inforced.

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Dude, I’m pretty sure the Chinese brands actually reached out to T10 and PG. Not the other way around. This has nothing to do with licensing but rather than the brands reaching out to devs. Hence why we got the awesome NIO EP9 and the Wuling. Both of which are wholesome fun.

It’s good for either side, but bringing politics does not bode well with these forums.

The difference here is “enforced”. Does China enforce their own laws? No idea, but if I were a betting man…

Side note, California does enforce it’s laws, and have been cracking down on a ton of car guys in that state.

i have no other options when it comes to alternatives to forza, thats the bad part. the crew 2 has terrible car handling and no one of my friends are playing it.

on another note: i never said i had a Monster PC with rtx 4090 (maybe it was somebody else), i just have old Lenovo legion gaming PC with a GTX 1050ti, intel core i5 and 32gb DDR4 ram. a pc i need to replace with something better.

i only had a couple of bugs in forza horizon 5 so far on my series x and most, not all of them are fixed. its lazyness from the developers when it comes to the updates i have a problem with, not the bugs/glitches.

i Play Assetto Corsa, ACC, Automobilista, RBR, Dirt Rally, Live for Speed and other games on my PC.
On XBOX i Play Dirt Rally, Forza motorsport series, Forza horizon series, Project Cars 1 and 2, The Crew 2, Snowrunner and more.

have a great evening! :slight_smile: // Bassemann87