Fast and Furious Reward Help!

I bought the F&F DLC to get the 500 Forza Reward Points but all i get are the Points for Gamerscore. Will they show up after some time ( I waited 4 days already) or do I have to cantact support?

I have the same problem. Gamerscore works but nothing else and i have all roads, cars, boards etc. (not sure about perfect passes though)

I have all the achievements and 1000 gamerscore yet the rewards say I only have 970 points . Any ideas on how to fix this glitch

It takes less time for the Rewards program to update your achievments than it takes to upload your stats such as roads, cars, boards, simply because it is not showing up directly on your profile. Give it time and it will come eventually.

Hold on. 970 points? But the Fast & Furious Expansion only gives you 500 points as a maximum. And checking your profile, you have all the achievments, giving you 1 000 Gamerscore points. What is the problem?

Actually, a lot of people are having this issue. Myself included. The rewards tracker is simply broken right now and half working. It’s been given all kinds of time and I’m honestly losing hope.

Mine has not updated since I last played 2 weeks ago, as the rewards only shows the gamerscore points and nothing else (no boards, no cars, etc.). I played it today just to see if it would “bump” the rewards … I’d be appreciative of any other suggestions for things I can do on my end to get the rewards points properly updated.

Then I can consider myself lucky, because all of my Rewards are updating in a few minutes; I have noticed, although, that when you show offline constantly, even when you are playing, it will not update (at least for me).

Been playing all of the Forzas recently and the rewards program is slow to update on the site

some items even update in different orders but eventually everything will update so just be patient

Hi i am also having problems with rewards showing etc, has anyone heard from turn 10 as to if they are going to fix this glitch.

sorry I Have 494 points with the points that are missing being an achievement worth 30 points, in the details screen it shows I have 970 out of the 1000 gamer score. I have all of the achievements unlocked but the points still dont show for the last achievement to give me the full 500 points.

Did it work now?

I would like to precise, occasionnally, the Forza servers are slow and your Reward points might not show up immediatly. While it could take for some a week, others would wait a few days, rarely a few hours (like me).

Only the older games are slow to update for me. Horizon back.

Same for me, Ive completed the tasks 100% but Im only at 460 score. Unlocked it 2 months ago!

I’m having this issue as well. Forza Rewards only registers that I have 960G in the F&F game, but I’ve had 1000G since March 27th. It’s now 5 months later and the issue persists, so I don’t think it’s a matter of “being patient”. My Xbox console,, and all register that I have 1000G, so it’s just the Forza Rewards system that’s not working properly.

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I may have a variant of this problem. Most of my FH2 F&F Forza points updated within a day, but the map displayed locations for only 17 of the 20 boards. Even though I’ve broken them all, I haven’t received Forza points for the last 3 boards.

SUCCESS! Read in another thread to go back and complete anything (rerun an event, set off a speed trap, etc) that would normally update to FH2 F&F server; this would update ALL FH2 F&F scores. Tried this tonight and board score was correctly updated within an hour.

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I know I am reviving an old thread, but I just bought both of the F&F car packs, does this activate the stuff I need? It didn’t show any extra events or what not and not sure how to start racking up the points.

Unfortunately, no. The car packs do not provide the possibility of adding Forza reward points. Only the standalone FH2 presents Fast & Furious does that (and only the Xbox One version, not the 360 which catches some out.)