Bathurst Map Expansion ideas..?

I just had a brilliant idea…
What if there was a Map expansion (like on the previous horizons) that took you to the Great Mount Panorama (Bathurst) track…
Just seems like the perfect idea, being set in Australia and the amount of cars that are setup for track racing…
Especially if they bring in the V8 Supercars (Which they most probably will, being australia and all)

And not just being allowed to race around the track, but more of a strict ‘TrackDay’ expreience.
That you start with your own cars just taking them to the track to have a blast, and then ranking up and finally racing the V8 Supercars.
So would be a mini game really.

Whats your thoughts…?

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Chances are the Expansions have already been made, and while there’s a small possibility one may be this, I don’t think it will be.

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