Festival Playlist events and rewards Mar. 2 - 9 (Summer S18)

Summer Season Festival Playlist (Series 18 - Horizon Wilds Takeover)

Here are the details on this week’s events and rewards. Share tips along with your tuning setup codes!

The 1986 Audi #2 Sport Quattro S1 is this week’s new exclusive reward car.


The season starts at 6:30am Pacific on March 2nd and ends Thursday, March 9, 2023 2:30 PM
This is the first season of Horizon Wilds Takeover (Series 18).


Points are accumulated across all four seasons. Each event in the Festival Playlist has a number of points to earn noted in the bottom left corner of the event tile. Accumulate points with any combination of completed events to earn the first reward car, and continue earning points from remaining events to earn the second reward car. Cars noted as Seasonal Exclusive are not available in the Autoshow, so grab them while you can! But don’t worry if you miss them, these cars may come back again for future Festival Playlists.

Series total: 244 Points

  • Series Reward: 180 SUBARU BRAT GL (new Seasonal Exclusive car) (80 points)
  • Series Reward: 2021 SIERRA CARS 700$ (new Seasonal Exclusive car) (160 points)

Season Total: 63 points

  • Season Reward: 1986 AUDI #2 SPORT QUATTRO S1 (newly added Seasonal Exclusive car) (20 points)
  • Season Reward: 2015 BMW X6 M (Hard-to-Find) (40 points)


Completing these events earn seasonal points plus Forzathon Points (FP) which can be used in the Forzathon Shop.

#Forzathon Weekly Challenge:
(5 pts) These four challenges must be completed in sequence.

Ready to Hoon
Chapter 1: One Who Hoons Own and drive the 1991 Hoonigan GYMKHANA 10
Chapter 2: Automotive Aeronautics Earn 10 Ultimate Air Skills in the Hoonigan Cosworth Group A
Chapter 3: Rally Champion Win a Dirt Race in the Hoonigan Cosworth Group A
Chapter 4: Be Creative Earn 5 Burn Out skills in the Hoonigan Cosworth Group A

#Forzathon Daily Challenges
(1 pt each) Each new challenge starts daily at 6:30am PT and is open for 7 days.

A Wild Welcome Visit the Horizon Wilds Outpost
Bulk Smash Smash 25 items in 30 seconds
Bear Necessities Take a photo of Farid Rueda’s Bear Mural in Playa Azul
Rally-oop Win any Dirt Racing Event
Gold Star, Retro Car Earn at least 1 Star from Trailblazers in any Retro Rally vehicle
Hoonkigan Honk your horn in any Hoonigan
Clearing a Path Earn a Landscaping skill in any Sports Utility Heroes vehicle


500 FP Car 1985 PORSCHE #185 959 PRODRIVE RALLY RAID Autoshow (1,500,000 CR)
75 FP Car Horn BEAUTIFUL MORNING Seasonal Exclusive Car Horn
Wheelspins 60 FP Wheelspins & 150 FP Super Wheelspins


Horizon Arcade series points
The Trial 2018 HONDA CIVIC TYPE R Autoshow (59,000 CR)
EventLab Super Wheelspin
Danger Sign Super Wheelspin
Speed Zone Super Wheelspin
Trail Blazer Super Wheelspin
Championship 1999 FORD RACING PUMA Autoshow (20,000 CR)
Championship 2016 HOONIGAN GYMKHANA 9 FORD FOCUS RS RX new Seasonal Exclusive (250,000 CR)
Treasure Hunt Forzathon Points
Photo Challenge ODESZA - A MOMENT APART Seasonal Song
Horizon Open 1955 HOONIGAN CHEVROLET BEL AIR Autoshow (76,000 CR)
HW Speed Trap Super Wheelspin
HW Championship 2010 MOSLER MT900S Autoshow (320,000 CR)


Toggle the menu to show the rewards and restrictions for each event - if you complete the event in a car outside the restrictions or fail to meet the target, you won’t get the reward and points from completion. You must have unlocked the Hall of Fame with Accolade points to enter the Trial. Access to Hot Wheels events requires the Hot Wheels Expansion DLC; users without the DLC will still be able to gold the season and unlock the “Min, Meet Max” Achievement without these event points.

Pts Event Name Requirement
3 Horizon Arcade Mini Games Complete any Horizon Arcade theme
10 The Trial Evo vs Impreza (B700) Japan
3 EventLab Don Joewon Song Presents Utopia Gardens (S1 900) Rally Monsters
3 EventLab TypeHardFark Presents Castillo Scramble (S1 900) Hoonigan
2 Danger Sign Valle (S2 998) Anything Goes - 984.3 feet
2 Speed Zone Orilla Del Rio (S2 998) Anything Goes - 120.0 mph
2 Trail Blazer Cascadas (S2 998) Anything Goes - 27 seconds
5 Championship Instant Classic (C600) Classic Rally
5 Championship #43 (S1 900) Hoonigan
3 Treasure Hunt Retro Skills to Pay the Bills Banking 25k required serious skill back in the 80s. Do you rally think you can do it?
2 Photo Challenge #WildHorizons Any Modern Rally Car at the Horizon Wilds Outpost
2 Horizon Open Go Fast Complete a Horizon Open Drift Event in any Japanese vehicle
2 HW Danger Sign Forest Edge (S2 998) Anything Goes - 400 m
5 HW Championship Shadow Realm (S1 900) Super GT


The total points from Monthly events are divided by four when applied to individual seasons. Completing the two events will apply 1 point for EV + 1 point for Monthly Rivals = 2 points applied to each season. Post a clean lap to complete Rivals events; cars are stock and provided as free rentals.

Pts Event Route Car
4 Monthly Rivals La Selva Scramble Hoonigan Focus RS RX
4 Monthly Rivals River Scramble SIERRA 700R


Cashless Customs
“Quality is Cashless”

Forzathon Weekly Challenge
1991 Hoonigan Gymkhana 10 Ford Escort - SC 138 399 104 (S1 888)
R.I.P. #43 KB. :pray: Let us enjoy the ride!

The Trial
“That Don’t Impreza Me Much” B-class Evo Vs Impreza
1999 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution VI GSR - SC 875 032 265 (B700)
2004 Subaru Impreza WRX STI - SC 479 741 281 (B700)
Will you join the EVOlution or is Subaru more your STIle? :thinking:

“Utopia Gardens” S1 900 Rally Monsters
“Castillo Scramble” S1 900 Hoonigan
1986 Hoonigan Ford RS200 Evolution - SC 949 224 825 (S1 900)
This is going to be my go to Hoonigan this week…please remember throttle control! :wink:

Seasonal Championships
“Instant Classic” C600 Classic Rally
1965 Mini Cooper S - SC 110 614 712 (C600)
Maximum Mini Please!! :grin:

#43” S1 900 Hoonigan
1986 Hoonigan Ford RS200 Evolution - SC 949 224 825 (S1 900)
I love this lil’ beast! :slightly_smiling_face:

HW Seasonal Championship
“Shadow Realm” S1 900 Super GT
2018 Ferrari Portofino - SC 441 589 095
Riding with the top down this week! :upside_down_face:

PR Stunts
Dangersign “Valle”
Speedzone “Orilla Del Rio”
Trailblazer “Cascadas”
HW Speedtrap “Forest Edge”
All of these are S2 anything goes…and here’s my do it all PR tune for the week! :rofl:
2010 Mosler MT900S - SC 339 462 777 (S2 992)

As always I appreciate your support…and thanks for keeping it Cashless!! :pray::blush:

Good luck and happy driving all!! :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


Any Bugs?

If you experience any issues with this season’s Festival Playlist please post it in the Report New Issues section of the Troubleshooting Hub.

Remember to first try a reboot of your device before posting an issue.


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I “solved” the treasure hunt riddle by accident. Used the Hoonigan RS200 for the trailblazer and got shown the treasure area right after.


Following up on a variation of the whole “blue vs red” theme, here we have custom liveries for the trial with some unique plays on color schemes and vinyl groups.

There’ the 04 WRX “Blues Traveler” that has a blue, maroon, and indigo color scheme, and a vinyl group of the logo of the Blues Traveler band, share code:
558 874 715

For the other side of the rivalry we’ve got the 99 Evo done up in Raspberry and two shades of blue, with a custom “Purple Haze” livery (it’s a beer by Abita Brewery), share code:
176 210 242

Both designs have a prominent “Tune by Cashless Customs” so you can show off your sick tune at the trial!

New livery for the RS200 (looks like it’ll be popular for PR stunts as well as some of the events).

RS200 Smash:
347 879 205


Mine popped just after doing it too. I think it’s because of skillpoints, though as it waited till my streak had finished.

Don’t feel offended if I don’t jump in and give your tunes much lovin’ this series. This is just such a yawner series I doubt I’ll do anything this whole month. Only car of any interest to me is the audi and I’ve already got too many of them.


Thanks for that! :exploding_head: I hope they work well! :joy::pray:

No offense taking! :wink::+1:
I’m thankful for you even giving them a go! :grin:

Although…your drivatar was being pretty aggressive towards me in the Hoonigan championship just a bit ago…:rofl::rofl:

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It’s so shiny :star_struck:

Time to see and hear how it drives and sounds.


Looks excellent! :slightly_smiling_face:

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First time in a while that I’ve had to do the trial twice. First run we narrowly lost the first race, and then the last place guy from that race took me out on the second race before pausing and dropping. I tried to finish strong but everyone dropped and I was pretty far behind having been slammed out beside the street scene festival behind all the unbreakable objects.

One of my teammates from that run showed up on the second trial, which went much more smoothly. I swapped from the Purple Haze (evo) over to the Blues Traveler, and it seems like everyone is going Subaru. Lots of 22bs and 04 WRXs. In fact, I went ahead and did up a 22b version of the blues traveler paint scheme just to try to catch what seems to be a popular choice on that side.


That’s all on PGG and their ineptitude at programming AI. I trained my drivitar to race clean. If PGG or T10 would just study racing and use race flag rules. Black flag racers and AI for ramming and inappropriate driving they could solve a lot of problems. But alas they no nothing about real racing. Sorry if drivvy was rude to you. Just put him in the wall next time. :wink:


:rofl::rofl: Will do my friend!

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I had a decent trial finished it first go but mine was the opposite. :joy:

I chose my 99 Evo and we had 4 Evos with 2 Subarus. 2 Subarus quit the first round and I had an 08 Evo I couldn’t quite reel in. I wish I could blame it on the tune but they were a much better driver! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Finished 2nd in both rounds…

Out of my two tunes I would say the STI is slightly quicker but that’s why I opted for the Evo! :wink:

Happy driving all! :+1:

Scooby tune as I don’t own the Evo.

Full team of Scoobies, 3 & 4th but over all team win. Not a tune fault, forgot it was street race and traffic. Hard to catch up to the front runners.

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Both the monthly rivals give me the same event. the one with the R700.

Just me?

(Playing on XSX)

The best thing about near perpetual daylight is that no can say they didn’t see me there with this paint. :star2::sweat_smile:

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Not just you. I posted this to the Troubleshooting Hub earlier. Just a bit ago robotiChart noted that it now shows BOTH Rivals events, in BOTH Rivals events. So “Pick your Rivals event.” then “Pick your Rivals events.” Pretty sure that’s new. I guess ALL the other bugs and issues are Solved™ so they have time to Improve™ a UI nobody was complaining about :roll_eyes: