Sorry if this is posted somewhere else. I have been having a very hard time posting anything here on the forums tonight as it keeps freezing up on me. Anyway my question is I have heard that we can bring our tunes over from Forza 5 to Forza 6. Does anyone know if that is just your homemade tunes or is it any tune you downloaded in Forza 5 that can be brought over. I have a few tunes I made but enjoy the tunes I downloaded better and would like to bring some over but not sure if I can unless I made it.
From what I’ve been reading the cars in the full game of forza 6 don’t drive anything like they do in forza 5, I’ve also read that the physics are a little tighter than the demo as well if this is true I’m not sure the tunes will be any good anyways.
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well just wait few days, and download tunes from other ppl sharing their own, you’ll be fine! Or even better, start tune cars yourself!
+1 There are lots of great tuners out there but I have found myself having better result tuning a car myself for my particular driving style. Definitely have a look around when the game arrives but also try tuning a setup yourself!
From what I’ve been read the cars in the full game of forza 6 don’t drive anything like they do in forza 5, I’ve also read that the physics are a little tighter than the demo as well if this is true I’m not sure the tunes will be any good anyways.
Raceboy77 said not to worry about transferring tunes from 5 due to PI differences. He’s been playing 6 for about a week so, his word is good enough for me.
Looks like Raceboy77 will share some of his FM6 tunes very soon, so have a look for them.
I have never heard of tunes transferring over, so this thread was the first that I have heard of that. I would imagine that it would not work being that they are two different games, and the PI has always been different between the games.
Either way I will be tuning as usual and sharing them. Looking forward to it.
The ability to carry tunes over into FM6 was confirmed long ago
Although I can’t imagine them being as good as an pure FM6 made tune due to PI differences and physics tweaks. They could be a good base to start with and build from.
FM6 will most likely allow you to separate your tunes from online and career.
With MODS in career, you can use the grip MOD and use less tire and areo.
Since MODS are not available in online, our tunes will be quite different there.
Thanks to all for the quick responses! I will take the great advice and hold off for the Forza 6 specific tunes, thanks again.
I don’t think they will work as good but they should give you a good heads up on 6 ready to start to tune looking for the Drags
Getting REALLY close!!!