Lotus Elise '99 A class help needed

Wow, the '99 Elise, in A class, makes the 458 Italia feel like the Ferrari F50. lol. Has anyone figured this thing out yet? It’s worse than the Caterham (tune wise). Stock tune makes it spin, slip and slide all over the place. Sim steering is being used but shutting it off doesn’t seem to stop this thing from spinning like a top with the stock tune.

I’ve been test driving on Road America West Route Alternate for 1/2 hour. Did 15 laps and got a grand total of 3 clean ones. sigh. This car likes the wall and the grass a lot more than the track itself. lol.

I’m trying to build something that will compete with the Alfa 33, KTM, and the F50 in A class (small/medium track build)

My build is as follows:

  • Forza front and rear aero.

  • Race tires, max width tires, Rota J.SPL rims, 16" front rim size, 17" rear rim size.

  • Race transmission, race driveline, race differential.

  • Race brakes, race springs, race front and rear anti-roll, race weight reduction.

  • Race filter, race intake, race fuel, race ignition, race exhaust, race engine block, race pistons, race flywheel (only used to max out PI. Normally I wouldn’t use these at all).

Tune settings:

  • Tires: 27.5 front, 27.5 rear

  • Final drive tweak only for now: 4.29

  • Chamber: -3 front, -3 back (yup, I had to go all the way to minimize corner spinning)

  • Toe: OUT 1 degree both front and back (0 degree made it worse in this case)

  • Caster: 5.0

  • ARB’s: Front 18.31, Rear 11.71

  • Springs: Front 258.3, Rear 297.5

  • Ride Height: Front 5.3" Rear 5.6"

  • Damping: Rebound Front 9.6, Rear 10.5, Bump Front 2.8, Rear 3.7

  • Downforce: front: 80 lb, rear 155 lb

  • Braking: balance 48% (rear), pressure 120% (high)

  • Differential: Accel: 20 %, Decel: 100 % (yup, that’s right, 100 %. The only thing able to counter most of the WICKED snap and lift throttle oversteer).

Lets see who can figure this one out. Any tips? Anyone use this thing in A class?

Just by reading your tune I would say reduce rear bump. I would drop it to match the front to start with and adjust from there.

Other than that I will need to spend some time with it.

lol. The first thing I did after typing my post was…yup…reducing rear bump…which did help. I’m at 3.2 now. I’ve looked at the B class tunes, like you said. The lower power output allows a little more loose give in the build, so it didn’t help.

Edit: I reduced Decel to %80 and set the car to Fat Burns downforce numbers. Top speed reduced from 159.8 ro 158.4 mph but helped grip a bit more. Man…this thing needs A LOT of downforce.

sorry double post

Check Fat Burns B class tune here for ideas http://forums.forza.net/turn10_postst6682_fat-burns-Lotus-Elise99-B-TOP20s-open-source.aspx

Have you tried rear bump matching front bump? Mine is lower than front as is Fat Burns.

Also turn with 10% gas not zero gas.

Trying 2.5 rear 2.8 bump now. Yeah, still not used to the 10% trigger thing but I know what you mean. It would cancel some lift throttle issues.

I got mine going pretty smick. I think its on sharefront. if not I’ll put it up.

Cool. Thanks bud. Do you mind open sourcing that in this thread? I’d like to learn from the ultra, ridiculously fast crew. lol.

Yeah, I agree with your points but I don’t need another quick b class kart (I have the Alfa 33 for that). The toe out, both front and back, is something I normally DON’T do…along with the insanely high decal but they actually helped me this time.

GULP R CLASS!?! Eeesh. Wow, you’re brave. ha ha. That must be fun.

I’ve shared my build with some tweaks. It’s actually really good…assuming you shut off sim steering. lol.

Thanks for the tips guys.

Maybe it is a better car in b class… seems like you are trying to give the car far too much power, you have almost every power upgrade in it. Other than that I would say toe out in the front is probably a terrible idea… and the decel settings are quite high.

I stabilized one for R class… Check it out and I’ll let you know what the difference is. It’s being shared for feedback because it’s so difficult

This car is pretty tuff. I’m pretty new to this but with everything I’ve read on here I’ve gotten OK at tuning cars for myself. I tried tuning this little car for B class and still couldn’t tame it. I didn’t spend too much time on it. I tried some of your settings and it still wasn’t working out for me. I tried a combination of the 2 tunes and it’s closer but it’s still not great. I’ll spend more time on this one this weekend. Overall it slides too much and has way too much oversteer. I can handle the 458 way better than this little car and I don’t think I added any/much engine parts. I was hoping to get a little go-kart type car.

I’ve been tinkering around with this thing from B to R class…it’s got some range. Seems to be in line with T10’s DLC leaderboard cars in that it’s got potential, but it sure is tricky!

It’s inherent handling ability is adequate for the lower classes so I’ve found you can forego tire upgrades in place of engine upgrades. I had similar downforce settings at 70 front and 200 rear, with the differential at 100% decel, all in an effort to reduce that awful lift throttle oversteer. My cambers were closer to 2, I was getting really uneven tire heat with them any higher. I tried several combinations of ARB settings, starting with the extremes. Seems it doesn’t suit this car like it does others, though in B and A classes the effect was much less pronounced. Finally settled on font at 30 and rear at 10, again in an effort to reduce oversteer. I finally tuned it out, but it’s probably not the best method. I was getting top ~200 times with it. Not bad for me in B and A class. I’m much better at tuning and driving in S and R class where I’m now starting to break into the top 100. It’s a pain, but it handles great when you do manage to get rid of the oversteer.

Ok mate here is my first complete attempt.

Ran 1.24.311 at Road America West Alt.

Tune is not great and it took me a few laps to keep it smooth and I did have to adjust my driving to get there ie I know the tune still needs work but hopefully discussing it we can come up with a good community effort.


Swap Centrifugal S/C

Race - Air, Exhaust, Valves, Block, Piston, Supercharger

Sport - Fuel

Race - All Platform and Handling

Street Transmission and driveline

Race Diff

Race Compound, Max width front and rear

Tenzo RS-5

Rim size up 1 - front 235/40R16 / rear 255/35R17

Race Aero

Tyre pressure 29.0 / 28.5
Camber -2.2 / -2.0
Toe 0 / -0.2
Caster 7.0
ARB 14/12
Springs 350/319
Height 5.0/5.1
Rebound 7.5 / 10
Bump 2.5 / 1.5
Aero 90 / 180
Brakes 47% / 110%
Diff 5 / 65

Most advice I can give on Elise 99 in A class is crank the down force due to the cars crazy acceleration in mid corner which helps reduce wheel spin. This car is faster then mostly any car including AWD cars 0-60 and 0-100 so don’t focus on top end, this is strictly a sprint car and turns better then most F50’s out there believe me. I have over 7 top 100’s in this beastly little car that most write off due to them being frustrated at failing to tame it. I drive it with a controller and no assists, NONE. I had to leave a comment to let you know its possible. All said, its a bare bones true drivers car and will never be as easy to drive as an F50 or those other LB cars but you can leave them in the dust, its all up to you.

Take the front aero off. I have one in S class that is a beast with no front aero part. If I don’t have it shared, I will put it up later.

I edited this post because I was completely wrong about the car under discussion.

I’m not sure if any of this will help you since it’s a B class build but I just finished a tune based off of Fat Burns’ build and tune but with alignment based on my old FM4 tunes with some changes, and bump values taken from your suggestions. I don’t know yet if it’s fast but it’s much more easy to handle provided you are smooth with your inputs and don’t downshift multiple gears too fast. With more power and tire, it might be some small steps away from an A class tune. By the way, this was set up on controller with sim steering and ABS. I should also note that this was set up on Prague Full as I do most of my test driving there. I’ve also taken it on Laguna Seca and it seemed fine. No lap times to give as of yet because I just got things stable this morning.

Aspiration Conversion: Centrifugal Supercharger
Aero: Forza front bumper rear wing
Tires: F185/55R15 R245/40R16
Rims: left as Stock
Drivetrain: Sport Driveline, Race Differential, Street Clutch
Platform and Handling: Race Brakes, Race Springs, Race F/R Anti-Roll Bars, and Race Weight Reduction
Engine: Sport Ignition, Sport Centrifugal Supercharger

Tires F29.5 R29.5
Alignment Camber F-2.0 R-2.4 Toe F 0.2 R-0.4 Caster 5.8
Anti-roll bars F18.31 R14.31
Springs F251.9 R319.9 Ride height F5.0 R5.0
Damping rebound F8.2 R10.2 Bump F2.8 R2.5
Aero F 99 R 184
Brake balance 55% force 90%
Diff ACC 35% DEC 60%