FM Update 3.0 | 12 Dec 2023

Do a reboot

Not 2min for me, about 40sec to 1min. Still canā€™t see 90% of the vinyls in preview window.

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The huayra r is the reward for the contemporary tour but it is stated as prestige tour


[Staff Edit - fixed, thanks for catching that - T10MM]

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@ExiledAgentD , that was because some players found a way within the game to have ā€œfunā€. Fun is not allowed and those bugs get the first priority attention. You know it really hurts the game for everyone else if someone has more credits and more cars too quickly. Iā€™ll be able to sleep tonight now just knowing this hot fix has been done.


how is the game after the update? i mean optimized etc??

after I tried a few single player races and got beaten up by the AI like ā€¦
I canā€™t say yes

It is optimised in the sense that my screen is now just entirely blank with the menu music playing only. That means the FPS are awesome.


dlaa is working now , headlight flicker is gone , stutter is gone .
cxp system not fixed , still horrible . needs to be 10x more cxp .

I have just decided to uninstall the game. This latest update is clearly broken. No fun in enduring this drivel so itā€™s gone now off of my hard drive. To be honest, the process of uninstalling has given me the most satisfaction in my experience with this game so far.


At least they have promoted ā€˜Skip Practiceā€™ to the main menu. Of course, you have to be in practice to see this. Still no option to just feck practice off.


I still have freezeframes and fps drops in the pit before the race


the DLSS is better but still stutter for me too in the pit and sometimes during race.
However the game seems more smooth.
but since update the game is very very long to launch , I even believed the game has crashed (seems to be blocked on update screen) but if I wait few minutes , the game starts , I try to reboot computer , same behavior.

Thereā€™s lots of space for impovement when it comes to track limit penalties. They can learn from ACC or even GRID Autosport (2014!!!). When it comes to collision between players, unfortunately neither penalties nor safety-based matchmaking work at the moment. Having the latter would help significantly, but they donā€™t seem to care at all.

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yup went through and attempted a variety of benchmarks and settings and literally all of them are now worse.

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try unlocked with a framerate cap set by RTSS? this should give you the result you are looking for.

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Grid Autosport was so good. You could set it up with 2 monitors and have the second monitor display the leaderboard while you were doing quali or the race. You could see where everyone was the whole time, just like they do in F1.


Yep, youā€™re right! Just turned it on and is updating!

Please, while I wait for it can anyone spoil it for me and tell meā€¦ Is, at least that one, the loading time in the tunes better or the same? That was probably the one that grinded my gears the most!

I know Forza has telemetry out but does it also have race data like positions or just limited to your client?

Itā€™s just limited to you. I have a dashboard with data from the telemetry but I canā€™t create a leaderboard or a map with the positions of the other drivers since the telemetry doesnā€™t push that data out.

It really instills great confidence in an update when they post a message asking us to tell them how many bugs and glitches we find in the new update. Shouldnā€™t things like that be tested and fixed - IN AN UPDATE - before the update is released? Isnā€™t that the point of an update? Or am I missing something?

Oh, yes I am missing something, the compensation we should be getting for being the alpha testers before the game goes into itā€™s beta teating stages.