Just decided to open the game for the sake of it and it opened up a nice 1.26gb update? Any ideas on what it could be? It’s crazy as I only bought this Xbox a few days ago specifically for this game (tried my mates red dead redemption for like 15 minutes tjust to see how far games have come), played all my favourite games like Bo1/Saints Row 2 and whatever, then I’m returning it in a week as I don’t really care for videogames at my age haha.
I think it’ll be a fun game. A Forza from each generation gap. Fm4 was the best, built on the Xbox 360s mid 2000s technology, that is crazy to me and it still looks good. Fm6 was a solid game built to run on the Xbox Ones 2013 technology, ie, 10+ year old stuff wow! Fm8 will be running on the Xbox Series Xs 3 year old technology and it should be amazing with the kind of jump we’ve had in the past few years. The first Forza to not be cross compatible and not sacrifice potential/strip assets anymore to accommodate to 2013 technology. But now it is purely built on the Series X. Pair that and 6 years of development compared to their previous 1-2 years, this should be amazing and I think the eye candy factor would wow us the most even if the game is somehow broken lol
I actually think this Forza will go well even though I’m very critical. How long it has been since I’ve played Forza, I swear it has been 6-7 years.
I think I will try my best to smash out the career, then I may try online mulitplayer. See you guys out on the tracks haha!!
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Yeah you are right, but atleast that sacrifice is a ton less when compared to my last Forza which was Fm6 built on 2013 Xboxs. The 60fps is probably to maintain some kind of stability but I do wonder how that’ll affect my reaction times. I’m yet to play anything higher than 60fps, but one time I played some 120fps game at the store for a few minutes and unless it was a placebo my laps felt faster haha. I guess it makes sense as every second a lot more information is delivered within the picture frame at any given second. When you’re going at like 180mph around a bend about to slam on the breaks I guess those more frequent incremental frame deliveries make the difference? I don’t know HAHA.
It will be weird to play such a new game like that, I never play new games, just the 360 era of stuff and it’ll be crazy to make the jump from that to something up to date for a change. It will be a funky feeling haha :0
Will do! I guess I’ll be on it later tomorrow and we’ll see how it goes. Are you playing tomorrow aswell? I hope the day goes smoothly as I’m going to have to race around before the gym to play this haha.
UI, Shaders, Textures, Aero, Gameplay stuff, Translations and 47 changed cars + bugfixes
Pretty sure some youtubers play already and report random bugs.
Second update for the game since preload started but yeah 24h40m to see the mess or best fm… rly hope they do better than the fh5 launch
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Ah I see, 47? Sounds offly specific, where did you read about this? I typed in about the 1.26gb update online and nothing came up.
What happened to Fh5s launch? I didn’t play the game at all nor do I know how launch went. Wasn’t Fh5 a game where you could play career offline anyways?
So by bug fixes, that’s like UI shudders or graphical blips that need a quick fix right?
Yeah, this Fm8 will be a Forza that’ll be here for years and years to come so I really hope they don’t mess it up. I wonder how much Forza will be different from now and even lets say Christmas. Hopefully it goes in the right direction and they actually listen to us. Either way this Forza couldn’t get any newer which is a change to me to be completely up to date, usually I get games ages after they come out. Fm8 just appealed to me because it is fueled purely on newer consoles. If it was cross compatible with the Xbox One generation like most other games I may have been less inclined to check it out in the first place, I just really want them to push the limits. We will see haha!
Yeah there is no release notes for these 2 online. Was looking at the files on pc not digging deeper. But good to see they fix stuff before it goes full live.
Random cars maybe was some shader/texures stuff too
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