I think many will agree that if we want the full Horizon 2 experience, it would be too expensive for one individual. Imagine having to pay for the wheel, a T.V, an Xbox One, Forza Horizon and the car packs too… it’s out of many people’s budget. I suggest that car packs are either free, or for the same price we have twice as much cars in each pack that come out these days. Please be reasonable about this.
Dude, the car pass is like £20, not as if it’s wallet busting
You forgot to include paying your electrical bill… #
Most people going into this already have a T.V. to say the least. Many also had an Xbox One but it’s not necessary or usually a purchase for a sole title though that isn’t always the case. A wheel is a choice, not a necessity. Downloadable Content is also a choice and not required.
The only thing required to play Forza Horizon 2 is either an Xbox One or xbox 360. The rest is all optional.
Turn10 is a business and needs to make money n order to stay in business. If they do not make money, we don’t get games in the future. The “full horizon experience” as you put has so far cost me the price of a game, car pass, and DLC minus $10 discount on VIP and Car Pass. That’s not a lot really.
Its like my Grandpa used to tell me,poop in one hand,wish in the other,see which one fills up first,of course he used a different word than poop.
Yes you guys are right about these things, but in the long run we’re paying too much for too little! And you also forgot to mention a Gold membership which is required to play Multiplayer, buy and sell liveries and many more which without them you do not get, as I said before, the full horizon experience. It’s like we’re just having a taste of the game’s potential…
Maybe they should make Horizon 2 next months Games With Gold freebie.
You get what you pay for. If we don’t pay for dlc then the game will probably ship with less cars to start with. The developers do not have a money tree with which to fund development of the game.
So because you’re to lazy to get a good education and get a good paying job, or just a cheap skate, you want people who work hard to develop this stuff to give it away for nothing? How many man hours do you think went in to designing and putting these six cars in this game? Probably more than $5 worth.
If you think playing a video game is expensive and “unreasonable” try having kids. You could buy a real life Ferrari for what it costs to raise ONE child. I have 4.
Don’t get much time for gaming then !!
Had a good chuckle over this!
Your not wrong my man. I have 2 little angels myself and cant even trade them in at my local BMW showroom…Only asked for a second hand M5
Kids are brainwashed in school to believe that all large corperations are evil, they have no clue until they spend some time in the real world and see that only hard work rewards people !!
This is from an article about GT6
“For a single track, we take over 100,000 photos and laser scan the track surface, and we also use images captured from helicopters and satellites,” Mr. Yamauchi said. “The discrepancy of track accuracy is down to plus or minus one centimeter. We do the same for cars; we take several hundred photos for each car, laser scan the surface, the exterior, the interior, the instrument panels.”
He said that building a digital recreation of a track took about a year and a car six months. There are about 170 people working on programing and graphics.
Read the last paragraph. Six months and 170 people to design one car.
Let’s do some second grade math real fast. Let’s say they work a normal 40 hour week. So 170 people working 40 hours a week for 6 months (about 26 weeks)
That’s 6,800 hours per week
Times 26 weeks
That’s comes out to 176,800 man hours for ONE car that you pay less than $1 for. You’re right. Totally unreasonable.
Well, not quite. Turn 10 have been trying to explain this for years.
It takes about 6 months to produce a car - because things have to go in succession. For example:
- You cannot model the damage visuals before you have modeled the original car.
- You cannot model the original car before you have laser-scanned and photographed it.
- You cannot laser-scan the car before you have access to the physical car itself.
- You cannot get access to the car, before you arrange the logistics.
- You cannot start on the logistics, until you find a car.
- You cannot find a car, until you’ve decided which car to look for.
And those are just a few of the many steps needed.
As Dan G likes to put it: It takes 9 months for One Woman to produce a baby. But you cannot hire 9 Women and produce a baby in One month.
Nevertheless… pretty tough to call roughly One US Dollar “a lot of money.”
DLC isnt compulsory. Its optional and there for the people who would like to use it, otherwise it will not affect gameplay or your purchase in any way.
So you guys are telling me that we should pay for the cars that should have been in the game in the first place?
And MikesTow1301 - mind your own business, nobody told you i’m illiterate. I’m still studying to afford this. Nobody told you to mention anyone’s personal life.
How do you determine cars that should have been in the game to start with?
I don’t understand why people don’t get this.
Forza games give you the longest list of licensed cars of any racing game on the Xbox platform.
The way they do so is to spread some of their costs over multiple games.
It is not a no cost exercise to put an fm5 car in fh2 and even if it was they are halving their car cost per title so we get more cars in total.
1: Who died and put you in charge of what cars FH2 should be launched with?
2: When you post something on a PUBLIC forum it’s no longer private information and therefor becomes everyone’s buisness.
3: I never said anything about your personal life. How could I? I’ve never met you. I don’t know anything about your life. YOU’RE the one that outed yourself as being illiterate. The worst thing I called you was lazy, and if that insults you then the Internet might not be a place you want to frequent.
Look at it like this:
That fiat you use will be worthless some day, but your time has value. If the benefit of your time gaining value out of the car pack is higher than the currency with no real value other than what you put on it, then go for it. Otherwise, no big deal.
Free is taking from a producer. Things cost more because of monetary policy about pushing assets higher through printing.
Hey boys, let’s play nice, O.K.?
My 2¢: Aye, videogaming can be pricey. However, you should check the price of some other popular hobbies. Examples!
Tabletop Wargames: a decent army for Warhammer 40k can easily surpass the cost of an Xbone, and that’s before you look at rulebooks, paint, battlefield scenery and so on. A single “Leman Russ” battle tank costs as much as an average Xbox game (my army has 6 of 'em :P).
RC airplanes: $2k in and your first plane is ready. You WILL crash it. The pros call it “learning to fly”. Of course, you have to replace your now-wrecked miniature P-51.
Sportz: My nephew’s hockey gear puts my Xbone and games to shame by way of dollars spent, not even considering league fees and the cost of transportation.
And so on. Gaming ain’t cheap, but there are WAY more expensive ways to entertain yourself.
I play video games on a console to SAVE myself some money from my truly frighteningly expensive hobbies:
Snowboarding and my car.
One of my (4) snowboards cost as much as 2.5 Xbox Ones - one tyre on my car is the same as an Xbox One (and I destroyed two a few months back in about 7000km - over 3 months).
Then there is the travelling that comes with BOTH.
When I want to save money, I stay at home and fire up my console I’m doing OK financially, but am far from being “wealthy” and as I’ve covered elsewhere on this forum, have a mortgage, bills and dependent family. I just choose carefully where and what I spend my money on. I suppose I’ve never invested in a steering wheel setup despite my driving game proclivity.
Seriously, I appreciate that it takes work to create something and that when you have to deliver to a deadline, stuff is not going to be finished. I’m actually happy to pay for more content and to keep funding a company that is producing a product that I like and want more of. Paying for expansions is hardly a new concept, it’s been around forever in video gaming and is a staple of table top gaming even.
Have a look at Horizon 2’s rivals in the market and their car counts … The Crew is around 40, Drive Club - 50 - even without DLC, I’d say Horizon 2 delivers quite well in terms of content. The DLC for Horizon 2 is priced quite reasonably, even if the car packs are smaller than their Motorsports cousins.