I practiced for the first trial race…but I really despise that second one. I am going to give it a shot when I wake up a bit more do the seasonal races. Hopefully I have some luck on my side. This was a trial I am not too excited about today.
Out of protest for not receiving a free T-Shirt I post a car without a MAHLE number for the Trial.
Audi RS 3 Sedan 2020
SC: Design 119 060 403 - Tune 119 932 049 (A 800)
I made a dirt tune for the '03 Mustang SVT Cobra if anyone is interested in trying it out.
Tuned and tested on the main map dirt courses.
Ahh one of them trials were people don’t know how to break for the tight corners.
You should get a ton of downloads for this one shadow. It’s a very popular car…read on the facebook pages people actually were buying the game just to use this car lol.
I was hoping it would do well but it didn’t seem to consistently stay on the find tuning setups page so it may have missed it’s window of opportunity.
Probably be ignored now but I didn’t see many other dirt tunes for it so maybe it will get some momentum.
For those who haven’t done the all weather warriors yet…the rally fighter is taking the place of the extreme E this week as the meta AI car with very aggressive behavior. The Vuhl is the same in S1 road from the 2010’s…I honestly think that AI is more unbeatable or expert like than highly skilled. It was taking corners that the elemental had to slow down for at full speed lol.
The AI beat me, @Rayne_SE and @ziperrPL in one race. Me I can understand, but those two are two of the best in the world. Ridiculous.
Team quit half way through the first race lol. Second race I got piled on and had some harry potter magical AI to take over. I finally got them (t bone style) on a corner and won. Tried again with the same results…me vs 6 in the second race with the rs6 2016…but a 4 second faster time on the tunnel. Going in for a third with my link right now. It has front aero…so should help on those tunnels more.
Jeez that La cantera danger sign in rallyland was difficult. Finally got 409metres with a Bugatti Divo.
This trial is a disaster…their are videos, forums, and discord…yet…no one tunes their cars lol. It’s a right turn…just a simple right turn in!!
Awful first attempt at trial
Had 3 players quit and the 2 that stayed were so far back they should have quit. Sighs
Second attempt
First time in a long time I had a team of fully tuned cars. Noice.
Auction/tunes/liveries/rivals = down
Trial/championships co-op/horizon open = works (somewhat)
Seems to be back up. I was having trouble downloading the @x_ShadowsBane_x tune for the Schuppan, so I did other seasonal stuff and then it worked
And… back down. Seems to be sporadic. Keep trying, I guess.
I was trying to download an A class tune for the all weather warriors. I can wait.
I’ve been having trouble. First fired up the game an hour ago, got dumped into the fallback series, though the asphalt / offroad trackers were on the series page, with no progress. After a few minutes, the game reset into the current season. The racer trackers were still at 0% progress. When I tried to check the leaderboard for the weekly trailblazer, it said the server was down.
Tried restarting the game, back into the fallback series and didn’t update to current.
Did a full shutdown of my console, left it unplugged for about 15 minutes to clear cache, still get the fallback series.
Servers are down
Hi Forum Fam, I hope all is well with everyone! The playlist was simple enough this week (I used the Rimac for La Cantera, shared if someone needs a tune). Just want to add my voice to the chorus and say I’m not a fan of the Trial this week.
I know the servers are being sketchy atm but make sure to check out some of the content being shared by our own Forza Forums members!
@x_ShadowsBane_x, @UptownOregon899, @geistwriter, @PlageBLN, @TonyKartRcr, and @CuriousGirl2591 all have some excellent tunes shared this week (and every week)…I highly recommend you check them out and support the locals!
Need a livery? @BravoSteelviper, @Bravo437, @PlageBLN, and @CuriousGirl2591 got you covered! Why not look good while winning?
I know I’ve missed some names/GTs (unintentionally of course) but make sure to support our Forums people, they make some great content week in and week out and we’re lucky to have them!
If you can’t find anything that suits your fancy, you aren’t looking hard enough!!
Thanks to everyone out there creating great content!
Happy driving all!!
Their is great content…even great tunes that turn right lol. I swear…I have never seen so many folks fall out so fast in a trial as I did today over one right turn. Three times… I was so frustrated. I had more fun with my monster tune for the bugati 35 in FH4 today. This one was kind of meh…