FH5 Rally Adventure expansion now available

I own a Xbox One and I buyed game + 2x DLC at the premiere. Will there be any compensation or the answer is “buy a new console” ?

I guess you’re referring to rumours that the second expansion leaves Xbox One behind? Have a look at the official FAQ :wink:

Q: What platforms will it be released on?
A: Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows 10/11 PCs, Cloud Gaming (Beta) and Steam.

That was only rumours? Thank god.
Like Abraham Lincoln said: “Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet just because there’s a picture with a quote next to it.”


Right attempt #2, this is Kylotonn’s take on a rally stage in Mexico, it’s the only one in WRC 10 since the rally wasn’t part of the 2021 calendar, it is available in WRC 9 though so there may be videos of the other stages on YT.

Probably the closest thing to compare it to for the dirt stages that will be in this DLC.


Technically yes,… It jut looks exactly the same as the main map

I just went back and watched all of the base game trailers and then expansion trailers for all the horizon games:

FH1 Colorado > rally off-road expansion different feel
FH2 Italy and France > stormy weather off-road expansion with different feel
FH3 Australia > snow blizzard expansion very different feel
FH4 Britain > jagged mountains, lighting, northern lights, different feel (not as drastic as FH3 but can’t mistake fortune island for the main map)
FH5 Mexico > Mexico looks exactly the same

I don’t get what happened.


Welp since dlc1 was just a repeat of horizon 3s dlc and this dlc is a repeat of horizon 1s dlc theyre really just saying theyve completely given up on trying to do anything new or interesting. So expect the same old washed out and recycled content from now until when the game inevitably implodes upon itself

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I think these twisty and narrow roads in the expansion can still feel very different in comparison with the main map, despite the similar look of the surrounding environment. We’ll see after release :slight_smile:


Theres one hairpin in a canyon in the trailer or reveal that looks darn near identical to the hairpin in the canyon on the main map

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I hope thats true. One of the short comings for me about the HW expansion was how very little events we have on the map. The map at a glance seems huge. Sure there are some tricks to it but when you exclude the qualification events and just look at it it feels soo bare bones.

I know not many players care about horizon arcade but i hope it makes a return in the expansion.
I dont know if anyone has noticed but horizon loves having activities on the map that just round up to around the numbers of 15 to 20-25. Even some of the music lists consist of that number of tracks. Same applies to older horizon games as well.

Just checking an interactive map of the base game:

  • 25 Road racing events

  • 20 Dirt Racing events

  • 21 Street Racing Events

  • 20 Danger signs

  • 20 Speed Zones

  • 31 Speed traps

  • 20 Drift Zones

Radio Pulse has - 22 Songs , Bass Arena has - 17-18 ( some stations might include tracks that are only available through the campaign ) , block party - 16, Hospital records - 20 , Mixtape - 15

Feels like they they’ve fallen in love with these number counts. Hot Wheels from what im finding in google has total of 17 race events - 8 Hazzard , 9 - Speed.

So i wonder about the meaning of "the largest number of racing events of any Horizon expansion yet

So is it instead of 18 events we’re going to get 20,22? I dont know. Maybe i’ll be proven wrong.
I dont understand why having as much events/activities possible isnt a staple for these expansions. I imagine the players will always appreciate it. And for me i do appreciate it when we’ve been given something extra. More than anything it shows gratitude towards the fans and that they’re not just some number on a spreadsheet.
Hopefully this isn’t a situation of like when you go into a store and pick up this item where the package says instead of 300 grams you’re getting 320 grams as a bonus.

I think I’ve heard Torben saying during the stream that there will be 27 events in the expansion.

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Better than hot wheels already. Will see how that looks on the map. Still nothing crazy but seems like a great bump overall.

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Its kind of weird you know… You get a map of the size that Hot wheels is and you get less events on the map compared to previous expansions and their coresponding map size. Bump up the price to 25 $ if you have to. Map size and events/activities on the map just has to scale properly

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So what youre saying is “size matters” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


ive made this worse :smiley:




I was really hoping for a map that would bring the ‘old’ FH4 seasons back.
Obviously I understand and appreciate that Mexico doesn’t have snow in winter, but unless you drive into some sort of storm the only real indication of the change of seasons is the water level. It is boring.

The whole “biome” thing sounds much better than it is in reality. The main map is already so much more boring than FH4’s map. I know ‘winter’ in FH4 is subject to a lot of debate, but at least 1 week out of 4 you’d have a completely different experience. And fall made the map look beautiful.
I really like the storms in the East in FH5, but it is all so random and sparse that most of the time I have no clue whatsoever what season we are in.


So it will be rally adventure but with only one actually rally car? Sounds meh…

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I’m going to have to bang the same drum of my opinion that seasons are just a fancy way of dressing up the live service.

I think this game’s almost non-existent distinction between them shows it isn’t + never was made as a feature for us the players, more as a convenience for the game’s dripfeed and that Winter in FH4 was just a happy coincidence.

It’s clear some players liked the whole thing in FH4 (I personally don’t as I think it was basically window dressing 3/4 of the time) and I think if PG actually ever cared about it they’d have done far better with the seasons in the sequel.

Or they’d have picked a place that would fit having all 4 seasons.