Feedback on 99 Elise A600 tune

Just looking for some feedback on my tune, been out of the game since FM4. Tuned on catulunya short track… because it reminds me of tsukuba :(… Sorry had to.
Anyone who has any suggestions feel free to post here or PM me.

To find the tune search TDSigmon96

Constructive criticism is welcome, also brake pressure is set to 115% and transmission is stock gearing. Within top 1000 and I believe 500, thanks in advance.

I just got off for the night but I’ll give it a rip tomorrow and let ya know what I think. Granted I’m not the fastest guy in the world, but can generally put a somewhat respectable time down.

Thanks man, my time in it hit over ridden in another car but it was around 700 in the Americas. I’m not that fast either though lol, let me hear your thoughts though for sure.

Updated tune, under “Elise V1.2 A” and “Elise V1.21 A”
1.2 adds
-better tire pressure
-tighter gearing
-a braking setup more tail braking friendly
-a few other suspension tweaks
-more neutral steering
-adds 2hp and 10ft/lbs of torque
-adds 21lbs to the car overall
-adds 1.2 tweaks

So is the trade-off for the torque worth the weight? It adds some oversteer if it’s worth it I will change the setup.

Totally forgot about this. I swear I sleep post sometimes lol. Downloading and testing the updated version now :slight_smile:

Just turned around 10-15 laps with it at Catalunya National and I like it! #158 Americas/#485 World/#100 Division. It’s no doubt a good tune in my book. Constructive criticism, I like how it puts power down and I like how it feels in low speed corners. The only “issues” I had with the car was the back end stepping out on medium/fast turns making the car a little unpredictable. The car seems to feel a little bit too twitchy at high speeds as well and doesn’t seem to handle quick change of directions well (chicanes). I really do like it and there’s more time left in it for sure. I kept slowing myself down because I was anticipating the back stepping out, and that lost me a lot of time. The back end just feels like it goes when it wants to go right around mid corner. I’m not much of a tuner so I have no recommendations on how to fix that but regardless I think you have a good tune on your hands. I didn’t try the 1.21 version mainly because I thought adding more power/torque and increasing oversteer to it would just make the car more unpredictable.

Also, for what it’s worth the mid corner traction loss could be my driving style not meshing with the tune as well. I wouldn’t rule out my driving style as the cause. Hopefully someone else can jump in and give you theie $0.02.

I’ll work on the corneribg stability, I tend to do more braking early and coast at the highest possible speed through the apex and roll into the throttle late. In other words I’m slow and don’t do much to upset the car haha. So I’ll definitely work on keeping the back end planted. Thanks for the input!

Looking forward to trying out the new and updated tune!

Haha I’ve been tuning on the school circuit, it’s a little boring. Switched over to the national to get the same experience you are and it’s pretty bad for national I’m not gonna lie lol. Also you’re ghost is better than mine. Watching your replay in telemetry I can see what’s going on with it. You get oversteer in some odd places. I think it was the second or third corner its the most obvious, the front inside tire looses grip which causes the rear to break loose gonna try messing with springs and dampers to work it out. Try the school circuit if you want, it’s strange but different feel to the car haha.

Ran a few laps on the school layout lol I forgot how much I dislike that layout. 42 Americas, 142 World. Tune seems really good here though! The understeer I mentioned in the previous post seems less noticeable on this layout for some reason.

Hey didn’t forget about you latest and greatest search “Elise V1.3 A”
Only way it oversteered was because of rumble strips. Improved the gear ratios for national. Went from not keeping up to following close so I’m sure you can do better without worry now. The brakes are a little touchier than before, if that bothers you I can make a revision. Tire pressure is a little low but grips really well. And a re sorting of the spings/dampners to accommodate aero changes and eliminating the oversteer.

Sent you a message on xbox as well. The oversteer in odd places was what was really throwing me off with the previous tune lol I almost always wanted to start correcting to prepare for the slide but it wouldn’t slide then it was just kinda random slides. The new tune has a tiny bit of understeer but nothing that is unmanageable. Once I learned how to drive with it I was instantly bettering my old time. Not by much, but still better times by the 4th or 5th lap.

Yes it is I thought it was just me so thanks for that. Gonna have to find a more diverse circuit to tune on I guess haha. I really like all out grip builds even though they’re not common on the leaderboard for most tracks. I’m gonna try to stick with the elise for now, but I’ve been messing with some different cars for other classes…
Will update later and thanks for all the feedback.

I ran that tune on Prague reverse this morning as well and it seemed pretty good there too. Let me know either on here or on xbox what else you’re working on, or when you have another tune you want another opinion on. I’ve really enjoyed this one!

Yeah of course haha, been playing with the formula Ford in s class a little, and looking into the lower classes as well to see what I wanna mess with. I like getting a car not especially common on the leaderboards and seeing how far I can push it. I appreciate your help and will be keeping you in the loop.

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