Festival Playlist events and rewards Mar. 27 - Apr. 3 (Summer S45)

Summer Season Festival Playlist (FH5 Horizon Wilds Takeover redux - Series 45)

Here are the details on this week’s events and rewards. Share tips along with your tuning setup codes.


The season starts at 7:30am Pacific on March 27 and ends Thursday, April 3, 2025 2:30 PM
This is the first season of the returning Horizon Wilds Takeover series.


Points are accumulated across all four seasons. Each event in the Festival Playlist has a number of points to earn noted in the bottom left corner of the event tile. Accumulate points with any combination of completed events to earn the first reward car, and continue earning points from remaining events to earn the second reward car. Cars noted as Seasonal Exclusive are not available in the Autoshow, so grab them while you can! But don’t worry if you miss them, these cars may come back again for future Festival Playlists, or you can use a Backstage Pass to select from the available options.

Series total: 285 Points

  • Series Reward: 1998 SUBARU Impreza 22B-STi Version (Wheelspin/Seasonal exclusive car) (80 points)
  • Series Reward: 2021 SIERRA Cars 700R (Seasonal exclusive car) (160 points)

Season Total: 70 Points

  • Season Reward: 1986 Audi #2 Audi Sport quattro S1 (Seasonal exclusive car) (20 points)
  • Season Reward: Horizon Backstage Pass (40 points)


Added to the Backstage Shop this week:

  • 2022 HUMMER EV Pickup
  • 2023 McLaren Artura

Two cars are added with the change of each season and voting for the next week beings. See details on Horizon Backstage voting, car selection, and passes here.


550 FP Car 1985 Porsche #185 959 Prodrive Rally Raid
300 FP Car 2016 RJ Anderson #37 Polaris RZR-Rockstar Energy Pro 2 Truck
75 FP Clothing Farid Rueda’s Lion Crew Socks
75 FP Car Horn Beautiful Morning
1000 FP Backstage Pass 1 Pass
60 FP / 150 FP Wheelspin & Super Wheelspin


Completing these events earn seasonal points plus Forzathon Points (FP) which can be used in the Forzathon Shop.

Forzathon Weekly Challenge
(5 pts) These four challenges must be completed in sequence.

Ready to Hoon
Chapter 1: One Who Hoons Own and drive the 1991 Hoonigan GYMKHANA 10
Chapter 2: Automotive Aeronautics Earn 10 Ultimate Air Skills in the Hoonigan Cosworth Group A
Chapter 3: Rally Champion Win a Dirt Race in the Hoonigan Cosworth Group A
Chapter 4: Be Creative Earn 5 Burn Out skills in the Hoonigan Cosworth Group A

Forzathon Daily Challenges
(1 pt each) Each new challenge starts daily at 6:30am PT and is open for 7 days.

A Wild Welcome Visit the Horizon Wilds Outpost
Bulk Smash Smash 25 items in 30 seconds
Bear Necessities Take a photo of Farid Rueda’s Bear Mural in Playa Azul
Rally-oop Win any Dirt Racing Event
Gold Star, Retro Car Earn at least 1 Star from Trailblazers in any Retro Rally vehicle
Hoonkigan Honk your horn in any Hoonigan
Clearing a Path Earn a Landscaping skill in any Sports Utility Heroes vehicle


Toggle the menu to show the rewards and restrictions for each event - if you complete the event in a car outside the restrictions or fail to meet the target, you won’t get the reward and points from completion. You must have unlocked the Hall of Fame with Accolade points to enter the Trial. Access to Rally Adventure events require defeating the three team champions. Access to Hot Wheels events requires the Hot Wheels Expansion DLC; users without the DLC will still be able to gold the season and unlock the “Min, Meet Max” Achievement without these event points.

Pts Event Name Requirement Route
3 Horizon Arcade Mini Games Complete any Horizon Arcade theme
10 The Trial That Don’t Impreza Me Much (B700) Evo vs Impreza Street Racing (Granjas de Tapalpa)
3 EventLab Don Joewon Song Presents Utopia Gardens (S1 900) Rally Monsters (Costera Cross Country Circuit)
3 EventLab TypeHardFark Presents Castillo Scramble (S1 900) Hoonigan (Hilltop Descent)
2 Danger Sign Valle (S2 998) Anything Goes - 985 feet
2 Speed Zone Orilla Del Rio (S2 998) Anything Goes - 120 mph
2 Trail Blazer Cascadas (S2 998) Anything Goes - 27 seconds
5 Championship Instant Classic (C600) Classic Rally Dirt Racing (Caldera Scramble)
5 Championship #43 (S1 900) Hoonigan Dirt Racing (Mangrove Scramble)
3 Treasure Hunt Retro Skills to Pay the Bills Banking 25k required serious skill back in the 80s. Do you rally think you can do it?
2 Photo Challenge #WildHorizons Photograph any Modern Rally car at the Horizon Wilds Outpost
2 Horizon Open Go Fast Complete a Horizon Open Drift Event in any Japanese vehicle
2 RA Speed Trap Canyon Rush (A800) Alfa Romeo - 155 mph
5 RA Championship O Romeo, Romeo (A800) Alfa Romeo (Quarry Trail)
2 HW Speed Trap Forest Edge (S2 998) Anything Goes - 260 mph
5 HW Championship Shadow Realm (S1 900) Super GT (Snow Fields Hazard Circuit)


The total point value of Monthly events is divided by four when applied to individual seasons; completing these events will apply up to 2 points applied to each season in this series. Post a clean lap to complete Rivals events. Cars are stock and provided as free rentals for the event.

Pts Event Route Car
4 Monthly Rivals La Selva Scramble Hoonigan Focus RS RX
4 Monthly Rivals River Scramble SIERRA 700R


My original choice didn’t work out as well as I’d hoped so I went with a drag tire build for the '95 Evo.

Design by @Voulgezzz


Series 45 rewards:
Sierra 700R
Honda Trophy '15
Polaris RZR Pro
Horizon Backstage (series 45):
Sierra 700R
Honda Trophy '15
Polaris RZR Pro


Am I reading this right? The 700r is the 160pt series reward, a monthly rivals reward, and in the backstage voting?


Not a monthly rivals reward just the required car to use for monthly rivals. The rest is correct though.


For the trial, I went with the Evo 3 I put at #45 on the Granjas leaderboard first. Did the trial as soon as the season switched and was a bit disappointed in the high prestige teammates’ cars … they were quick to join but werent prepared. It took 3 races. Accidentally deleted the 3rd screenshot … finish in 3:00.

The Evo 3’s PI goes up when you add drags, so it belongs on stock tires. All the other cars I tried were the opposite … PI goes down with drags so you can add more power.

Then i drove my Evo 9 for the trial.

Had drivatars bumping me on purpose in the 3rd race here. In other runs, I average about 3 minutes flat in the 3rd race with the Evo 9. Btw, the prestige 10 drove very well, but they were on stock tires.

One weird thing was the rain in the trial had way more effect than in testing in heavy rain in a blueprint. Times a few seconds slower. I adjusted my tune after this first Evo 9 trial … added 1 psi to the front tires and dropped the rear ARBs from 23.0 to 22.0. Similar times but the new tune drove better in the trial’s rain.

I shared the new Evo 9 as “Granjas v2”. The Evo 3 was already shared as “Granjas v1”. I did the trial about 10 times and saw a lot of high prestige players … no one’s car was built right. Extremely easy wins based on the car builds alone. I drove pretty cautiously instead of trying for fastest possible times. The Evo 3 was a little better than the Evo 9 in the 2nd race … both were pretty close to each other in the other two.


Ran the Evo 3. Only mitsu in the group!

Took 3 races, dunno what happened on the first, thought we’d won.
Next 2 were straight forward tho

Pr stunts and sc and event labs no issues


Ahhh gotcha ty I don’t usually do the rivals stuff so wasn’t sure. Is the Focus 9 a reward this season? A buddy of mine seems to think it is.

Whey are rally park adventure and hot wheels both greyed out on the map? I own both dlc’s and all other contents. since update 681.890 I can’t access it. The day before the season switch to summer the dlc was fine

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Did you trying closing out FH5 after the season switch and then starting it up again? Ive had that happen before and that seemed to fix it.

The rally expansion speed trap restriction ( Canyon rush ) is A800 Alfa Romeo in game.
Seeing that it was supposed to be S2 998 Anything goes does make sense now…

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I’m having exactly same issue, even rebooted pc and signed out and back in but still no access to rally and hot wheels maps.

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I did it in a 155.

I just grabbed some chap’s drag tune.

yep. been there done that. even logged out store and xbox to resync did not work I am no amateur. all the basics and most advanced troubleshoots already done

Do you mean impossible from stock? I managed to complete this with a Giulia '17 equipped with Drag tires.

Fully upgraded A800, Giulia road tune, no luck.
Big Ferrari 355 v8 power tune in the classic lightweight Alfa Romeo Giulia GTA, no luck.
Tryed it from 3 directions, the target is designed for S2 998, and not A800 sadly

this is a fact. skipping straight to drag tires would be the lazy assumption, I won the trial races by 20+ seconds in Evo 3 with no active aero and stock tires

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see above

luckily I was paying attention when you already covered this in the preview thread