After 1 year of not playing FH4 on the PC due to connection issues (Teredo) i’ve reinstalled it and it still refuses to connect to the servers, i have tried everything possible to rectify this and it completely draws a blank on me. My DNS is perfectly fine, connection to Xbox Live is perfectly fine (NAT open) all other titles FH5, FM8 plus other non related Microsoft titles work perfectly. Suffice to say i have bought a new router and it is configured properly so no issues there Device manager in Windows 11 Pro suggests the Teredo driver isn’t there, yet netsh command states it’s enabled and connected. Firewall is configured and ports are open, Malwarebytes is configured correctly (Yes i’ve even uninstalled Malwarebytes, disabled security essentials and still no joy). If anyone can suggest anything to rectify this issue i would be very grateful as i’m completely lost. Thanks in advance,
Hi, have you checked the settings of your Windows and/or Defender firewall, or any equivalent depending on your operating system?
I have encountered this problem before. Restoring all security, including the firewall, solved it.
yep all checks out fine
is it resolved ?
nope…I’m thinking Teredo driver as it’s not in device manager. But, to my knowledge there isnt a way to install it manually unless i’m missing something somewhere. (i’m on Windows 11 Pro)
Bumping this cos I had this issue more frequently lately (happened today again actually)
I’m on xsx
In Europe
But like the screenshot in the op, the network diagnostics said region: east Asia
I should be connecting to Europe? Makes no sense to be connecting to an Asian server.
It’s not my home setup or my isp otherwise all my info would be going thru something in asia