Fh2 DLC situation...

Preordered FH2, all downloaded to my console. Taunts me everyday I see it xD

However, the one question I do have regards the DLC. In FM5, we got 1 free copy of each car in the pack (worded that poorly, sorry xD), is this continued to FH2, because I really liked that feature, lol.

This may well have been asked elsewhere, but a simple straight answer will suffice - unless nothing has been said?

Yes. DLC cars are free for the first time, no credits needed.

http://forums.forza.net/turn10_postsm183068_FH2-Cars-and-DLC-List.aspx#post_183068 - free cars in FH2
News - Forza - "As in Forza Motorsport 5, each purchased add-on car can be added to your in-game garage one time for free – without additional in-game credits. "

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Good Sir, I thank you - and also Furia

As for you Mr Mitchy … I have recently been caring for my 8 reptiles … and also some other stuff that needed taking care of … How dare thee accuse me of not being a fan, lol. I will … I will … Dammit, give me a bit of paper and a pen, I have no excuse… Lol

It actually cost me about £20 less to buy the Ultimate Edition as a Digital copy than to buy the game with BMW M6, then buy the addons separately. I miss out on the M6, but, you know what? If I get me a Lambo Urus, a Tesla and a Landie Defender, I’m done.

I’m soo done, lol

Thank you chaps!

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This makes my day. So so much. Getting the '15 Mustang, FREE , yes!

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Call yourself a Forza fan midget? Haven’t you read every single piece of information regarding the game? Coming in here with your casual questions… lol
But yeah, pretty much everything they’ve done in Forza 5 is carrying over. Same 6 confirmed DLC packs, season pass available. One car free of each DLC car in the buy car screen. Plus if you’re a Forza 5 VIP (Which obviously we all are… lol) then you get Horizon 2’s VIP for half price! Bargain!

Now go do 100 lines of ‘I must keep up with Forza news or johniwanna will track me down and make me play Need for Speed until my brain dribbles out my ears’



Yeah that’s it. Give us all dlc cars free. Plus a free car/cr each time we level up. Almost seems like there is no longer a economy on forza anymore. I preferred it when earnings were low and cost was high. Gave you a sense of achievement. But that’s just me.


Yeah diesel, me too. My first ferrari GTO was a real achievement, now everyone has one! Lol.
They should have two game modes, easy and hardcore, with some achievements only available for collecting cars in hardcore mode where credits are scarce. That should keep both sides happy.

…or they could just fix the economy by, you know, not making everything free lol.

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Either way works. It’s just a shame more of the kids (I assume) who want everything right from the word go got their voice heard than those who liked to have to put time in. I was so happy as affinity would finally mean something. …

just a shame that when you consider day one dlc. The dlc with new mustang/defender etc. Season pass bonus car. And teir reward cars plus a pre order bonus I think you can potentially begin fh2 with 32 cars. Then one free each level for at least 50 levels based on history that’s over 80 cars free of charge…definitely no sense of achievement anymore

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Welcome to the modern world of gaming. No longer is earning something buy playing considered rewarding but it’s taboo. This isn’t Forza or even console specific. Look at all the MMORPG failures over the last couple of years and realize the time=reward model just isn’t working anymore. In today’s society where kids get a trophy for lining the underside of a bench with boogers, what can we expect? Everyone wants their instant gratification and they want it yesterday.


Being 33 years old, a full time job, and other responsibilities, I simply don’t have the time to sit down and earn everything anymore. To me, this makes Forza more enjoyable. If you don’t like the one time free thing, you can always get your free car, delete it, then go back and buy it :slight_smile:

Please take care with the wording of things, as it doesn’t always apply to everyone.


Agree with you. I don’t have too much free time for gaming anymore, extra cars and extra cash from the Forza rewards are definitely welcome.


Agreed. But i would like an option like there is in FIFA in manager mode “how hard do you want the economy to be”.

Given what happens to my credits in these games I would like to make it even harder than deleting the free cars. And I would prefer not to have to delete 20 cars to balance the game to my liking, but then I may not play this as much as I originally thought anyway so maybe my credit build up won’t happen this time.

I think you’re blowing the wheel spin out of proportion, getting a car is apparently rarer then getting the top amount of credits which is only 110,000. And sure, all the DLC cars are free but there’s still an extra 200 cars in game to buy with the exception of the barn finds. Dan Greenawalt and Ralph Fulton have both stated that Horizon is supposed to be a step back from the uber competitiveness of Motorsport, its supposed to let you relax and have fun with your friends. I love Motorsport but Horizon is just plain fun, some of you guys are just too serious all the time. Haha


Mark the time and date lads, there will be multiple threads started next week to complain about how hard it is to earn credits and asking for tips on how to do so quickly.


Well, then I might as well get the party started.


Sorry, I couldn’t help it! :wink:

I don’t doubt it. Guess it’s just another of those “can’t please everyone” situations

It’s got nothing to do with serious. There’s this horrible trend towards giving you everything on a plate. I’m waiting for the game where you can choose to skip to the end level right after the opening scene in case you don’t want to put time in. lol
I can understand people being too busy to put hundreds of hours in, but even so, you can earn quite bit just playing for tens of hours and now it’s looking easier and easier. What kind of mentality makes people want to buy a game they’ll play for 3 hours before moving on as they’ve finished it already? That’s about £20/$30 an hour at Xbox One prices. How are people getting any enjoyment or sense of value from that?
There will always be people on both sides of a debate, and i can see some people not having much time, but lets be honest, most of this is from whining kids who want everything, they want it now, and they want it free. It is not just in gaming, and it’s not setting them up for a productive life in the real world. Worse still is they expect the adults to bail them out when it all goes for a burton, and thereby learn nothing.
I started playing games in the 70’s. One of my favourite games from the early 80’s was manic miner, a game that was almost impossible to beat, and i never did, nor did any of my friends, these days you get a new game and everyone on the planet has completed it that weekend.
Like i said, two levels of economy, the higher one with some exclusive achievements would go a long way to pleasing both sides. Turn 10 are always saying they want to appeal to as many players as possible, and give assists to that end. Well think of this as an assist, and it’ll fit right in. :slight_smile:


Me either, nor Jetpack Willy … those were the days …

Time to break out the Spectrum emulator for my WinPhone and reminisce with some Viking Raiders!
