Forza 5 frame rate on replays

Does anyone know if the FR is 30 or 60 during replays? it doesnt look that crisp on my TV. My tv is 60’inch 1080p samsung with a 600 hz refresh rate

I’m almost positive that replays drop to 30fps

Thanks for the reply and info. I kinda figured replay was only 30 fps. A little disappointing. Especially when trying to show off the Xbox One

The graphics are far superior on replays hence 30fps instead of 60.

IMO there isn’t a very huge difference, though it does look smoother with all the additional AA and filtering going on. Not worth it, sacrificing all 30 frames for it.

Anybody remember how vivid and life-life GT replays were up until the 4th part?

It would be nice to see life-like replays like that in Forza. It’s about the angles, yes, but a smooth frame rate makes all the difference.

Not something the devs are likely to consider, since the game runs at a rock solid 60 fps while driving. But here’s hoping in future Forza’s maybe an option to toggle 60 fps replays while looking at the same quality as the in game racing. That’s something I can certainly live with.

GT’s replays are still in a league of their own.

That’s for sure. Nothing like it.

I think I’m right in saying that forza has always hit 60fps during gameplay but adds post processing to the replays for a 30fps target. This doesn’t cause a problem though since were only watching a replay, not taking part, but the image quality is a little higher.

The big problem for me isnt the replay framrate its the lousy quality in the game clips themselves if you record and use upload studio. Even when watching on a fibre optic internet connection with a 2GB Graphics card.

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this is a major issue for me too (the quality has improved since recent upload studio updates, but it’s thrown off the sound\video matching). I’ve recorded numerous in-game clips via the xbox DVR, then to upload studio and onedrive. every single time I get an audio lag of about 2 seconds where the sound precedes the video on the final mp4 video. very annoying. interestingly on a nurburgring capture (full track and therefore two separate captures due to the 5min restriction), the second video had the sound and video matching perfectly, but the first one was off by the usual two seconds. if I check the capture in game clips, it syncs the video\audio ok; meaning that upload studio is stuffing up the actual upload\render to the onedrive file.

so in summary, the video\audio sync issue I am seeing is specifically with upload studio (so not forza, but a Microsoft issue).

It is 30 fps I’m afraid.

I’ve been whining about this since FM2, but eventually gave up since it falls on deaf ears.

I’d LOVE to see the replays running at a crisp and smooth 60 fps. Reminds of the good ol’ days of the first 4 GT games - very impressive.

60 fps coupled with better camera angles would make for some very exciting replay viewing. At 30 fps it just looks too much like a game.

Most gamers say it is simply not important, or that they can’t even detect the difference. The distinction to me at least, is clear as daylight. 60 is super smooth and solid, 30 isn’t.

I was hoping to see all current-gen games locked in at 60 fps or higher. What a disappointment, yet again.

I know it seems trivial to bitch about FR on a replay but A LOT of the game’s beauty gets lost when it dips to 30. I try to show off my Xbox One using that game, responses are always luke warm…

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[Mod edit - WSD - Trying to circumvent the language filter is against ToS]

Yep, 30fps for replays, thankfully.

Yep 30fps, I turn on my TV’s judder correction (basically adds frames between the real ones) for the replays as lag doesn’t matter, doesn’t look perfect but makes it a lot more bearable. If I switch it off now and try and watch a replay it nearly makes my eyes bleed. 60fps for replays would be nice and definitely more camera angles like we had in FM4 would be good.