Car Mastery Bug

I notice a couple of times now where I have a car with all boxes available with an unlock, when I get to the last row, the cursor cannot be moved from the top left until I purchase that specific box. I then have to exit and re-enter the menu to get it to move again. It only happens if I leave that menu to go get some more skill points and then when returning, the cursor is locked in the top left. On the times this has happened, its been one I don’t want (get X per races finished for 10 uses etc). This is really annoying. Happening still on the latest version.

Also if anyone reads the car time reset when you roll happens way too quickly. Seems to be just about to right itself, then boom, it gets reset. That is annoying.

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Hey this has happened to my Renault 5 turbo exactly as you say it. I can no longer move the cursor.

I encountered this issue too, several times - though, FYI, there’s a workaround for those playing on PC. The problem only applies to the CONTROLLER, for whatever reason - switching to Keyboard-and-Mouse enables you to freely select other boxes. But of course, that won’t help those playing it on the Xbox One…