Fanatec Csw v2.5 settings

Hi guys.

I’m after some advice on the best setting for the fanatec v2.5. I want it as realistic as possible. I always have all assists off.

One thing in particular. On my old cswv2 force feedback had an auto option which allowed the game to determine the feedback. The new v2.5 doesn’t have this! Should I keep it at 100?



here’s my setting.

Sen - 540
FFB - 100
SHO - off
ABS - 68
DRi - off
For - 100
DPR -0
SPR -0

All dead zones should be 0 and 100.
Vib scale -40
FF Scale -40
Steering Sens -100
Linearity - 50
FF understeer -5
FF Minimum force - 80
Center -0
Damper - 0

I found a setup ,i think is notre the best but is payable i play on pc ,my wheel is on pc Mode ,

Sen 900
FF 60
Sho off
Abs off
Drift off but i test now 1 or -1
For 60
Spr 50
Dpr 50
Brf 50
Fei 100

FH4 setting

All on 5-95 ,handbrake 0-95 and steering 0-100
The 2 Steering option 50
Feedback 90
Vibration 0
Damping and spring 50
Min feedback 100 and feedback on turn 50

Sorry for my english :-\