2005 Lotus Elise 111s new tune please try and post times

Hi all! Just posted my A class Lotus tune shared under “Elise top divisional contender”. I’m actually quite happy with this one, in the hands of a good driver it may get some decent times I hope. With my limited skills posted 1:58.389 on Cat full (16th best divisional time) and 1:58.281 on Watkins Glen full (12th best divisional).

Let me know what you think. Any downloads and uses would be great as I’m actually closing in on my first ever tuning acheivement!

Thanks everyone

I’ll happily do that for you. I’ll run it cat gp and i will let you know the outcome If that OK with you?

I am not a great driver, yet, I’ll give it a shot at WGF for you…to help out!


Took it out for a quick 10 lap spin and got it to #19 in Div with a 1:59.443 and dirties in the 1:58.9 range. GREAT tune! Got it with a BIG LIKE! Will give it another go sometime in the nest several days. Thanks for sharing.


I used your build and slapped on a quick tune with high Rebound along with low Bump settings. Just set the FD for 6 gears down the straight and managed to get another PB with a 1:59.168. In 2 of my 6 laps I was ahead [with my bad driving skills] of Toffo’s ghost until the last 3 turns, yet, messed that final stretch up. I used a rear aero of 125…and, the car felt just fine (curbs and decel) and no issues prior to esses. So, based on my testing, I believe you can use lower than your latest 150 rear aero for WGF, yet, look into some other settings as I outlined earlier. The previous lower aero on your tune basically surfaced something else.

Anyway, that is it for now. Good luck Haman!

p.s. As for the build, I would not use the Race Clutch, Sport Reinforcement, and possibly, not even the Race Transmission. Could use this PI elsewhere for more “value”. I will now try another build with some changes for a compare.

Just ran 1.56.625 at cat gp. #1 division

The main problem is the speed it’s very low for A class. Cat gp has a very long main straight.

If I were you I’d drop the rear down force to zero to start with. 1st for Good speed but also it understeers pretty bad on mid and corner exit, less df rear will definitely help. Start with zero and work your way up till its comfortable for you as with zero rear aero your likely to light up the rear tyres more often. Get used to the new balance and go up and down till it feels right for you

I though the front springs would have been better softer as the car does not feel like it has 6.4 handling. And is not using the tyres available grip properly.

It’s a nice car to drive easily. And got a decent time. Less rear df will gain you over a second once you balance it right.

Thanks for the laps guys! I’ll give your rear downforce a try Toffo. Thanks very much for the input, I’ll give those ideas a try and lap again.

(Great lap Toffo, thanks for that, sooooo cool to see my name under a top lap “tuned by”!)

Toffo, took your advice and decreased both rear downforce and front anti roll bar to decrease understeer, and it paid off immediately. 1:56.471 on Cat full, #1 division!

Thanks so much for the great advice. Deleted previous tune and replaced with “cat full divison contender” if you and PRKid could give it another go it would be much appreciated. This has a much better feel, thanks again!,

I’ll re-download the tune, and, give it another shot @ WGF for a compare.


OK, so, this new tune is certainly much faster. At WGF, against your ghost with the previous tune I was even right before the esses, now, I am ahead by 3-4 car lengths at the same spot. Unfortunately I could not pull it all together in a clean lap. So, similar to your result at Cat, I should be able to drop about 2 secs as well.

My key problems with the tune, that I am struggling with are: (1) either Diff Decel, or, my control during braking…so maybe a need adjustment on my behalf of the Braking (Balance/Pressure). The car goes a little nutty on me at the entrance of the esses, and, a little trouble at the turn up the hill, as well as, next to last turn. The next issue that I have run into is the curbs after the first turn, and at a couple of other spots, the car does not like them…maybe rebound/bump ratios.

I will give it another shot again tomorrow, and, certainly try to get adjusted to it. In addition, I am going to build it up to see if I can provide any ideas from setting up to tune on this build. Plus, also provide, if you wish, a couple of build ideas if I can come up with any additional ideas. Just let me know if that’s OK with you. Thanks!


That would be great, thanks PR. I just did a run on WGF as well for the first time, and although I did beat my previous time, i found the car to be VERY loose on the chicane as well, not quite as tight on that portion of the track. It doesnt seem to like the right-left-left-right transition as much. Any input is much appreciated as I’m really new at this.

Yeah, I think it’s somewhat of a combination between dropping the aero, and, maybe now uncovering (which might have been masked) and issue with the Decel, Braking, and/or Rebound/Bump. Just thinking out loud here, so, please bare with me. We should only test one element at a time to make sure.


I bumped rear downforce up to 150 and instantly gained .5 a second. I think by initially dropping the aero, the rear springs were to stiff, which on a smooth track like Cat was ok, but the curbs on WG and the quick right-left transitions unsettled it too much. I’d like to try the diff settings as suggested by you and see where it takes me. As you said PR, one setting at a time though

1 Like

Yep, many times MORE (aero) is LESS (lap time).


OK, so I switched builds, now with a Sport Tranny…thus, used rest of PI elsewhere and was able to get another PB (1:58.657, #3 Elise’05 in Div) and several dirties under that. You and Toffo should be able to get much better times than mine. I’ll share it jic you want to take it for a run. Learning again for me, and my driving style, was…test several Builds then Fine Tune.

My build certainly still needs the Fine Tuning process.


That’s awesome help PRK. Thanks very much. I’ll download your tune and give it some laps tomorrow (all tied up this evening).

Thanks again for everything. Your help has been great!