[FH3 MAP] epicrides interactive Forza Horizon 3 map


I’d like to come up with a little project that won’t get out of my head for a while now. Since I am new to Forza and very stoked about the upcoming PC-version I had to do something to distract me from waiting… For some time now I had some thoughts on a project I’d like to evolve. One morning under the shower (you know, the best place for great visions) before heading out for work I realized that this probably could be transferred to Forza Horizon. That was just perfect. So - to cut a long story short: I’ve coded a small website containing an interactive map of Horizon 3’s Australia.

I have absolutely no clue wether something like this is in demand nor if something like this already exists. As I personally love maps and spatial data it makes totally sense for me.
So - what’s the idea behind it and what can be done with it?
The basic concept is, that every gamer could mark his favourite spots on an interactive map. No matter if it’s his ‘home circuit’, a beloved drift line, a stunning photo location or something else. Just put a marker on the map, enter your gamertag, a short description and select a category. That’s it. The location is saved in a database and could directly be found by anybody browsing the map. Beside favourite spots even barn finds, stunt locations or XP-sings could be tagged and saved. If someone doesn’t want so see some kind of layers (each category has its own) these could be hidden individually.

Check it out here: FH3 MAP

As I said - I don’t know where this leads to or if anybody will be using it. If there is some interest I could imagine a bunch of more features like uploading images to a location or the creation of gamer-specific maps, so every gamer could create his personal map and thus share his favourite spots. Maybe even a comment or rating function, a heat-map - you name it. But let’s see.
At the moment there are some questions concerning the design left and changes (especially to the info popup) have to be done. But I think for now it’s a version that could be shown.

Enough said for the moment, I am really excited about the movement of this little project.

Happy driving,

Some remarks:
This project is of course free and will be free forever. Special thanks to @Pebbs for letting me use his awesome screenshots made in the demo. Sadly I could start playing at least at mid of next week, so the “final” version of this application has to wait (will be resetted) until then because I need a final background map.


Nice Work :wink:

Have as many showers as you like if your brain creates great concepts and fantastic work like this. :slight_smile:

Just updated the background map to a higher resolution :slight_smile:

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I saw one of these posted the other day but unfortunately it wasn’t mobile friendly. Yours appears to work great, many thanks for uploading this.

Thank you.
But to be honest the map isn’t working perfectly. On mobile devices you can’t place a marker because touch events aren’t supprted by this feature.

But you could browse the map on any tablet or mobile device to find what you are looking for :slight_smile: