FORZA DEVS, READ THIS: We are sick and tired of the lack of effort from the devs put into this game

Yeah, this is the Xbox achievement, though. This is the third time they rinse repeated the same format. Second time around for me, third for many, though. Clearly a lot of people just hopped off the bus without saying anything.

To me that’s a worry.

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Yep - that’s where I got the One in my garage, so I’ve had it photoed since then.

There was a big discussion on this.

I expect Max will step in and move these posts to that thread shortly so keep your eyes peeled for that.

Clearly a lot of players who played the first few weeks didn’t continue to earn the car or if they did care to photograph it. You see the low HoF numbers for maybe peoples first trials then the others dipping, it shows a big drop off almost right away.

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Most likely because they “fixed” it. Same as a number of eventlabs that included getting this and other achievements that no longer work.

Yeah, I usually start to drop off these days when I start playing…

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Me too!

I think many do these days

At least according to the 30 repliers and hundreds of viewers.


maybe you can find some new devs and create a new game and give exactly what this community wants
cant be too hard can it

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Or maybe PGG can acknowledge there are unsatisfied players and step up to the mark to satisfy said players and then reap the rewards (ie profit)? Or is that too logical for you?


Hey, if they allowed mods this wouldn’t even be a thread. :wink:

They want to control the content, so make it good, keep it fresh and don’t tease us with it for over a year, maybe?


Maybe loyalty rewards could help. Wait, what?


Here’s one badge for logging in this week and another one for doing the bare minimum. :medal_sports::cake:

This is awesome. Nothing to tweak here. Games only getting stronger, right?


Come on now, it took the intern a full 15 minutes to make those badges in MS Paint! You should really learn to appreciate the hard work AAA game developers have to put in to stay on top!


So, you know how everyone and their uncle had a Shelby Daytona for sale in the AH but you couldn’t drop the price below 2.1M and too much supply, no demand so they never sold?
Well, whatever the hell is happening to the AH right now led to none of them being for sale so I put my dupe up and it quickly sold for 2.1M. Crazy times in PGG land :slight_smile:

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Ahahha it’s so funny how pathetic some of this stuff is. It’s like the new forums. Congratulations here’s a badge for liking a post. Congratulations here’s a badge for quoting someone.


How will they profit
You arent gonna be paying any more are you
They already have all the money they will get out of you
Only way it will improve if theres another game for competition
They arent getting any more money from me
I hardly even play any more
Put your money where your mouth is
While you keep playing its not showing them youre unhappy is it

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They can make profit 1 or 2 ways:

  1. Build a game that players love and rave about, which not only retains players but attracts new players. Make bank on FH6.
  2. Pay off certain companies to rate their game 10/10 and award it game of the year. Do minimal changes to develop game by largely copying/pasting and then glossing it over with a different looking map to be distinct enough to initially attract customers. Continue to do bare minimum and keep profits earnt so far. Focus solely on keeping their main customer happy, i.e. Microsoft.

And because of game pass they can just keep going like they are with minimal effort and still get their profits

Very true and I don’t see this changing any time soon. FH4/5 imo have been to date some of the best games on gamepass. The game itself is visually impressive on the XSX in comparison to other games. The physics from Turn10 are state of the art. It’s an impressive game in many ways.

It’s also a lackluster game in terms of end game replayable content which only arises when you play the game a lot. Why does this matter? Player rentention. It’s one thing to have 20+ million players who have tried the game. It’s another thing to have 20+ million players actively playing the game. If they had the latter then I can guarantee the contract they have with Microsoft would be significantly larger.

I don’t have the exact figures handy but from memory gamepass reported revenue in the billions. They also noted that gamepass subscriptions are well below their own targets. I’m speculating here but if FH5 isn’t retaining the target player base of active users then this could potentially impact PGGs current revenue stream or future revenue stream for future titles. Which for us players would unfortunately mean more copy/pasting, neglect, halfbaked features/content. Hence why people are saying something drastic needs to change. Otherwise it won’t evolve the way we hope, yet it will still be a moderate success.

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I think that’s being a bit harsh on Driveclub. Despite its shaky launch, it sold over 2 million copies and has since become a modern racing game classic. I’m sure games like GRID Legends, Project Cars 3, Dirt 5, and Dakar Desert Rally only dream about selling 2 million units.