I had to hold off on the xbox one because gaming isn’t my only hobby and the others cost money too. I just got the new console and the only game I have played much is Forza 5 and I love it. I used to be around the forums more with 4 but I’m not a great player so I kind of fell back into lurking for a while.
More to the point the game has changed in a few ways I am not sure about yet. Mostly with the store front features. I haven’t seen prices on things I have looked at in the little time I have played with painting so far. I’m not very good at that either by the way. It just doesn’t look like people get paid for things any more or am I missing something?
On the subject when I was around the forums before there was a set of “paint jobs”, if you can call them that, with a ton of logos and designs that could be used for those of us that aren’t good at it but would like to be able to make our cars look a little more interesting than factory. If those are still around how might I get my hands on them? Hell, is there some way to just move the stuff I had from my 360 over?
I’m not very far into the career yet so I haven’t touched on line play yet, but is there anything I should know before I go there?
Store front is gone, tunes and stuff are free for the user and the creator gets X cash for number of uses in 24hrs, I think.
Also I’m not a painter but pretty sure the pre made logos are still there.
As for online MP don’t jump in before you are ready, if you are not the best racer better to get the practice in career than online IMO. Biggest online MP tip would be pay attention to everything around you.
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there is no gifting on Forza 5 so no logo mini
No shared or logo mini’s. However, there is a lot of community made logo’s in the editor IF you just want to make cars for yourself. And there is a manufacturers tab with game made logo’s you can use a bit if you want to sharefront stuff.
Sharing a design for profit is difficult, it has to do with X amount of uses in a 24 hour span, and then the payout’s far from what everyone was used to. Couple that with the increased difficulty of getting your stuff seen, and the reduced amount of people looking and it’s Starvation Alley.
So, if you want to build up a collection of logo’s for profit, short of it is you’ll have to make your own. Also, complete car designs will generate income for you IF enough are used, individual logo’s shared will not.
BTW, shared means shared to what’s called the Sharefront, there is NO sharing between specific players anymore.
Oh, also, there is no tranferring from the 360 to the One, different everything, incompatible and not set up to do so.
Money can be made by your drivatar, usually 2k-5kish a day, depending on variables no one seems to really have a handle on. Leveling up your driver level, and affinity level for a manufacturer as well as upping bonus’s from reducing driving aids can help as well.
I never bothered to sell anything really so that isn’t killing me. I like the logo cars because I could edit the logo to work for whatever i was do g at the time. Oh well.
As for online, I race with very little assistance from the game and pro difficulty and win 9 of 10 with my own tunes. I would like to get all the assists off but I can’t learn to use the clutch. I’m having a hard time with the button layout for that. I also don’t mind losing a race i just don’t want to be in the way on the track. I would like to be able to enjoy the process.
have you switched handbrake to LB & clutch to A HatefulGravy?
This is probably one of the best pieces of advice when trying to learn Manual w/clutch, makes it so much easier to get the hang of.