Looking for a Quartz Regalia / Regalia D

I’m looking to buy a Quartz Regalia for any ridiculous sum of money if anyone’s looking to sell? I’m a massive Final Fantasy fan and happy to pay whatever you want.

Are you looking for - checks tech specs - the long one, or the chunky one?

I’ve got a spare chunky, but not seen a long one in ages!

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I’m honestly happy with either! If you have one to spare I’d be so grateful!

I’m not in front of my PC right now to confirm 100% but according to a list i have the Quartz Regalia is included in the backstage Pass area if you have a spare pass.

I also recollect from a previous post somewhere on the forum that the License has expired for these cars, so not sure how that impacts the availability of these two vehicles.

Here you go:-

No longer available from Backstage Pass area, only from the AH

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Regardless of why it/they are no longer available, I just find it quite amazing that they saw fit to replace with… a '98 Supra? I mean, c’mon, like for like or close enough is one thing but that? Oof.

@SphinxyGyptian - if we can co-ordinate a time when we are both online, I’ll list a Chunky One (Type D apparently!) for you. Hopefully you can grab it quickly when listed, I’ve only the one spare so we’ll have to time it well! I’m UK based, can usually be online after around 18:00 GMT.


I know, I’m honestly baffled to be honest… Like yikes

I’m also UK based so that works for me! I’m a little nervous that it’ll get nabbed before I get the chance to buy it as a friend tried to list the ‘long’ version (so just the regular Regalia) for me and it was literally snatched up in 0.5 seconds!
Feel free to drop me a message on XBox and I’ll look to co-ordinate a time with you :slight_smile:

One thing I’ve noticed is when someone lists a car it’s actually available for someone to buyout before the spinner finishes and the message is shown.

It’s a bummer how they’ve limited access to it without warning afaik. The reason for it doesn’t really matter.

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just letting yall know i got a regalia normal and the d type
and am happy to auction it if someone needs it
dm me an we can trade

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Hello. Could you sell me Quartz Regalia (not D type) if it’s not difficult?

I need quartz regalia Type D. I have dm’ed you.

I’m always way too late on these threads, lol. But if anybody can spare one, lmk

Can you sell Regalia to me?

alr man
check dms

hey can i get a type d

I dm’ed you

Hey there !
I really need both of the Regalias so if anyone have them, please dm me!
Thanks :smiley:


I cannot believe my luck


How to get this???