FH5 - Festival playlist gold requirement is messed since Rally expansion

Since the Rally expansion update, festival playlists which have required points, but not the maximum points are not showing gold. To recap, they mentioned Hotwheels and rally events points will not be counted towards the gold requirement. It used to work that way with Hotwheels alone. After the Rally expansion update it expects to have the full points.

I raised a ticket immediately, and they closed it saying team have all the needed info. I patently waited so long but still no update on this. Strangely I can’t see it under “Known issues” as well.

Please fix this, I have put lot of efforts to maintain the Gold. Now it’s reducing my motivation to continue doing so. If I know they are not going to fix, I would rather only play events to get new cars alone and leave at it…

Enter the old Series by clicking on the non-golden tile, back out and see if that fixes it.

No, when update dropped even the playlists with max points didn’t show gold. Once I went in and came back they got fixed…

But playlists with required points, but not max points not working that way…

I fully confirm this issue as @kathees has described it.

I remember that during several of the Forza Monthly streams around the HW expansion PG (Mike Brown et al.) described how points from the HW expansion will be used to “gold” the season - regardless if you fully complete the season of the base game and the HW expansion.

This totally changed when the Rally expansion was released. Since then you only get a gold season if you fully complete everything - the normal season plus HW + plus Rally. There also was a retroactive change - meaning even past seasons pre Rally expansion were “ungolded” even if they have been golden before.

To sum things up: This is not what has been promised.

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@kathees @BomicoJoe Are you still encountering this issue after the most recent update?

Yes, We are already in week 3 of the latest update. Issue still persists…

Was there any other update to Horizon 5 after DĂŤA DE MUERTOS update?

No change.

Still no change. Tested it with Festival Playlist Week 4 of American Automotive.

Playing on XSX.