If you have your car mastery tree filled like this and come back to it to do more then it shows up with the infinite perk selected and it is stuck there unless you buy it and then close menu and then return. It is basically forcing you to buy it to move your cursor.
Exit back to free roam, have a new car delivered, once delivered, have previous delivered back to you and buy whatever perk you want.
Didn’t work for me either.
It didn’t work.
Mine does this too, thankfully, I can use my mouse to select the other skills.

Mine does this too, thankfully, I can use my mouse to select the other skills.
Using the mouse worked, never would’ve thought of that, thanks.
On a side note, I bought the wheelspin perk. This was my prize, very good considering i’m only acquiring cars through wheelspin, level up rewards and forzathon shop to make it interesting and see how many cars I can get like this and get to try out ones I wouldn’t usually use because I don’t have my usual one for certain car types.
I fixed it on XBox. I bought the perk it was stuck on, exited the car mastery menu, went back in and I could move the selector again. Hope this works for everyone.
Happened on my Ferrari LaFerrari, can’t move it. They need to fix these bugs asap, it’s ridiculous.