FH4 Bug in the skilltree of the Quartz Regalia

Hi guys, i think i found a bug in the skilltree of the Quartz Regalia, i am not able to unlock the TYPE-D of the car, the game instead gave me a Toyota Supra, is there a workaround or something to get the TYPE-D?

Bizarre… I know it worked for me way back. No help here on a fix suggestion, sorry. And worse probably no fix from the devs either. Not that it will probably help much but have you reported it through the official form ?

Hmm, I don’t suppose it’s just a typo in the car perk ? And that it actually dropped a Type D in your garage and not a Toyota ? :crossed_fingers:

First I’ve heard about it. Mine says the Supra also now but I didn’t try buying the perk. It’s a really odd change.

Edit: btw you can go around the 25pt halo to use less points, unless you want the skill chain halo.

i checked it in the garage but i really got a supra, unfortunately no Type-D :frowning:

where can i find the official form? was already looking for it but could not find it

Thanks for the tipp, was not thinking about it!

Support tab at the top of the page and Forza Horizon 4 link below that and eventually, if you’re persistent and lucky, you might stumble on one of the hidden links to Submit a Ticket :wink: I’ll save you the hunting lol… if it works…

Submit a request – Forza Support (forzamotorsport.net)

Good luck. Your Ticket will be instantly Solved tm (probably) by which the reply bot means they have Received your complaint and someone may look into it, some day, maybe. At which point they may decide that your issue is a non-issue and it is By Design. Or they may add it to the growing Know Issues list which may eventually result in a fix that may or may not work for all cases. Repeat cycle. Until they give up and drop it in the Will Not Fix file.

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So, I had a chance to look at mine too, and yep, it now says Toyota Supra instead even though I got the Type D from it way back. So something changed somewhere. I’ll be submitting a bug report on it too because I’m a bit miffed for you, others, and myself since I have a second QR I hadn’t spent the perks on yet to get a second Type D.

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Well, I’ll be… !

It looks like they changed the response to bug reports (a response that was supposedly carved in stone so hard it could never be changed). My report was not Solved tm, instead it was Received ! It’s a Christmas miracle ! :wink:


You could ask them to gift you the type D, since you already used the perk. They used to be good about that.

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Thank you very much for that! Yeah its a pitty since i bought the Game like two months ago which is also my first Forza Game, and i really enjoy it but i also understand that the Game might be already out of support but i would think that this is like a gamechanging bug as with this bug you would Never be able to obtain the Type-D, and just think about all the other ones that buy the Game Right now, so i have high hopes they will fix this one :smiley:

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Thanks for the link, lets hope for the best! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Lets try this out! Thanks!

Well, from “support” this morning…

“It is not a bug; the car can no longer be obtained in Forza Horizon 4.”

Perfect. :roll_eyes:

Hope you have better luck with a direct appeal xChaoticz.


Whoa are you serious?

No joke.

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I should have kept one. I kept a fresh standard version so I could use the perks for it if I wanted to use one.

Thanks for the info! I’ll be hitting the auction house.

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Good luck. I had a quick look at the auction house while there. No Type D (wasn’t too surprised) but not even the base version QR. I kind of wonder if they are both now blocked ? I thought the QR was a Backstage Pass car but I don’t see it there now either.

Yeah I just noticed too that it’s gone from the back stage. It was there before. I’ve seen both in the auction house today. Got the QRD for 20m so I’m ok at least. It’s a pretty big bummer that they’re not available now.

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