Ford Falcon 1962-1991 (Argentina)

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Ford Falcon (Argentina)

This Topic is specifically for the Ford Falcon variants that were built exclusively in Argentina.


Note - voting on polls does not substitute for voting on the topic. Make sure to VOTE above the first post to have your interest in this model counted.

Which bodystyle do you prefer?

  • Ford Falcon (Sedan)
  • Ford Rural (Station Wagon)
  • Ford Ranchero (Pick-Up)
0 voters

Which version do you prefer?

  • Original (1962)
  • Facelift 1 (1963-1965)
  • Facelift 2 (1966-1969)
  • Facelift 3 (1970-1972)
  • Facelift 4 (1973-1977)
  • Facelift 5 (1978-1981)
  • Facelift 6 (1982-1991)
0 voters

I would like to mention that the 4th facelift has the fastest (and coolest) version of the car: the Ford Falcon Sprint


1973-1982 Ford Falcon(Argentina) Sprint



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