The forum has become toxic. It’s impossible to come here to find genuine info about the game. Every thread gets hijacked by the same 5 people with complaints about how bad the game is. We get it - you don’t like some/all of it and you have some great ideas. Cool. Meanwhile, tons of people are having fun and enjoying the game.
To support forum growth and promote a more positive environment, I’d like to see mods step in. Maybe we need a Complaint Megathread where all the complainers go, or some more rigid enforcement of forum rules (maybe even a new rule?). I don’t know the best solution, but I used to come to the forum for a tuning tip or to read up on this months events. Now it’s just awful.
And to the complainers, your opinions are valid. But do you need to start multiple threads per day about it? You’re basically the rammers of the forum. Say what you want to say and move on. If the devs aren’t listening, vote with your wallet and buy a different game. Quit trying to wreck it for everyone else because of your bitterness.
I hope to see a more positive forum in the future. I miss it.
People dont complain about things they dont like. They complain about how broken the game it is. Not the same thing.
And when so much negativity is present on a game forum, that means something. People are used to read patronizing and mostly positive comments everywhere in social media. Its how it works. Many negative comments are always deleted, wiped out, rules are very specific towards prohibition of anything that can harm the game/company reputation, etc, etc, etc. Thats why you are not used to see so many negative comments all around but here. But it should be pretty normal on any forum these days.
People just dont have so much patience anymore, thats all. I guess everybody has their limits. If FH5 was only half as good as FH4 many negative comments will be just constructive comments without judgement, but the sad reality is that FH5 is a total mess.
You’d think that would be a common sense thing. If the game was really the best Horizon ever, we’d all be singing praises about it but that’s not the case, it’s the exact opposite. Why do so many of the players act like those of us complaining are complaining just for the sake of being negative? The negativity isn’t coming from NOWHERE! 3 months in and we’re complaining about the same things that were present launch day.
If, as you say, there are only 5 people, you can just block their posts. I think that if we don’t have at least some criticism, the devs will just look at all the good reviews and not actually improve the game. ManteoMax already has quite a difficult job managing everything here.
Just started with the game and I can see where the frustration comes from. We could easily solve the negative posts problem if the issues with the game could be addressed with positive criticism and effective solutions.
Maybe a good start would be to address one problem per thread and discuss positive solutions the developers might actually be able to implement.
Just my opinion. But I know with the game as it is now, I am only playing the cloud/gamepass version. I’ll vote with my wallet and never spend money for any more than that option.
Tier 1 account complaining about “toxicity”? Quite suspect.
In the first page, aside from the stickies, you can find information on the latest season and latest gifted car. That’s all the information you really need. What’s so “impossible” to find that you are having trouble with?
Maybe visit the official Discord server then. Plenty of kids there hyping the game.
I think the point being missed here is that the OP is saying that even if a thread is about tuning or best place to get a high drift score for example, people are hijacking the thread and turning it into a “lets abuse the devs and complain about PGG” thread when there is no need to nor was the thread ever intended for that.
I actually agree that the forums have become more abusive and intolerant of late, it is nice though now again when a genuine thread about the game pops up (ie: any that don’t complain or flat out abuse), unfortunately it doesn’t last long.
Don’t get me wrong, i like coming to the forums to see what people are talking about, i just don’t feel like contributing much anymore (just a post here and there on the odd day or two).
The issue is with the scope of the threads. On Discord, the moderation enforces staying on topic in a more strict way (at least it used to). But here you have threads created to complain about the game on a more general level. What’s “on topic” is very broad and there’s no rule to prevent it, because, frankly, there shouldn’t be, or it becomes censorship.
I’m not gonna go post on quadro’s guides thread to complain about the game for example. It doesn’t make sense. On the seasonals thread, I might complain, when it comes to the seasonal events themselves.
I do agree though that two or three threads complaining about teammates in the Trial is completely unnecessary.
I wish users were free to discuss what ever they desired, however they desired.
I also wish the forums weren’t so heavily moderated. Don’t get me wrong, this has nothing to do with Max, but I wish there weren’t so many rules governing what is and isn’t allowed. I would much prefer a simple report feature where by a forum moderator could review posts that had alot of reports and warn or ban the user accordingly.
I have seen posts where someone makes a comment asking for help, and it is turned against them. Don’t blame posters for asking for help, turning it against them.
The forums are supposed to be a family friendly environment on a private website. People need to abide by the ToS laid out by them, Xbox and Microsoft and agreed to when signing up. Constructive criticism and feedback is welcome but those posts have to abide by the rules.
Don’t feed the trolls, if you see a post you don’t like ignore it or the thread entirely, if the post break the ToS use the report function. There are plenty of positive threads and posts around but the same people keep seeming to appear in the same clickbaity threads arguing and stirring up trouble. If you ignore the trolls they’ll either get bored and leave or they’ll get to the end of the rope and get banned, don’t let them take them with you just because you don’t agree with them. People are entitled to their views and they are free to post them as long as they follow the rules but they don’t need to be repeated and posted everywhere.
I don’t really see the problem. Complaining and criticism is part of every new Forza title launch. OP seems to be new here. So far things have been quite normal. Whenever someone misbehaves or goes too far, they will get a timeout or ban and their post(s) are edited/deleted or the topic is closed. Constructive healthy criticism and (fierce, as long it remains civil) arguing is, in my opinion, very welcomed. It’s a public forum after all. Sure, time to time things can get emotional, but that’s understandable considering the number of issues FH5 has. Eventually things will calm down (always has). Sometimes all this moaning will lead to better things. FM7 got a LOT of heat and eventually T10 acknowledged that. Now they are trying to make a “restart” to the Motorsport series. Will they succeed? That remains to be seen.
This here is the general FH5 forum. Tuning has (as many other topics have) its own subforum, where one can find everything related to that topic. Nobody will hijack a thread there and complain about the poor state of competitive multiplayer.
Complaint Megathread isn’t a good idea, because:
there are too many different issues with the game - that thread would be a total mess (quoting and answering someone’s post 5 pages earlier and then you get answer 3 pages later
forum is slow - browsing and finding information in that thread would be horrible experience
people would still make their own threads and those would need to be moved to that one mega thread - more work for mods