FH5 has 30 FPS target even on Xbox Series X/S

Looking at the FH5 FAQ I see the developers are targeting 4K/1080P at 30 FPS on the Xbox Series X/S respectively. I understand this is a cross-generation game and that the 30 FPS target is needed for the Xbox One but I’m surprised they’re not leading with 60 FPS on the Series X/S instead of it just being an option. I’d prefer they focus on the best combination of effects and dynamic resolution at a stable 60FPS on the new consoles with the option of a fixed 30 FPS mode with the highest graphical fidelity possible. After playing FH4 at 60 FPS on XSX I don’t see myself wanting to go back to 30 FPS just for improved visuals only. Any one else feel the same way?

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It’s sad. 60 is max for Series. I hoped in 120 because I don’t play 60 anymore.

A 120FPS mode at a dynamic resolution with reduced visual quality would be awesome but it seems like they’re struggling with 60FPS which is surprising. Racing games by their nature tended to be some of the first to 60 FPS last generation but here we are still talking about 30 FPS as the target…

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Yeah. I am OK with FullHD like H4 had.

Horizon had always half of the Motorsport so 120 was too optimistic. At least we can play it on PC with Game pass with 120+.

60 is not unplayable but it’s too blurry and XSX is a beast. Sad.

Those visuals were clearly running a RTX 3090. PC Version will be phenomenal

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No, they were not. Also it doesnt matter if it s an RTX 3090 or a gtx 1080.

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Not sure where you’re going with this statement. If you think a 1080 will perform the same as a 3090 on a PC you’re clearly mistaken. I agree that any gameplay footage from E3 was most likely on a PC using at least a 3080. Those videos weren’t 60fps and as of right now, that’s all the XSX can do on this title. My 3090 runs my triple 1440p monitors in FH4 at max settings and I still manage 120-140 fps. No Xbox can do that, or a 1080 GPU.

xIX CJ83 XIx :

wich videos ?

The 2 youtube videos 8 trailer and gameplay ) runs at 60fps.

Sorry I meant 30fps. As good as that trailer looked, I doubt it was played on a XSX in performance mode. Quality mode is targeted for 4k @ 30fps. So it was most likely footage from a PC.

30 is all I need, as long as it’s steady. Higher than that is largely unnoticeable to me.

I think they’re just setting realistic expectations for future entries in the series by keeping it at 30FPS here, since further down the line there’s no way they’re going to be able to embrace ray tracing in an open world game at locked 60FPS in 4K. The Series X is powerful, but it isn’t magical.

Keep in mind ray tracing is in Forzavista mode only. There is no excuse for 30FPS gameplay in a racing game on this generation of consoles and a big step backwards from FH4 on the Series X.

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This will be the last FH on the old Forzatech engine. So further entries will be on the new Forzatech after Motorsport gets released. Although I am disappointed at the 4K/30, I realize this simply isn’t FH4 in Mexico, it’s built “from the ground up” with lots of higher visual fidelity and pushing the current engine to the max.


4K at … 30fps is very disappointing for the Xbox Series X … It s a big step down from FH4 at 4K60fps.

I wish the 60fps option will run at 1440p rather than 1080p …

Still cant believe they are targetiing 30fps on the most powerfull console ever. We dont care about true 4K . dynamic 4K or 1440p is FINE.

60fps is king


The Series X is a nice machine (I am an owner), but it isn’t the powerhouse people think. At the end of the day it runs a GPU slightly less performing than a 2080 TI, which the new 30 series cards outperform by a large margin. Perhaps in time they can optimise and get 4k/60fps by lowering graphical settings but the majority of the playerbase are casuals who see ‘4k’ and think that’s as good as it gets.


Well it looks like PC users will have a hand up here… I really hope they implement machine learning such as DLSS or the AMD equivalent, it would really help with the far away objects taking load away from the GPU. Idk if the series x has specific cores for machine learning like RTX cards do, but i saw nothing about super sampling and machine learning. I saw somewhere the Xbox series s has the equivalent of a GTX1060 in it so it looks like anyone with cards above the level of an RTX2060 should be able to run this at 45-60 fps at 1080/1440p ultra settings.

From creative director :

Mike Brown :

Performance mode gets you 4k60 on Series X and 1080p60 on Series S

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Guys, what do you want out of 500$ machine? You can’t be seriously expecting 4K60FPS with Ray Tracing. It’s a 500$ machine not a 2k custom built watercooled PC. 1080P60FPS should be the target for sure…

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I disagree. Consoles are sold at a complete loss, so the price argument is moot. If the hardware inside the current gen consoles compares to a 2080 / 2080ti, then 4k/60 should be doable. Now I agree that ray tracing shouldn’t even be in question because even the new 30 series Nvidia cards struggle. DLSS helps but it’s still a massive performance hit and IMO isn’t worth it. But saying your happy with 1080p/60?? That’s insane. Anything less than 1080p/120 is laughable on a current gen console.