I have a fanatec csw v2, Xbox one hub with the sq shifter. Whenever I start a race the car is in the gear I finished the last race in.
So if I was in 5th gear the next race will start in 5th gear. I have to put it into 1st gear then restart the race every time I start a race.
This only happens in sequential mode, H pattern works fine.
This also happens when I rewind, if I down shift for a corner then rewind back down a straight it will be in the gear I down shifted to.
So if I went back to 2nd gear after rewind it will be in 2nd gear when it should be in say 4th, 5th or whatever. The car will just lockup and spin out as it’s just gone from 5th to 2nd.
Apart from this the wheel works fine ffb is real good after a few tweeks on the wheel settings.
I have tried uninstalling the game and reinstalling, just I case something went wrong when it installed.
Can anyone help or is this a bug. I searched this site, but couldn’t fine anything about this.
I think this is simply a mechanical problem. When you set the shifter to sequential mode, it does the same as if you were shifting the gears one by one in H-Pattern.
Maybe you should ask Fanatgec about this issue. Their support is really good.
I have the same problems as OP and also in FM (all FM titles on XBO). On Project Cars on XBO is all working fine, also on PC in every game. I´m allready in contact with support but have found out it today, that its always the last gear from last race so I will inform them about this new conclusion. And I´m “happy” that I´m not the only one with that problem.
Yes it is good that it’s not just me. I have only tried it on a really old PC game, as my PC won’t run the newer games.
I tried it with gt5/6 on PS3 it works fine, pcars on ps4 it works fine.
So maybe it’s a firmware or ms driver problem or even like the second post said a mechanical problem.
I have also sent fanatec an email explaining the problem, hopefully they can sort it out.
The paddle shifters work ok, but if you swap from paddle to sequential it also remembers the last gear.
I just want to check with you, your only have this problem with forza on xb1.
All other games are ok on PC, ps4 and PS3 ?
Fanatec want me to take a video of it, I will sort that out and send it to them.
Hopefully they can sort it out, but it’s looking more like a turn 10 problem as it’s only happening on forza 5/6.
Would be good if it could be at least acknowledge on here. Going from most of the post on here it’s more like a place to complain than get help.
It seems only members answer anything, which is good that others take the time to help out where they can.
Would be even better if turn 10 devs could do the same. It’s like we have your money who cares.
I tried sending an email but I’m sure it either fell on deaf ears or got buried in all the other complaints.
I have this issue as well with my fanatec club sport shifter. Works fine in H-pattern mode, but in sequential mode it seems to remember your last race and starts you in that gear. I can’t confirm this, but I think if you are just in the menus and click the shifter it registers those inputs as well, there’s been plenty of times where I’ve just been messing around with the shifter while waiting for a loading screen or something and then find myself starting the race in reverse. So frustrating.
Just simply putting the tach and gear indicator on the screen during the countdown would be a TREMENDOUS help, at least then I stand a chance of getting it to the correct gear before the start.
I have the H pattern shifter and it does the same thing. It always starts in the gear the shifter is actually in. I usually don’t run with the shifter ( only when I just want to drive and not throw down super fast times ) I just leave it in first gear all the time until I need to change it
hey there, no thats a different thing you are facing. if you leave your shifter in 1st gear or any other no wonder that the game puts you in that gear. we´re having troubles with sequential shifting but thanks for your input
ok, with MrPink110 we have another confirmation of our problems
Zeuzor, hi there.
I was not saying that I had a problem, sorry I didn’t explain it better but I was at work and had to be quick. With the H pattern it will start in whatever gear you are already in even it it is set to just manual ( if it is in 6th gear on the shifter it will start in 6th gear same goes for Neutral and Reverse. I had the early release and it took a few restarts to figure why it was always starting in Neutral for me. The race would start but not let me put it in gear till after it started and was rear ended a few times. I was in manual using paddle shifters so I didn’t realize the shifter determined the starting gear even if I was not using it. I merely posted this just in case this was the issue but it wasn’t. Just trying to help someone or many out. I hope you find a fix for this as that’s not proper.
Dan, do you have a sequential shifter you can try ? The problem where having is with th sq Clubsport shifter, but it would be good to know if it happens with the separate sequential shift to. Thanks for your input though you have helped me out, I just leave my shifter in neutral and it always starts in neutral when using the paddle shifters and also get rear ended every time. I will leave it in first from now on.
If anyone else has this problem please post here so we can try to get it sorted out… As Zeuzor has said its not going to be a priority if it’s only 3 of us having the issue.
Thanks to everyone for there input it’s much appreciated.
Sorry it took so long to respond, I hadn’t read that thread in a few days, 5 or 6 maybe?? Anyway I unfortunately don’t have that shifter. I saw that they offered one that had both options with pulling a lever. One way it’s H pattern pull lever and its Sequential and only 50 dollars more. Saw that as my shifter was on its way already. Bummer
yes, only on xb1 and on all forza games (forza 5, forza 6, forza horizon 2 and this fast&furios addon). on xb1 it works on project cars
on pc project cars also runs fine, and RaceRoom, Life for Speed, Race07 etc are all working well with my csw v2 and css sq shifter. i dont own a ps
all problems you described (with paddles all is ok, when you change to sequential shifting you start the next race in the gear with was in when you crossed the finish line from the last race. if you rewind your not in the gear where you have been at the time the race mistake happen. most of the time the engine “explodes” if you drive without cosmic damage, due to that low gear you are set after rewind.
h-shift all works well
i tried all possible solutions (using the long and the short cable from shifter to the base in different ports (but it should be in port “Shifter1” as you know from the manual), firmware update, driver update. nothing helps
hope t10 can sort that out. fanatec support told me they will inform MS and T10. But if we 2 are the only ones with that problems, i dont have high hopes
thanks and please keep me up to date here. I also sent them an extra mail with a link to this thread that I´m not the only one, and I will also post here any news I get
Hi guys. I have just set up my csr v2 with Sq shifter. In forza 6 the h pattern is not recognised at all but sequential and paddles work fine. I have calibrated the h pattern but still doesn’t work!
Hi guys. I contacted fanatec who told me the h pattern only works on a few manual cars at the moment as they are waiting for an update from turn 10?? Is this true??? I have calibrated it but no manual car I have tried works! Only the sequential works
I have used mine on several cars with no problems but I may have just got very lucky. I guess I’m not much help As I don’t know if there are cars that do t work. I can say I have not found any in the 20 or so that I have driven in.
I don’t have a problem with the sq shifter in H pattern, every car I have used works fine. My problem is just with sequential shift remembering the last gear it was in.
Have you checked your shifter is working properly on a PC with the fanatec driver ? Might be worth trying if you haven’t already.
Make sure you have the latest firmware for your wheel installed to.