Fix online now! Not tomorrow. Not next week. NOW!

To be perfectly honest, I don’t care if I get the misused label of being, “entitled”.
The irony is that as much as I like the game in solo, I absolutely hate it online which is why I bought it.

This is a very old argument regarding the Forza series so wouldn’t you think its time something was done?
It’s basically like this, STOP punishing players that can actually, you know, race.

When I brake, I’m not braking for me, I’m braking for the 3-6 idiots behind me that wont.
When I slow down to take a turn at the correct angle and path, I’m doing it for the moron beside me. As it is now, I’m better off slowing down to dead last then outracing the others to reach 5th or 4th.
You can almost watch the 5+ players every race like a swarm of bees. Clean racing points are worthless of 7 people ram you out of the checkpoints.

Its frustrating to no extent. And it’s not as if nothing can be done.
*Turn off all assists
*Point people that constantly ram others
*Make other cars ghosts
*Make front end damage mandatory online.
Pick one…but do something.

I refuse to buy games any more that don’t have some online mode. This is no exception.
But I promise, this will be the last Forza game I buy if it’s going to be ignored.

I do agree with that 100% bro at least make a game type for the real competitive gamer’s that will race clean. There are so many people who just wanna show of there skill instead of playing bumper cars and get pushed into a tree or a random little stair way going into a store like why put them there when you know kids in trucks aren’t gonna stop pushing till they get you to a complete stop. I really don,t understand what they where thinking by not putting something in for us good drivers but maybe just maybe one day.

I would agree something must be done, granted i also understand that it would be next to near impossible to impliment. I share in the frustration and to be honest i have found a few lobbies where people were actually trying to race clean. I can put up with the odd bump and grind once in a while, it happens sometimes that someone tries to late brake and hits you(rubbing is racing). However the incessant bashing with no effort to try and follow some sort of racing line that involves braking as opposed to go as fast as you can aim for the inside of the corner and use the cars in front as your brakes. It is almost insulting when you are passing someone cleanly and then they start to bash you as you go by. Sorry i took a better line to carry more speed and was able get a better drive off the corner. That is something should be addressed.

We need damage but Forza 5 showed that damage is a no no for Forza games online.

One thing I will say is poor driving kind of comes with the territory with this kind of game. I’m in no way condoning the behaviour but the truth is this is a game that appeals to more casual types of players than the Motorsport series probably does. I hate all the ramming and poor braking I see online too but that’s what happens when people of all different skill levels and mind sets are pitted against one another.

My best advice for you in the meantime would be to try to find some like minded clean racers to race with in a private lobby. Many of us that post here know how to race properly and strive to race clean so the forums are a good place to look for friends to race with.

This is what you get when you don’t have custom lobby settings that allow for things like damage, or F1 like penalties for repeated ramming and collisions. FM4 had damage and it was never an issue. It’s frustrating to crash out, but race better next time. This game is WAY WAY too forgiving for people that ram walls and flip over. I’ve passed cars flipped over, only for the game to turn them upright and have them right behind me again!


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