Fixes 02/01/22

Forum able to create some list with “real fixes”? Trying to get an idea what “Miscellaneous stability, memory, and performance fixes” and “Various fixes” means

Edit: to prevent more/other misinterpretations…

Only fixes or improvements in best case u experienced the bug before and its gone now
Post with Platform. If something is already there click like or whatever but try to prevent doubles…
If something is posted as fixed but its not fixed on your platform quote the thing and post with your platform (maybe same if it is fixed for one player but not for other)


  • Free roam player are loading faster (they are there but needs longer to show blips)
  • Car+PI is displayed correct now when hovering the blips on map
  • Constant Brakelights in FreeRoam fixed
  • “Winner” text removed after leaving rivals without beating rival
  • Menu>Playlist “1” removed (atm)
  • Menu>Online Friends/Players shows correct car+pi and what they are doing (friends without prestigelvl)

Like I need your permission, but thanks anyway for the mention.

And its nice to know I’m not normal, not that I needed telling.

Searching for tunes and scrolling backwards through the list seems to be quicker. Also if you searched by class you would occasionally see random classes other than the one searched for there - only searched on a couple of different vehicles tonight but not seen this today. so Maybe that was in there.

I think they fixed the wheels always being straight in photo mode whilst in horizon life as well. .

Xbox Series S

  • MapAnimation (wich shows new events) fixed after season change