FM5 free cars downloaded but not available in "my cars"

Hi everyone,

this is my first post in this forum, microsoft support sent me here after trying to resolve an issue I recently have.
I apologize for the wall of text and my broken english.

I used to have an xbox profile on my XBone (no longer on the console now) which I have downloaded all the free available cars from Forza 5:

FM5 2013 Vauxall Astra
FM5 2014 Rolls-Royce Wraith
FM5 2014 Renault Spark SRT_01E
FM5 2015 Ford Mustang GT
FM5 Infinity car pack

I used to play with those cars with no problems.

After regaining access to my first Xbox live account of some years ago, I decided to play Forza with the old (but newer for the console) profile.
I deleted the account on the Xbox which I had downloaded the cars.

On the new account, when I tried to play with the upmentioned cars, they show up as “purchased” in the marketplace, and when I try to select them,
an error tells me that “I already own this content”, but the cars aren’t available on my garage.

Microsoft made me:
-clear the cache of the console
-delete and redownload my profile
-uninstall the extra cars from “manage game”

nothing helped.

have you guys any idea on how to solve this issue?

You need to buy them still.

You download them, the buy them from the ‘Buy Cars’ menu.

At least that’s what I’m getting from your post. Though I may have misread it.

Thank you scs for your reply.

The cars were free, and when I go tho the “buy cars” section, they have a price (for example the Rolls-royce Wraith or the Renault Spark) for $300,000 credits or so, not free…

The dlc cars are only free the first time you buy them. They are not free if you want to buy more than one. As for the diff profile issue I’m not sure what to tell you about that. I know that paid dlc is linked to one and only one profile not the console. So if you have multiple profiles on the same console you have to pay for the dlc for each profile in order to use it on each profile.

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maybe try redownloading the profile you actually purchased the cars with
also pretty sure they are only free to buy (with ingame credits) once with the actual profile you used to purchase the DLC…any other profile pays for them with in game credits (not free)
so easy to get credits in this game anyway

The cars weren’t purchased in the first place, they were -and they still are- free download.
If you have the game, the same cars should be available to you too.

so far, none of you guys suggestion helped… :frowning:

I think they are only free in-game for the profile you used to download the content, so you have to pay IGC to buy them on a different profile.

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that simply doesn’t add up in my head.

Why would you offer me to get the cars for free on an xbox one with default settings, stripped of all profiles and game saves, actually download them for free with the new profile,
but doesn’t show in my garage?

I’d like to ask directly to a Turn10 representative or a moderator, because it looks like I’m taking crazy pills here. Does anybody know how to contact them?

thanks everyone.

I’ll attempt to answer, though I’m a little hazy on the situation.

How do I contact Turn 10? is a common question listed in the FM5 Game FAQ thread stickied at the top of this forum.

It sounds like your initial profile succesfully downloaded the August content update, which made the listed cars available in the Buy Cars menu for “Free” and you were able to buy one of each, transferring them to your My Cars collection. It sounds like you then deleted the profile and used another profile (and new gamesave) to play FM5, attempting to download the cars from the in-game Marketplace. It’s not clear if you are having trouble downloading the content to the new profile’s gamesave, or are just commenting on the fact that the cars are 1) not in your new gamesave’s My Cars list, or 2) that the cars are listed in the Buy Cars list but are no longer “Free”

First, with free DLC content (not to be confused with “free” cars in a DLC pack), you shouldn’t attempt to download the content from the Marketplace. Required game content updates make the cars visible in the Buy Cars roster, and you should go directly there to buy them for your My Cars collection. If you attempt to buy a car from the Buy Cars list and the game indicates that you have to download (or purchase) content form Xbox Live, you should reboot your console to see if the server now recognizes the content is free to use (or purchase the DLC and download it at that point).

Initially the game economy was set up to add DLC to the Buy Cars list and treat them as like all the other cars in the game; credits or tokens were required to buy and transfer the car model to your My Cars list. In March the game economy policy was changed so that installing DLC means “you will be granted the one-time free addition of each [DLC] car to your Forza 5 garage, without needing to purchase them with in-game credits or tokens.” After the one-time freebie, DLC cars are just like any other cars in the Buy Cars list and credits or tokens are required to buy them. Obviously, a different profile means a different gamesave, which means cars that were in your My Cars list for the first gamesave will not be in your My Cars list in the second gamesave; you’ll have to transfer them from Buy Cars again.

It would seem that each gamesave on a console should enjoy the same benefits with regard to DLC, especially if it’s free - your second profile should show the DLC cars available for free once. However, since the console treats one profile as the home/master account that shares Xbox Live Gold benefits (DLC content) to other profiles, in many cases, “consumable” in-game DLC benefits (such as the one-time free buy, or VIP bonus benefits) are only available to the account that downloaded the DLC. The benefit to the other profiles is that they don’t have to spend duplicate money to access DLC cars in their gamesaves. It may be that the console is treating the second profile as a sub account even if the first was deleted. Take a look at the settings for your new profile to make sure it’s the one that is the Home account sharing Gold benefits. You could try rebooting the console after checking that setting to see if the new profile sees the Buy Cars DLC models as Free, but if not, there’s likely no remedy - play the game, earn some credits, and buy the cars for your new profile’s My Cars collection.

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  • the cars were installed before,
  • the old profile got deleted,
  • cache was cleared,
  • game was uninstalled,
  • console got rebooted,
  • new profile was created,
  • cars resulted as downloaded but not showing in “My cars” as before.
  • When I go to “buy” them through the “buy car” (not at the marketplace) it asks for credits or tokens.
  • if I return to the marketplace, it says that “I already own this content”

that looks like there is only a one-time dowload per console… it would be an idiotic choice IMO.

there is only one profile in the console, and it has gold benefit.

I feel like this game is half baked. I may return it to the store and change it with something else.
So far, with “Battlefield 4 game saves in campaign disappeared” and this problem in Forza make me want to sell the console already.
If I wanted to have problems with games I would have gone with a PC.

you bought the DLC with a different profile…don’t why you expect it to be free with this other profile …you have deleted the profile that OWNS the DLC

  1. When I go to “buy” them through the “buy car” (not at the marketplace) it asks for credits or tokens… of course you going to have to buy them in game … they are free for the profile (the first time) that actually bought the DLC… why would you expect it to be free for other profiles as well… honestly i don’t know why you would think that this other profile is entitled to the DLC cars for free (no in game credits) they were purchased by the profile you deleted

OK mate i have a suggestion, i think you should redownload the profile you deleted as it is the owner of the DLC…then make your console it’s home console
i have my main profile which i have bought all my DLC with, then i have another profile as well, it gets all the DLC cars for free too, i think because the main profile has the console as its home console
you can’t expect to have the DLC for free for your current profile if you have deleted the profile that owns the DLC

I think that because even when I deleted the cars in the “manage game” section it allows me to redownload them, and both in game and on the xbox store, with exclusively the new account.

it just doesn’t allow to play me with unless I spend some credits. Which I think it’s unfair and it cripples my game experience.
The fact that you don’t have this problem doesn’t mean that it’s not important.

Thank you for your suggestions though.

Delete the car pack from your console.

  1. Go to my games and apps
  2. Select Games
  3. Press the Menu (start) button on the controller while hovered over Forza Motorsport 5, and select Manage Game
  4. Delete the Vauxhall, Renault, Rolls Royce, Ford and FM5 Infinity Car pack, by hovering over each one, pressing menu, and selecting uninstall
  5. If they are not listed under “Ready to Install” towards the right, go to the marketplace on the Xbox Dashboard and manually install them again, with your new profile

(Steps 6 & 7 if needed)

  1. While at the Home screen, press the Menu button on your controller, select settings
  2. Select “My Home Xbox” on the bottom left of the screen, and select “Make this my home Xbox”

I had followed your list of steps, and made sure that step 6 & 7 weren’t a necessity (the console is listed as my own)

this is what I see: